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Now we move onto ships! (Not Miya of course but I will put some family dynamics somewhere)

- Joe paints his nails pink and Cherry does green every once in a while most of the time they both match and do black

- Joe makes breakfast every morning

-Joe is the one who drives to places when needed and Cherry is the one who picks the spots for dates and sets up the day's itinerary

-Joe and Cherry still technically have separate houses as joes restaurant has a small apartment on the top (so basically like a second floor that is an apartment) but they are mostly at the house that Cherry owns because it is still technically their house and they live there with Miya

- before adopting Miya when they had their nights alone they would plane different nights for the different days of the week so like one night be movie night,  one night be a relaxing spa night where they set up a spa bath in their bathroom and have Carla play chill music, etc.

- As teenagers they where always scared about getting caught doing stuff by their parents so they would only head over to each other's house to be more intimate when Cherry or Joes parents went on business trips

- Neither of the two had siblings to deal with

-Cherry's family never accepted the relationship but Joes did so they cut off connection with Cherry's family

- Cherry and Joe "don't" act like a couple in public but in private they do

- When founding "S" with Ad*m all three of them agreed on making it a space for people to feel safe in their own body and Cherry and Joe hung a Pride flag in the abandoned factory and Joe kicked out anyone who was caught or reported for doing/saying anything homophobic or racist etc. 

- Every Pride month the two host a Pride party with Miya, Reki, Langa, Shadow, and Oka

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