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A/n: I don't have too many for this lovely man so this one will be short!!

- Bisexual

- He/Him pronouns

- Loves flowers and knows every flowers meaning

- When bored or when he sees others feeling down/upset/sad he will randomly babble out the meanings of each flower and what flowers he thinks relate to that person based on the meaning to make them happy

- Miya got Shadow a crow stuffed animal and he pretended to hate it but afterwards texted Miya with an apology and said how much he liked it

- Asked Oka out on a first date by giving him a flower! 💐

- Wants to be strong for Oka!!!! 💕💕

- His "S" persona is based on him wanting to be seen as some strong and outgoing person when in reality he is really just a soft little cinnamon roll

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