Epic Love

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Eddie Munson x fem!Reader (she/her)
Request: eddie has a crush on the reader and the reader gives him their number and dustin or someone finds out and tells him about billy being her "epic love" before he ya know. kinda angsty but with a little fluff lol
WC: 3.3k (oops I ran with this a lot)
Warnings: mentions of Billy's death, grief/loss, little bit of eating at the end
Note: I hope this is what the request was asking for 💕 I like where this ended up going even though it was much longer than I anticipated. As always, feedback is ALWAYS welcome here, i love yall 💕
originally posted at https://thisismynerdyself.tumblr.com/post/688443960189943808/epic-love

Y/n was an enigma. She was mystery and intrigue and Eddie Munson just had to find out more. He was ecstatic when she approached him after school, and only slightly dismayed that it was to tell him that his pants had ripped on his way out. He was a nobody and she was... well, she was somebody. In truth, he didn't actually know very much about her, just that people knew her, people liked her. And so did he. She treated him better than most, even if their interactions were limited to passing in the hallway or her explaining the homework assignment because he just plain didn't listen in class. She looked at him like he was a human, which was more than he could say of some others in school. So yeah, he liked her.
"Hey, Eddie, wait up!" Y/n called from behind him one sunny Friday at the end of the day.
Eddie turned around and couldn't fight the smile that grew with each step she took closer to him. But past experiences flashed in his mind and he quickly bent over to check his jeans - "shit, there's not another hole is there?" He asked aloud. Y/n laughed at him turning in a full circle like a dog chasing its tail.
"No, no you're good. No holes today." She stopped about a foot away, eyes reflecting the golden rays of the beginning sunset. "Didn't mean to scare you, I promise I'll tell you if it happens again though." He heaved a huge sigh of relief and stood back up to face her. "Actually, I, um. I wanted to give you this." She extended her hand and a small slip of paper was held out to him. Confused but not wanting to be rude, he took the paper and unfolded it. A series of digits were scribbled in the center. "It's my phone number, in case you ever, I don't know, wanted to use it." She could feel the heat rushing to her face and turned to go before she said something she would regret. "Anyway, I'll see you on Monday." And before Eddie could fully comprehend what had just happened, she was gone.
Eddie stood in place, practically in the middle of the school parking lot, hand holding the unfolded slice of paper, until Dustin and Mike found him staring into space.
"Earth to Eddie, what's wrong with you, man?" Mike asked, waving his hand in front of his friend's face.
Dustin, not waiting for Eddie to come back to reality, snatched the paper from his hands and his jaw dropped at the contents. "Dude, is this a girl's phone number?"
"Let me see that." Mike grabbed Dustin's hand and pulled the page closer. "Oh my god, it is. Whose number is this? Eddie? Who gave you this?" The boys exchanged confused glances at the lack of response.
Dustin grabbed Eddie by the shoulders and shook him. "Eddie, wake up!"
"Huh? What's going on?" He looked between Dustin and Mike, spotting the paper in Dustin's hand. "Give me that." He grabbed it and tucked it safely in his pocket. Then he wasted no time in walking briskly to his van and yanking the door open.
"Hellooo, are you just not gonna tell us how you got a girl's number?"
"Or who the hell it belongs to?"
"That, my tiny friends, is for me to know and you to probably never find out." Eddie hopped into his driver's seat and reached out to close the door, but found two bodies standing in the way.
"Bullshit, Eddie. You're gonna tell us. You have to. Or else I'll just call the number myself and find out. I memorized it." Dustin stared him down, unwavering.
"You wouldn't..."
"I. would."
"Jesus guys, you're killin me. Fine, get in." He motioned for them to climb into his van and he drove them to his trailer, actively avoiding that conversation until they were safely inside his home.
Once inside, he cracked open a beer and paced the room, fingers absentmindedly playing with the paper in his pocket as he geared himself up for the big reveal.
"Enough already, just tell us. Who is she?" Mike was getting impatient, about to give up altogether.
"Y/n Y/l/n."
A silence fell over the room. Eddie, for a moment, wondered if he had actually said anything at all. Dustin looked at Mike, Mike looked at Dustin. They both looked at Eddie.
"Why are you guys looking at me like that? What's wrong with her?" Eddie was beginning to panic. What had he gotten himself into? She seemed like a normal girl, polite, a little mysterious, but overall nice.
"Nothing's wrong with her, it's just... didn't you know about her and Billy last year?" Mike asked this as if it was the most well-known thing in the world. But Eddie didn't associate with Billy Hargrove, he had no reason and no desire to. He heard what had happened to Billy - dying in a fire sounds like a tough way to go - but that's the most he knew.
"You better sit down, Eddie." Dustin guided his friend to the sofa and shoved him down, beer sloshing out of the top of the can. He cleared his throat. "Y/n and Billy, they were... an item. More than an item, they were THE item. Like Steve and Nancy."
"They were in love, like crazy in love." Mike added on.
"Like this epic love, that-"
"Okay, I get it. Love. But what's so bad about that?" Eddie failed to see the correlation between a previous relationship and him getting a girl's number for the first time in like, a very long time.
