10- Piece by piece

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Joshua propped himself on the sofa as soon as he was alone, feeling exhausted and furious.

Why did I have to go through with that contract? Why the hell is kier still out there? He thought.

He wanted her out of his territory as soon as possible. His reasons for all these emotions building up were foreign to him as well. What more could anyone find about him when he's not sure himself?

Like always, his hand glued itself to his chest. He felt suffocated, his core felt constricted and there was no definite emotion he was feeling. His head was going to explode, and it was just getting worse with each passing second.

Without a second thought, Joshua grabbed his pills for dear life and swallowed a few to escape from this agony.

His vulnerability right now was beyond his imagination as his hands started shaking. The pills were still not kicking in.

He took a deep breath and leaned backward, waiting earnestly for his condition to get better.

Hearing the door open and kier stepping in, Joshua kept his reddened eyes shut.

Kier ran to his side in the next moment.

"I'm fine kier," he exhaled.

"You've been feeling like this a lot lately, we should go see a doctor," kier suggested for the millionth time in the past few months.

"I don't need to go,"

Joshua would never want to accept that he was slowly going crazy. He wanted to feel fine and unapproachable, and that's all he cared about. It took him ages to let kier into the barrier he built around himself. He wasn't hungry for wealth anymore yet he still questioned his choices every once in a while. He, however, didn't want to give what he had away.

"Are you sure you're okay with this coverage?" kier's question rang an alarm in his ear.

Was he really okay with it? Of course, he wasn't.

He shook his head slightly. He had been way honest with kier to tell him otherwise.

"You can still stop right here,"

"I never go back on my word kier, you know that,"

Joshua's decision was final, and changing his mind was a challenging task.

"Why did you do it?" kier peered into Joshua's hooded eyes and tried looking through him.

"I don't know," Joshua replied.

"I did it on a whim."

"- Or perhaps something made me do it," with that being said, Joshua wanted to give some rest to his brain cells for a bit, without thinking about anything at all.

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