March 17, 2015

39 4 0

As a girl of Irish heritage, I had always looked forward to St. Patrick's Day. That is until I found the meaning behind it. St. Patrick's Day, or as I now call it, All Celt's Day, is a wonderful time to wear green, remember your Irish roots, and have fun. However this isnt true for most pagans. You have all probably heard the stories of St. Patrick 'driving out the snakes in Ireland' but what you may not know is that snakes was metaphorical for pagans and celtic witches.

The snake is a pagan symbol. Even Lagertha told her children the story of the serpant. St. Patrick was sent to Ireland to drive out and kill all pagans so that Christianity could spread throughout the region. So in a way, you could consider St. Patricks Day to be for Irish pagans, what Columbus Day is for Native people, which I am as well.

Today is the day that we Irish pagans say, "Hey St. Patrick, you missed one!"

Today we remember our Irish roots and celebrate that we're still here.

(A/N:) sorry this one was a little serious but Happy All Celt's Day! And sorry this update is two days late but Happy Ostara tomorrow too. I have another update after this and then one tomorrow for Ostara. Blessed be! 🌛🌕🌜🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍💚💚💚

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