Chapter 3- The heist, part 1: The governor, the wolf and the raptor.

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"The hideout".

The bad guys sat at their couch as raptor and wolf rolled in a whiteboard, raptor began to sketch.

Wolf- Okay, like every year, the good samaritan awards are held at the national art gala, where, behind the main stage curtains sits the golden dolphin.

Piranha- Psh, sounds easy.

Raptor- Sounds easy hermno, but that's what all those other criminals thought, now their in prison dropping the soap.

He drew up a model of the overlay of the building.

Raptor- Now, there's three levels of security around it, first is a door that can only be opened with a keycard that is kept on hand at all times by our good friend the chief of police.

The scene switches to the chief unlocking a door with a keycard.

Wolf- Next is a door locked by a rental scanner that is programmed to only open for the govener, said door is guarded by an elite squad of special service agents, trained to shoot first and ask questions never.

The scene switches to the chief escorting the govener towards the door as she scans her eye. The door opens and they walk in, leaving 2 buff looking guards behind, a fly buzzes next to one as he, without moving his torso, grabs said fly, punches it and tosses it away.

Raptor- Finally, the dolphin is surrounded by a Web of laser trip wires with built in laser cannons.

Wolf- Since we dont know what the cop ratio is, Raptor will already be inside before we show up to scout the area and determine how many cops are present.

Scene switches again to show mister raptor walking around the second floor indoor balcony as he watches the chief brief her men, he wore a black suit and pants with a red bowtie and black, red and white hat, he wore a fake tiny and thin mustache, sunglasses and used skin friendly paint to give himself red and black scales.

Cheif- Officers, the city has left me in charge of making sure this gala goes smoothly, if the bad guys crash this gala, I will definitely lose my job and I won't be afraid to take you all down with me, NOW MOVE OUT.


They run off as the chief stomps away, raptor chuckles at how much he's gonna love seeing her get fired, be pulls out his phone and green lights the guys.

Wolf- "background" step one: once raptor signals us, we move in, now we have to be stealthy for this one, so for this operation, we'll need to blend in.

Wolf- "background" step one: once raptor signals us, we move in, now we have to be stealthy for this one, so for this operation, we'll need to blend in

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"What their wearing"

The gang walked towards the building when a car blocked them.

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