March 19, 2015

44 2 0

On this Ostara Eve I have a few things planned that I'd like to do before the Sabat. I have a friend who just went through a really bad break up and he's having a really hard time being happy. So I want to do a happiness/moving on spell for him. I also want to make wiccan holy water and concecrate my working candle. I have had a working candle before but not lately and I want to have one now because I'm finding it harder and harder to focus and stay in the 'witchy mood'.

I will also cleanse and bless my new altar, I know I literally just changed it like a few weeks ago but I finally got the perfect thing for it. Its now an entertainment center table with a top, middle shelf, and opening door bottom. I also added a few things as you can see, and I now have alot more room to work and its the perfect height for sitting comfortably on my pillow.

Happiness/Moving On Spell:

spell candle (white works)
Mortar and pestil
Fireproof dish
Rosemary-love and friendship
Strawberry leaves-happiness and peace
Cinnamon-success for the spell
Rose petals-love and happiness

Grind up the herbs in your mortar and pestil, stating why you are a adding each one and its purpose. Once all the herbs are mixed together, place the mixture in a fire proof dish and put it off to the side.

Now take your spell candle and using your athame, or other carving tool, carve the persons name into the candle along with the word 'happy'. Place the candle in the fire proof dish on top of the herbs and state your intention, you may use a picture of the person to help you direct your thoughts. Now light the candle and let it burn completely out. You can burn the herbs too or just let them mix with the wax.

When the spell is complete, scrape the contents out of the dish and bury them.


Wiccan Holy Water:


Water (spring, tap, moon, etc.)
3 clear Crystal points (optional)

Fill the bottle/container with the water and add some salt (about a tbsp) depending on the container size. Seal the bottle and shake til the salt and water are combined, then set the bottle down. Put your hands around the bottle and state your intention. Then, using your finger, draw a banishing pentagram 3 times on/above the bottle.

Place 3 clear Crystal points around the bottle like the points of a triquetra. As you place each individual point, visualize it glowing yellow and shooting a beam of light into the bottle, helping to light it up. When the last point is placed, visualize the bottle glowing a bright yellow.

Let the bottle charge overnight.


Working Candle:

Candle of your choice
Eucalyptus oil

Begin by simply holding the candle and maybe even meditating with it to infuse it with your energies. Then anoint it with eucalyptus oil to purify and consecrate it. After that, use your athame or other carving tool to carve some of your favorite symbols, words, God/goddess names etc. into it while stating your intention. Leave it on your altar to charge over night.


Cleansing your Altar:
Cleansing your altar should be very personal as it is your altar and an extension of you. Most witches use holy water, salt, or sage but you can use whatever oil, inscense, herb, etc. that you want. You can even just use your athame, it's up to you.
Blessed be! 🌛🌕🌜

(A/N:) Sorry I didn't post this last night, I fell asleep lol. I want you guys to comment :) Especially you newly pagans/witches/wiccans. That's my goal with this book, my facebook page, etc. I want to help you guys. I remember when I first started out in the craft, you're curious and sometimes lost. I am here to help. Just comment or message me and I will discuss it with you. Let me know what you want. Thanks for reading and bright blessings 😃😃😃😃

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