"Epic love, Eddie. And she-" Dustin paused, seeking Mike's support. He nodded. "She watched him die."
Eddie, mid sip, spit out his drink at this. "She what? She was in the mall when it was on fire?" He pulled his shirt up to wipe the beer from his chin.
Fully engrossed in the tale, Eddie leaned in and listened as Dustin and Mike took turns spelling out the partial truth of that night. That rather than a fire, there was a vicious animal let loose in the mall that had devoured Billy in front of his then-girlfriend. She watched as the life drained out of him and held his body as the warmth fled. She was a wreck for weeks, refusing to see anyone but Max who could only sort of relate to her grief.
Y/n went from epic love to epic heartbreak and everyone walked on eggshells around her. She was once bold and confident to match Billy's arrogance and keep him somewhat in check - though it rarely worked. Now she clutched her books tightly to her chest as a shield, she spent her nights at home alone, her other friends rarely saw her. Sometimes she would let Robin or Steve, Nancy or Jonathan, or one of the kids in to visit her, to keep her company. It was hard knowing the death of a loved one was kept secret from the rest of the world - no one could know the heroic decisions he made in his final moments.
As they told their story, the boys glossed over a few details, sparing Eddie from the mess that ran much deeper than any of them could ever truly know. He would find out in due time. For now, he was learning all he needed. Y/n was in love and that love was taken from her.
"So I guess we're just a little surprised, is all. You know, that she gave you her number when there's been so much happening." Mike shrugged, trying to convey their concern for their friends.
Eddie thought long and hard, his gaze downcast as he replayed everything they had told him. "I mean, it has been like eight months, right? Maybe she knows what's best for herself?" Maybe he was just trying to convince himself that this wasn't a trick of fate, to tease him with someone who might be interested in him, just to find out she's still in love with her dead ex. Talk about messy.
Mike and Dustin finally realize the time and head home, leaving Eddie alone with his thoughts and a tiny slip of paper.
Eddie paced, he drank, he paced some more, he walked outside and back in only to find that fresh air did little to clear his mind.
Until it hit him.
He was tired of running from the unknown, from letting fear dictate his decisions. Before he could let his brain tell him otherwise, he picked up the phone off the wall and dialed the number that by now was fully ingrained in his memory. He listened as it rang once, twice. Then a voice on the other end echoed over the line. "Hello?" He had been so worried about whether or not to call that he forgot what he was going to say to her. He froze. "Eddie? Is that you?" She asked into the phone, afraid for the answer but hopeful that she was right.
"Uhhh, yeah. Yeah, it's me, Eddie. Yep." He smacked his face with his hand, embarrassed at himself. Then he smacked himself again for the silence he let hang over the line. "Uh, Y/n. Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a bite to eat tonight? I can pick you up in like an hour? Sorry it's last minute, so if you don't want to, I totally-"
"I'd like that. Thanks for calling, Eddie."
"Great, yeah, okay I'll see you in an hour. Bye." With a click, Eddie slung the phone back into place and only then realized what he had just done. He had a date.
Eddie was a bit out of practice when it came to going on dates. In recent years he hadn't been quite as popular with the ladies as one might expect. But he did his best to tame his mane and he put on clean clothes - a different t-shirt with his leather jacket over top. Perfect.
Then when the time came, he drove to Y/n's house, walked to her door, and rang the doorbell. He kicked at the baseboard of the small porch area, distracting himself from what was sure to be a night full of embarrassing himself.
But then Y/n opened the door. She looked perfect. Well, she looked exactly like she did every other day, but her eyes looked more happy than their usual sad. She looked eager to go out rather than stay in.
The truth was, she was ready to make memories again. She had grieved for months over a love lost, but in the meantime, she lost more of herself with each passing day. Billy loved her and practically worshipped the ground she walked on. If he saw the way she carried herself those first few months, he would have rolled over in his grave.
She wasn't sure when exactly it had happened, her really noticing Eddie Munson. Sure, they had interacted a few times, but to give him her number? That was not like her, not at all. Not anymore, at least. Before Billy, she would have pasted her number on the walls, but now, she was reserved. She was afraid of losing someone else. But she couldn't let that stop her from at least enjoying the life she was living.
When she opened the door to find Eddie waiting on the other side, she was genuinely happy. He wasn't like other guys, he was undeniably himself. Something that was unfortunately pretty tough to come by these days.
Was he Billy? Not even close. But that's part of what drew her in. She wasn't looking to replace Billy in her memory, she was ready to make something new with someone new. And she wasn't blind to Billy's shortcomings - she knew he had a temper and she scolded him on his demeanor around others on plenty of occasions. But she knew he needed love and she had plenty to give. His flaws were what made him human.
Y/n had heard before that breaking the awkward ice is sometimes the hardest part of meeting new people... Well, she had broken that ice pretty quickly when he ripped his pants and she was the only one decent enough to tell him rather than laugh behind his back. So maybe this night wouldn't be so bad.
