Beltane 2 parts 2015 Part 1

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On May 1st I had my first day of Beltane celebration. I was out in the woods (same place as last year) I cast my circle as usual and then I lit my Beltane fire. I got to use my new elemental candles at the corners of the big circle and although I was celebrating solitarily I had some fun. I finally called apon and started working with Gabriel, the archangel.

Before I had my ritual I made my Beltane drink for the cake and ale part of it and my grandmother made her home made mac n' cheese. Yes I always do my "cake n' ale" ceremony with weird things like pizza and Mac n' cheese but that's okay. I didn't do much for the initial ritual just called apon Gabriel, thanked the god and goddess and then jumped the Beltane fire and made a wish.

-Witch 99, Alfhilda

Beltane Drink:
Cold water
Pink lemonade mix
Berry tea mix
A pinch of cinnamon
A table spoon of mint
An additional tea mix of your choice
(Mix all with cold water to absorb flavors and color, strain herbs, then replace a small amount of them on top of the drink)

Blessed Beltane!

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