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As the pair walked through the forest, Y/n glanced around the dark space repeatedly, looking back towards the deadheads as her eyes slowly became glossy and wet.

Minho caught her eye, "So why were you even asleep back there? Were you there all night?" he rubbed her back.

She looked to the ground and started to fiddle with the frayed edges of her bandages, "Yeah... I went there last night, once everyone was asleep."

He sighed, patting her shoulder as they got further from the deadheads, "If you need to talk then-"

"Then you'll be there for me. Yeah, yeah." she cut him off and laughed, "How many times has Alby said that to me." she rolled her eyes, walking close to Minho's side as the trees cleared and the sun shone brightly into their eyes.

Minho elbowed her side, "Ok shank, I was just trying to help!" they both laughed, finally getting out of the woods as the soft, glowing grass hit their feet.

Y/n took a deep breath, scanning the glade to see Thomas and Newt talking by the doors to the maze and Alby walking out of the homestead carrying a pile of wood in is arms as he made his way towards the bonfire that was still ashy from the night before.

They made their way to the doors, watching as Thomas and Newt made small gestures during their conversation, her mind fluttered again and her eyes closed for a moment before they reached the two at the doors.

"Morning." Y/n smiled.

They looked towards the small girl and both smiled, Newt reached his hand forwards and grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles as they drew closer, pecking each other on the lips quickly before the protest of the other two started.

"Ok lovebirds, let me get a hug in." Thomas shoved Newt's shoulder gently, hugging N/n quickly, "Glad your doing ok shank."

She half smiled at him as they pulled back from the hug, "Thanks, Tommy."

Newt gently slid his fingers down Y/n's wrist and entwined their hands together, stepping next to her as he moved his arm around her waist. As they spoke, the huge concrete doors screamed open behind Thomas, scaring the group slightly with the loud noise.

Minho and Thomas turned towards the maze, nodding at each other before looking back at the couple, both of them with a sympathetic look towards Y/n making her chuckle.

"Go on. Go do your jobs."

They smiled at her and turned to the maze, running quickly into the dark maze. Their steps echoed around the tall walls. She took a deep breath, turning around and tucking her head into Newt's chest, his arms wrapped around her torso as he set his chin onto her head.

They stood there for a moment, hugging together closely and whispering about inaudible things. After a few more moments, they separated, still holding each others hands as they walked towards Y/n's hut. The glade was still asleep, the only other person awake was Alby as every other glader slept in their messy hammocks.

In the hut, Newt was changing into his mud covered jeans and white hoodie, brushing his hair to lay flat against his head. Y/n tied up her shoes and threw her hair up into a pony tail, being careful to not break her last hair band that she had.

Newt finally placed the hair brush back down on the edge of the bed and sat down, watching Y/n closely as her tongue stuck out, focusing on her hair, flattening the top to remove any bumps that were present. He smiled, noticing the redness on her once white bandages that frayed and twisted, falling from her arm.

His smile flattened and he twisted his head to the side, squinting at the dried blood that could be slightly seem from below the fabric of his stolen jumper, "Do you need Clint to change your bandages today?" he nodded at her as her eyes travelled to his, a smile landing on her face as their eyes connected.

"Yeah, it's starting to get a bit itchy." she giggled, playing with the edges of the bandages.

Newt moved his hand, his palm gently rubbing her shoulder to distract her from the wound. They both grew closer, their lips connecting for a second when there was a loud knock from the door to the hut.

Both Newt's and Y/n's eyes shifted to the door, it creaked open and a small head pocked in from the side. It had long, curly brown hair that stuck out in different directions, mud from the day before now dried into the curls. It had deep brown eyes and a large smile plastered over the bottom half of it's rosy cheeks.

Y/n giggled, "Morning Chuck." she stood up, her hand leaving Newt's as a cold air rushed into her palm however it quickly left as she patted Chucks hair, picking the dust and dirt from his fuzzy hair, "What do you need?"

His smile widened, "Jeff wants to check up on you." he nodded as he spoke, his hair flopping again.

"Ok. Go tell him I'll be there in a minuet."

He giggled and turned on his heel, closing the doors again and running off into the glade. His eyes shining brightly at the sun.

Y/n turned back to Newt who watched her carefully, still sitting on the bed, "I need to go."

He stood up as she spoke, walking to her and grabbed her hands. He groaned, "No..."

She laughed, resting her foreheads on Newt's, "I have to Newt." she chuckled under her breath.

He grumbled again, squeezing his hands around her waist, lifting her into his chest and spinning her around, making her laugh. They separated again and Y/n smiled before walking out of the hut, Newt following behind before leaving to go find Alby.

Newt x Y/n - Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now