Mountainside Moonlight

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Eddie Munson x Reader
warnings: none, just tooth-rotting fluff, also I didn't edit so oops
wc: 1.6k

originally posted at

"C'mon, Eddie, we're almost there." You're stopped in place, looking down the sloped landscape behind you, hands on your hips, awaiting the agonizingly slow pace your best friend has been keeping. The beginnings of the sunset peeking out behind the pine trees still ahead, time was running out. The wind rushed by, filling your nose with the most refreshing scent of foliage mixed with freshly disturbed earth.
Eddie, on the other hand, got a waft of you, drifting gently on the breeze back to him. He didn't really want to hike all the way up this godforsaken mountain, but when your puppy-dog eyes were brought out, who was he to resist? And for the sight before him, the gentle golden glow behind you radiating perfection, he would do anything. But instead of letting you in on the sickeningly sweet image of you that was now tattooed on his eyes for the rest of eternity, he shook his head and threw his hands in the air dramatically. "Just be happy-" he breathed heavily between words to emphasize his exhaustion. "-that I made it this far. Please, my- my legs feel like jello and the farther up we go the more we have to go down later." He slapped his legs back down to his sides as he finally caught up to you.
You rolled your eyes and linked your arm in his, practically pulling him along behind you. "You promised, Ed. You promised me you'd watch the sunset with me just this once and it's almost over." And that he had. He didn't regret that promise for a minute, but his legs certainly did.
He nodded quickly and pushed himself on. The two of you side by side made the journey much easier. When you crested the top of the mountain, the view was unlike anything you could have dreamed.
It was spring break. You wanted to see the world so badly, but travel just wasn't in the cards. Eddie knew that there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for you. So he found the closest mountain, found the route to get there, and made the promise that had propelled him just that last stretch until he was standing atop a mountain - a mini mountain, maybe just a really tall hill if he was being honest - looking out over a vast stretch of the world. It was enough for you.
"Oh. My. God. Look at it." You marveled at the way the light dusted over everything in the distance. Taking a few steps forward, you let the sunset wash over you like a warm shower.
For once, Eddie was speechless. He noticed the way your skin glistened in the light, the way your eyes glinted with that magical beam. He swallowed those thoughts and moved up next to you. "I told you I'd get you to see the world." You absolutely beamed, turning your head to look right at Eddie. Then you stepped close, and leaned your head on his shoulder. It was something you had done a million times over, but up here, it felt special.
After a few minutes, the light began to fade, so Eddie remembered the bag on his back and shuffled backward to drop it to the ground. He squatted down next to it to dig out a few of its contents. You glanced behind you to look at the mess he was making, but only tore your eyes away from the view for a moment.
Eddie continued his preparations. He grabbed the blanket and unrolled it until it lay flat. Then he dragged it over to where you stood, the other side of the precipice just feet away - perfect to sit and still see everything. Then he cracked open two beers, handing one to you just before you knelt down to help him. Next, he pulled out a brown paper bag with two sandwiches and a bag full of day-old popcorn. He laid them to the side. It was all here, everything you had wanted and packed into the bag that he insisted on carrying.
"Well, that should do it. Everything's ready." He sat back on his heels to survey his work.
You collapsed down into the middle of the blanket with a grunt, pulling Eddie down beside you so forcefully that he rolled over and your bodies clashed in the middle in a fit of laughter. Eddie's arm instinctively reached out over you and held you tight as you both shook with giggles.
When the giggles subsided, you settled in closer, letting your head once again find its place nestled into Eddie's shoulder, his arm snaking beneath to support it. His hair danced over your face, but it filled all of your senses with him, so it was perfect.
The two of you lay silently, taking in the scene around you. When you had heard Eddie's plan to come up here, you imagined a quick stop at the top for a break before he would want to head back down. But now that you were here, you could tell that neither of you wanted it to end.
Eddie was your best friend, but he was so much more than even that could convey. You always wondered if he shared those thoughts of "what if?" you felt when you looked at him a certain way, when he visited you when you were sick or when he came up behind you to surprise you with one of your favorite Eddie hugs.
Eddie always wondered if you saw him as more than he saw himself. He wondered if anyone could find enough value in him to like him as more - and if anyone could it would be you. You were the most important person to Eddie and he wanted nothing more than to give you a night you would never forget.
As the light continued to fade, darkness began to swallow the vanishing sun and in no time the sky was a black satin sheet spread wide above you. Tiny speckles began to appear and you reached up to point them out. Eddie followed your gaze and was minutely aware of every breath and movement you made.
When the stars were out full force, it was far beyond time to wander back down the mountain, but it was of no concern to the pair of you. A second blanket lay at your feet, for what you had no clue until now. Eddie had no intention of leaving tonight.
The silence of the area peppered only with sounds of the nearby wildlife or the shimmering of leaves in the nighttime breeze, set the mood perfectly.
Eddie's breath was hitched in anticipation of his next move. It could make or break everything.
On the mental count of three, he lifted his free hand across is body and found your hand resting just atop your stomach. Quieting the voice in his brain shouting at him to stop, he slid his fingers between yours smoothly, his fingers grazing yours igniting warmth that combated the cool of his rings between your knuckles.
At the contact, you nearly stopped breathing yourself, intently aware that this was Eddie showing you how he felt. That he wanted this just as much as you wanted him to do it. With your hands now locked over your bodies, you snuggled your head in even closer, never quite finding "close enough."
The light of the moon hung over you in the tiny clearing you had claimed as your own, providing the only sliver of light by which you could make out Eddie's face out of the corner of your eye. His eyes were closed, taking in what was easily the most perfect moment in his life.
But there was one more thing that would make this night beyond anything imaginable.
Shifting up to rest on your arm that had been caught between the two prone bodies on the blanket, you leaned up just enough to see Eddie for the beautiful human he was. He opened his eyes when he felt you moving, a brief flash of disappointment replaced by wonder at how amazing you looked from any angle.
From your position, leaning up on your arm, you took a page out of Eddie's book for the night, summoning a boldness unlike you. And you closed the distance between you until your lips ever so lightly graced his own. You let your lips hover there, afraid to go on if he didn't feel the same. But there was no hesitation before Eddie moved to meet you, lips gently touching, finding new territory.
It was sweet and it was lovely and it was everything the two of you already shared, just... deeper. After the initial crawl, Eddie deepened the kiss by sitting himself up, leaning back on his arm propped behind him. You mirrored his movements perfectly so as not to disrupt the exchange. His hand that once held your hand now lifted up to cup your cheek, his fingers dancing over the skin there calmingly.
Your eyes had fluttered closed, allowing your other senses to take over, to scream for more. You felt Eddie, you tasted him, you wanted nothing more than to climb into his pockets and stay there for the rest of your life.
But instead, you kissed him. And he kissed you with all the power of the days, weeks, months, years, you had spent pining for one another without a single clue to the others' feelings. And so you sat there, together on that measly little blanket at the top of the nearest elevation where you could look out over the vast world below, and you clung to each other until the night drew deeper and darker. You clung to each other as if there was no world down below, because your whole world was in your arms, against your body, and that was all you needed. It was perfect.

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