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I followed Jeff down the stairs and into the main area. He sat me down on a bed in the corner of the room, the bandages in his hand swinging as he sat opposite me on a small chair. Jeff gently lifted my arm and rest it on his knee as he unravelled the tight bandages, the white stained with red and small black patches.

Jeff furrowed his eyebrows and took the stained fabric away and threw it on his other knee, taking the new roll, he covered the wound again and nodded at his work, allowing me to move it.

"After this you shouldn't have to have a bandage." Jeff smiled and stood up, taking the old bandage and throwing it away.

I smiled and stood up, walking towards the door, "Thanks Jeff. I'll see you at diner." and with that I left, walking out into the bright glade. All the boys around the glade had gone back to their jobs, the fuss and commotion calmed after Jack had been taken away, Alby and Newt had forced everyone back to work with the help of Gally.

I wandered around the edges of the glade, feeling the spikey green blades tickle my ankles the closer to the forest I got. As I walked, I watched the glade for any sign of Newt, scanning the field for him.

As I walked closer to the homestead, my eyes settled on the gardens were Newt was leaning against one of the trees. I smiled, watching him pick the fruit from the bushes, his hands curling around the apples before tugging and dropping them into the basket at his feet. As he worked, Newt spoke to Zart who stood opposite him, doing the same as him.

Feeling the heat of the sun shine through my clothes made me light headed, my feet carrying my body towards the gardens. My smile quickly flowed onto my features as I got closer to Newt.

His head turned and he noticed me walking over, my arm rubbing my new bandages that itched against the wound.

"Hello, love."

He hummed as I approached. I looked down and shuffled my feet into the garden, fearful not to trip on any fallen fruit.

"Oh, hey Y/n!" I looked up to Zart who waved kindly at me, a welcoming smile aimed directly at me. His eyes crinkled at the corners and small dimples appeared beside his mouth.

I waved back and greeted the young boy who quickly busied himself with more work. My attention turned to Newt who had moved his hand as it was now running down my wrist and into my hand were our fingers intertwined and he pulled me closer to him.

"How are you feeling, my love?" His words sang into my brain and made my cheeks glow brighter.

I placed my head gingerly onto his shoulder, "Okay." I sighed, "My arms still soar and there's ... stuff in it." I chose my words carefully but Newt still worried.

"What do you mean stuff?" He lifted my chin gently with his free hand and forced me to look in his eyes.

"I don't really know. Jeff said it's a sort of black goo, like in the maze and on the griever. I think it's just something that got caught in it."

As I spoke Newt kept his eyes glued to mine, both of us seeming to be examining the others.

Then he smiled and pulled me into him, "Just be careful in the maze tomorrow for me."

I nodded into his chest but the moment was cut short when a small boy ran into us.

I pulled away from Newt and looked down only to see the familiar birds nest looking hair bouncing up and down below me.

Chuck was smiling up at me, his face with somehow more mud on than before. I crouched down to his level and rubbed my thumb over his cheek, dusting off some of the dirt.

"What do you need Chucky?

His face lit up as he began to speak, "Alby said he wanted to finish talking to you." He was so exited to be helping Alby that he didn't even think twice about what he was even doing, Alby could probably get him to do anything if it was helping someone.

I nodded at the young boy and thanked him, watching him run off back to somewhere else to continue his work as a slopper. I felt bad for Chuck, always being pushed around and the youngest but he seems to cope just fine.

Watching him run away, I stood up from my kneeling position, my knees covered in a light layer of mud and grass.

"What was that about?" Newt had returned back to his work as I spoke to Chuck.

"Nothing just Alby wanting some help."

I shrugged and started to walk away but I quickly stopped as Newt gently grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

I spun on my heel and as his lips touched mine. It was quick and little but still made my stomach flutter, "Stay safe."

"No promises."

Newt x Y/n - Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now