Just safe me this day

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POV Vegas

The whole world seemed to freeze when a well-known silhouette stumbled in the room, hesistated for a moment when he recognized me and then raised his gun, aiming at my chest.
I raised my gun as well, and it felt like the wrongest thing I've ever seen: My gun pointed on Pete's face, that seemed as inappropriate as the thought of him kissing a girl. Not foreseen in this world.

I barely lasted three seconds before I lowered my hand, breathing heavily, holding back tears. Pete didn't lower his own gun, looking straight and pungent right into my face, and a misplaced thought in this situation came up in my mind – he looked incomprehensible hot right now.
The version of Pete that couldn't harm even a fly, so the version that I always knew, was incredibely cute and handsome, but this version of him could kill you, and that was in a strange but undeniable way hot as fuck.

Pete didn't look like he thought about being hot in this moment. His facial expression went from hard and incorruptible to desperate and apologetic, then his hand slowly started to sink as well. I tried to calm my breath, my racing heart, but before I could say a word, two strangers entered the room, trying to understand the situation. Other bodyguards of the main family. Pete's eyes widened in shock, and his facial expression showed fear and overload – then he closed his eyes and grimaced untowardly.

I felt the shot before I could hear it: A razor sharp pain in my shoulder that seemed to spread through my whole body. I stumbled back, tried not to fall down but couldn't hold myself, so I kinda ended half on my knees, half standing, but shoren up on the ground. The men hesistated, not sure what to do, and Pete waved in the direction of the door. "Follow Mr. Kinn, I'll handle this!"
They obeyed immediately and left the room, and Pete dropped his gun.
"Oh my god, Vegas, I am sorry, I am so sorry, I didn't want that, I just wanted them to not shoot you, but I didn't mean to..." His voice trembled, his eyes were filled with tears, and when I couldn't hold myself any longer, he slumped in on himself and stretched out his hand to me.
My breath was going heavily, my chest felt like it was bursting, but I forced myself to smile. "It is alright, I know you didn't mean to hurt me, you-"

Bang. His raised hand had become a fist that rammed into my jaw and nearly knocked out my already weakened body. A teardrop was running down his face. "Didn't mean to hurt you? Oh, Vegas, I am not a weak little pet. And just because I visited you with a mental breakdown, it doesn't mean I just forgot what happened. I just didn't plan to shoot you. But I'm not averse to slap you a few more times!" His voice was shaking in anger and desperation, and I closed my eyes, not trying to protect myself in any way. "Do it. You are right, I absolutely deserve that."

Interestingly, that sentence took away his aggressive energy, and he collapsed even smaller, miserable and about to cry. I gently caressed his face, stroke his cheek, and he wrapped his arms around me, shaking by supressed sobs.
As much as I missed his hugs, my shoulder lit up like a beacon. I I took a sharp breath and tried not to scream, but I couldn't held in a little whimper. Pete looked up startled and remembered. "Damn, I forgot, sorry, I didn't mean to..!" I made a sound that was half laughter, half moan in pain. "It is fine, I still deserve it. What I did to you is irreparable, I can never make amend what you had to go through."
Pete gently covered my mouth. "Shh. Be quiet, just be quiet. This is neither the time nor the place for this kind of conversation." I nodded slowly, and he added: "We will talk about this later, and then you will ne screwed." I had to smile a bit. "Uhm, thanks for saving my life, by the way? These guys wouldn't just have shot my shoulder." Pete bit his lip. "I need you alive, Vegas. No matter how much you hurt me, I need you now. To heal me."

I softly placed a kiss on his forehead, just like a few nights before. "Just safe me this night, and I will safe you as long as you want me." Pete closed his eyes. "Fuck you, Vegas. I hate you for making me feel like I would die for you. This whole situation is so fucking fiendish, and everything I do feels like I would betray someone, either my heart or my head."
I gently wrapped my hands around his face and kissed his lips. His eyes widened, but he kissed me back, soft and tired. Tired of this crapped situation.

"I know what you mean, and I don't feel any less torn, but I made my desicion. I love you, Pete. If you want me, I will decide for you."
The bodyguard stayed quiet for a moment. "I- I can't decide this now. I should go, back to the fight, they probably need me." I nodded – I didn't really expect him to decide now – but before letting him go, I kissed him again. And when he returned the kiss, I could feel that he had decided.

Vegaspete: Just hold me this nightWhere stories live. Discover now