Eddie escorted her to his van, then drove the two of them to a diner. They sat in the back corner, Eddie was sure she wouldn't really want to be seen with him. She, on the other hand, thought he didn't want to be seen with her. She knew how she was perceived after the incident. She was the pathetic girlfriend left behind to grieve. And grieve, she did. Schoolmates avoided her gaze, scrambled out of her way and treated her like she were shattered glass - delicate and capable of puncturing anyone who came near.
When they finally had their meals, and after exchanging lighthearted pleasantries to get to know each other, Eddie finally plucked up the courage to ask what was really on his mind. "Y/n, I have to ask, why me? And why now? I know about- uh, I just know you've been through a lot." He looked down at his plate, picked up a fry and shoved it in his mouth to shut himself up.
Y/n looked nervous, like she knew this was coming, but still couldn't figure out how to navigate it all. She cleared her throat and wiped at her mouth with her napkin. "I realize this was kind of out of the blue. The truth is, since Bil- last summer, it hasn't been easy to get on with my life." She paused, her eyes downcast. Eddie was furious at himself for bringing it up. But he had a right to protect his own feelings, right? Y/n continued, quietly. "I like you, Eddie. What I know about you, at least. Most people walk on eggshells around me, they're afraid I'll break if they say the wrong thing. And for a while, that might have been true, but not anymore. You, though," she lifted her chin and looked right at Eddie, who had found himself watching her every movement while she spoke, "you treat me like nothing happened. You treat me like I'm, I don't know, normal."
"That's exactly how I feel, too." It slipped out before Eddie could catch it, but the effect it had was worth it. Y/n's eyes glinted with a relief Eddie was all too familiar with. "I mean, most people treat me like a freak, a weirdo. But you just go on like I'm just like anyone else."
"I guess I know how it feels now. You know, to be isolated." Y/n could feel the confidence growing within her, making this encounter that much better. "I don't know what you've heard, but I do appreciate you giving me a call, Eddie. Really, I do. I don't get out much these days. The others, they do their best, but they all- well they know too much, they're too close to it all."
"I, uh, I have to be honest with you, though." Eddie coughed into his napkin before setting it down. The half-eaten burger pushed to the side. "Henderson and Wheeler, they told me what happened to Billy. They, uh, told me you were there when he was attacked."
Y/n's mouth gaped, disbelief clear as day. "They told you?" She asked quietly.
He nodded apologetically.
"And you still think we're all sane? You must be even nicer than I thought." She lifted her glass to clear her throat. "The mind flayer was beyond anything we could have imagined. And it made him do some terrible things. But in the end, Billy died saving us that night. I know it wasn't in vain." She told the tale with her eyes closed, so she missed the confusion that flashed across Eddie's face. She missed the way he looked around the room as if he had missed some vital piece of information.
When Y/n did look up to register Eddie's expression, she sucked in a breath and worried that she had said something wrong - something that would scare him off. But instead, Eddie offered his own clarifying questions. "Um, can we just back up a minute. Did you say a mind flayer? And what did it- it made him do something? That's not possible." His eyebrows scrunched and he shook his head as if it might make things appear clearer. He knew all about the mind flayer's legend, but it was all a game, all fake.
"Shit." Was all Y/n said, she covered her face with her hands. "What did the boys tell you?"
"That he was attacked by an animal that was let loose in the mall? What else happened?"
The world seemed to stop. This was not what either other had expected. It was much more than they had bargained for. But then Eddie reached forward, realizing that this was taking a toll on Y/n. He put his hand over hers which was death-gripping her fork. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I- I think I don't have the whole story. But it's okay."
"No, it's not. This is all a mess-"
"Y/n, I obviously don't know what you're talking about. But if you slow down... like a lot, I might be able to catch up. As long as you promise you're not shitting me, like is this some sort of sick prank or something?" He looked around anxiously to make sure no one else had taken attention to them.
Y/n shook her head vigorously, concern swimming in her eyes. "No, I swear, Eddie. What I'm going to tell you is- it's hard to believe but it's all the truth. This isn't something I would make up, I hope you can trust me."
After a brief moment of studying Y/n and the way she held herself - the quiet confidence she had, yet the subtle fear of losing the progress they had already made - Eddie nodded. But instead of sitting still and waiting for her to continue, Eddie slid himself from the diner booth and moved in to the other side, right next to Y/n. She didn't move away, she didn't squirm. She leaned in to his close proximity. She relished in the way he offered himself to her for what they both knew to be a touchy subject.
And sitting there, in the diner booth, Y/n rehashed the dreaded night in Starcourt Mall where Billy's life was forfeit to the mind flayer. Eddie listened with rapt attention and he offered what comfort he could along the way. For the first time, letting the truth flow out was exactly what Y/n needed. She could feel weight lifting with each passing minute. Of course it was impossible to move on from such tragedy when the only people allowed to know the truth are buried so deep in the mess with her, it's not healing to speak of it. But with Eddie, she could move past the trauma, past the heartache. She could relive the night and memorialize it like she should have long ago.
Her epic love had come to a horrible end. But her life hadn't. And with each truth she revealed to Eddie, she could feel her heart opening further, piece by piece. Making room for a new life and a new love.


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