🍒🌸 Cherry Blossom 🌸🍒

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Alright! Starting off strong with some Cherry head cannons!

1. Joe is the only person of the group allowed to call and who calls him Kaoru.

2. Cherry's favorite flower is a red rose 🌹

3. Cherry is Gay (also head cannoned by the English dub VA)

4. Cherry has Arachnophobia

5. Cherry loves that Miya looks up to him as a parental figure and likes being the "Mum"

6. Whenever Joe gives Cherry a new dish to try Cherry will pretend to hate it but not so secretly love it(Joe has his ways of telling 😏)

7. Cherry and Joe have been sorta secretly dating since high school

8. Cherry likes his hair being played with and done by others but Joe is the only one who is allowed to do it, and sometimes Miya when he is upset or needs comfort

9. Cherry misses his piercings but also likes not having to deal with them, although he will occasionally put in earrings

10. Cherry has some anxiety triggers, some being loud sounds, being alone for a long period of time, glass breaking, and some insults, all of these are known by Joe and he try's his best to avoid the triggers

11. Cherry is fine with any pronouns but mostly uses He/Him and sometimes He/They

12. Cherry will always find time for those he loves and makes open time to spend with the kids (Reki, Langa, and Miya)

13. Cherry loves tea and Hot chocolate, he also likes coffee but just not as much as the other two, you can see him drinking a cup of coffee or caffeinated tea in the mornings or when he has a long day of work ahead of him

14. Cherry won't openly share or show his feeling (other than love for some parts) but Joe and Miya are really good at being able to tell when something is wrong

15. Whenever Cherry has big calligraphy orders he will sit in the guest room and try and make it as perfect as possible and he will also constantly text Joe to double check that he is home and safe (because of his anxiety)

16. Cherry's wardrobe mainly consists of kimonos and a few sets of his S outfit but other than that he only has one pair of sweatpants and steal sweaters from Joe

17. Cherry doesn't own sleep clothes anymore because he will just steal/borrow sweaters/hoodies and short sleeve shirts from Joe

18. Cherry is 6'0/182.88 cm (his cannon height is 5'11/182 cm )

19. Whenever Cherry is sick he tries to avoid it as best as possible but Joe catches him trying to do things and immediately brings him back to bed.

20. Cherry was skating before he met Adam and he was always skating around with Joe, he also could have qualified for a national team but never found quite that much interest in it so he is happy that Miya takes interest in it

21. Cherry and Joe adopted Miya (my head cannon/au) because his parents mostly just cared about the money and would always leave him a long for long periods of time for date nights and business trips

22. Cherry is never stern with Miya when something happens and try's to reason out what happens and assured Miya that he is not mad at him

23. Whenever Cherry and Joe get into big arguments Cherry is mostly always the first one to apologize

24. He gets jealous of the girls who hit on Joe and when they get home from doing whatever he will ignore Joe for about an hour and then come running to him

25. Cherry, Joe, and Miya have matching stuffed animals together

26. Cherry loves his long hair and hated when he had short hair as a young child and ever since he was around the age of 7 he has been growing his hair out

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