Picture of Perfection

801 11 1

Eddie Munson x Reader
Request: Cuddling Eddie on a cold morning. Tooth rotting fluff and a cat...? The rest is up to you
Warnings: cuddling, kissing
WC: 1.3k

Originally posted at https://thisismynerdyself.tumblr.com/post/688895924170309632/picture-of-perfection

It was right at that moment when the early morning sun peeks around the corner of the window frame, the tiniest sliver of golden morning shining through the blinds. The sun did little to warm the chilled air that had settled in the bedroom overnight. The occupants of the bed remained wrapped tight under the blankets, oblivious yet to the rude awakening the cold would give them.
You had slept through the night without a hitch, no wonder when you have the peace of knowing the man you love is asleep beside you. It's just you and him without a care in the world.
As your awareness slowly returns to you and you begin to open your eyes, you're surprised to find muffled darkness continuing to cloud your vision - the morning light slipping past the hairs pressed to your face. You moan quietly and laugh to yourself at your cat's uncanny ability to find the most awkward of places to lay. "Move, you little mongrel." You reach up to push your feline family member off of your head and stop abruptly.
It wasn't fuzzy ears or paws that you found, but the undeniable feeling of skin, the telltale shape of a nose and the soft brush of eyelashes as you skim your hand over the surface of whatever it was that had nearly smothered you in the night. "Ugh, Eddie," you whisper to your partner, whose head, you discovered, was using your own head as a pillow. His hair cascaded over your face and onto your neck, now becoming acutely aware of a tickling sensation that soon would be cause for squirming.
Slipping your hands gently between your heads, you lift up and slide Eddie over to lay on the actual pillow beside you. You lean up enough to sneak a glimpse of him, still fast asleep and worry-free. But as you sit up even that little bit, your shoulder meets the bitter cold of the air-conditioned room and you immediately sink back down to soak up the warmth trapped beneath the sheets.
With one tiny peek at Eddie beside you, you slide your way over until your head meets his shoulder, and your hands seek blindly beneath the blanket for his own. You entwine your fingers together and use the connection to pull yourself ever closer to the somehow-still-slumbering man who radiates the warmest comfort you may have ever felt in your life. It was addicting, the feeling of his body heat overcoming yours and banishing the cold from your body.
You settle for a moment, ensuring Eddie is still asleep, then continue your icy escapade by snaking your leg up and letting lay in the valley between his legs, bodies now practically one as you are half on top of him. His chest rises and falls with his breathing and you move in sync, relishing in the feel of the life pumping within him.
But just as you grow sleepy again with the irresistible intoxication of everything Eddie, you feel a shift in the weight beneath you.
Eddie, as he regains consciousness, becomes aware of a pressure on his chest, he feels your hand in his and before even opening his eyes, he knows it's you pressed tightly against him. He takes his other arm and wraps it around you, holding you to him like a lifeline. He grins to himself and breathes deeply, in and out, contented and serene.
Slowly, he opens one eye, then the other, and peeks out at the prone form of you lying beside - on top of - him. The grin grows into a smile before he leans his head down to press a kiss to the top of your head. He moves as if to sit up a bit, the blanket falling in the process, but he quickly regrets his decisions and slides back down beside you. You had felt him move and anticipated his reaction, so as soon as he was back in place, you gripped him tighter, squeezing him with a promise of never letting go. He settled in and accepted this fate willingly. He nestled closer, breathing you in, and soon you were face to face, no space between your bodies and only an inch between your faces.
Eddie pecked your nose with a light kiss and you crinkled at his gentleness. And for the next few minutes, it was quiet and peaceful, and you shared kiss after kiss, lips dancing with small yet passion-backed movements. It was a slow morning with tender touches and you couldn't imagine waking up any other way.
As your lips grazed Eddie's, you felt him hum against them and knew it was a telltale sign of his bliss. Then his lips parted ever so slightly and he deepened the kiss, slowly and gently but with no ambiguity of emotion. Eddie brought his hands to either side of your face and held you to him, letting the warmth of his palms further envelop you in safety while your lips remained locked.
You let your own fingers twist and tangle through the locks of hair cascading over Eddie's neck. You loved the feel of him woven through your fingers and let them dance a bit before gently tugging on a few strands and evoking another hum from Eddie's throat. He tackled your lips with a sudden burst of ferocity and you smiled into it, reveling in every single microsecond of touch exchanged between you. And you lost track of time how long you had been entangled together, limb's unidentifiable from one another and lungs moving toward breathlessness.
But as the morning developed further and the sun soon filled the window with the now-warm rays, Eddie made the decision to extricate himself from the tangle of limbs the pair of you had become, and he slid his legs out to begin to stand. You made a whining sound to express your disappointment, and Eddie just shook his head and chuckled. You were so beautiful in the morning, you in your natural state. You were even more adorable when you threw your hands out and grabbed at him, trying to pull him back to you.
But he simply stood up and told you he would be back in a few minutes. You heard him go into the bathroom and couldn't argue his bodily needs, so you lay there, thinking back to the feel of his hands on your body and your breath mixing as you spent the morning lazily reclined in bed.
In accordance with his promise, after a few minutes Eddie returned with a few items in his hands. His shirtless torso was mesmerizing in the early sunlight, casting a golden glow over him and his sleep-tousled hair. He stepped close to the bed and pressed his hands down next to you to support his weight while he leaned down to press one more kiss to your pouting lips. Then he asked you to sit up before handing you a cup of coffee just how you like it, and joined you back in bed. He had made you coffee plenty of times, but on this day, it was piping hot and quite possibly was the best coffee you had tasted.
Snuggling back in against his chest, the two of you propped against the headboard, heat now surging down your throat and warming you down to your toes, you felt, again, the most calming sense of peace wash over you.
Then you felt a tiny weight on your feet and looked down to see that your cat had finally joined the party. He snuggled at your feet, warming them further, and you could feel the gentle vibrations of his purring through the blanket. Eddie was not content with this, however, so he scooped the cat up and brought it up to your laps at the top of the bed. The purring never stopped while he continued petting the little animal with one hand, the other arm wrapped over your shoulder, enticing you to lean into him. And that was it. The picture of perfection.

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