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"Robi!" Lucy yelled as she excitedly ran toward her friend, jumping on him.

"Lulu! You're crushing me!" Robin complained as his friend trapped him in an embrace. 

"Don't be mean! I just missed you." Lucy smiled at the long-haired boy.

"Well, I didn't miss you!" 

Her smile dropped quickly, "Never mind I didn't miss you." She rolled her eyes as she started to walk away from the boy but she stopped and waited for him to catch up to her, "You were joking right? You missed me?" 

"Yes, I was joking. Geez, ever heard of sarcasm?" Robin laughed as Lucinda stuck out her tongue in a childish manner.

The two continued to walk to school together, forming a new conversation every few steps

"Hey, snitch!" The voice became behind the two, a bigger guy from school. Moose. He was walking toward Lucy.

"Who the fuck is he talking to?" Robin asked looking back at Lucy.

"Me." Lucy grabbed Robin's handing wanting to drag him away from the taller kid.

"Why's he calling you a snitch?" 

"Because he was being a creep during class last week. Looked up the girl's skirts. I caught him trying to look up mine and I told Mr. Smith. Smith gave him detention after school. I've tried avoiding him all weekend." Lucy quickly explained speeding up her pace

"That's not your fault. That's his fault for being a creep. He got what he deserves. If he wants to talk shit about you he can learn the hard way how to keep his mouth shut." Robin said coming to a halt.

"No, come on Robi let's just go. He's bigger than you." Lucy pleaded, looking back at the boy they were talking about quickly approaching them. 

"Stop hiding behind your boyfriend you little bitch!" Moose yelled at Lucy as he neared.

"Why don't you leave her alone and mind your fucking business?"

"Robi no," Lucy pleaded but he ignored her.

Robin stood in front of Lucinda as Moose stood before Robin. 

"Why don't you just let me talk to her." Moose wore a smirk as if this was a joke.

"Why don't you fuck off!" Robin snapped. A few students watching the encounter 'oohed' 

People started to gather around chanting 'fight' They formed a circle around the two as Lucy was pushed back into the circle of students. 

"You think you're so tough, huh?" Moose spat at Robin.

"Let's find out." Robin teased as Lucy saw Finney and Gwen approach the scene. 

Lucinda walked toward Finney in the crowd as he pushed his way through the crowd. "Finney."

"Lucy! What's going on here?" Finney asked pointing to Robin and Moose.

"Just Robi being Robi." Lucy sigh secretly happy that he was standing up for her. 

"I will pound you like a nail you scrawny little beaner!" Moose yelled at Robin. Lucy's head turned as she gasped at the offensive term. 

"Fuck him up Robi!" Lucy started to cheer.

"Then do it!" Robin invited keeping a calm manner. Moose took in a deep breath, about to walk away, before Robin added, "Unless you're scared."

Suddenly Moose swung at Robin, but the smaller boy ducked before Moose's fist could collide with his face. As Moose was recovering from his missed hit Robin scooped up his bag and slammed it into the taller boy's gut, making Moose roll forward to hold his stomach, leaving his face low and vulnerable. Robin took this opportunity to swing his leg up to kick his face sending Moose back into a pole. Moose grabbed onto the pole. Fist clenching as he turned around attempting another swing hit, but Robin blocked his fist and punched him in the gut with his free hand. 

"Get him, Robin!" Gwen cheered. 

Robin had Moose in a headlock. Moose's body flailed as he tried to get his head unstuck. Robin grabbed Moose's arm and flipped him but made sure his head was still in that headlock as his body was bent over Robin. Robin let him struggle before throwing him down to the dirt. The onlookers groaned as Moose's body hit the ground. 

Robin crawled on top of the boy. Raised his fist back. Then released his first punch on Moose's face. People gasped as Robin raised his fist to hit him again. Pow! Again, again, again, again, again, again, and again. Robin kept punching Moose's face drawing blood from his nose and mouth.

Finney had pulled Gwen away at this point but Lucy couldn't turn her head. Watching Robin fight was a constant thing, but he's never fought for her before. The knowledge he could become this way because of her ignited something in her. The way his face twisted with anger as he kept hitting the boy made her feel a certain way. 

'I like Robin' she suddenly thought. 

Before she could process this realization the fight was over. Robin let go of Moose's collar and pushed his head into the dirt as he got up, knuckles bloody, he walked toward Lucy. He grabbed her arm with his cleaner hand and pulled her aside as people started to walk away.

"If he so much as looks at you again let me know." Robin nodded looking into her eyes. But she was distracted by his lips. When he pulled her aside he pulled her close to him. 

Snapping out of her trance she realized she hadn't responded. Lucy quickly nodded and pulled his hand into hers. "Aye Robi. Mira tus manos..." She clicked her tongue as she examined his bloody knuckles.

"They'll heal. It was worth it." Robin looked up into her eyes. Lucy's heart stopped at the serious moment. Or so she thought, "Anything is worth it for my novia." Lucy rolled her eyes but didn't object.

Without her knowledge, Robin looked at her and smiled. This was her first time not objecting to the idea of them. The thought made him smile. 

She continued to hold or 'examine' his hand as they walked each unaware of the other's true feelings. They walked past the scene of the fight with no knowledge of the black van that had stopped at the sign behind them.

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