And They Meet Again

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Mishti entered the premises of 'Noon' fashions with no expectations. She had walked out of every job interview and she did not expect much from this one too. It was always the same. Despite her lack of  field experience every company was eager to hire her when they realised that she was Mishti Khanna the heir to the Khanna enterprises. And she hated that she wanted someone to hire her for who she was and to see her beyond her lineage. She hoped that atleast Mr Noon would see that.

Ritwik was in a very bad mood. He had fired at every candidate. The post was of the Junior designer trainee and Ritwik has always been particular about the choice of trainees. He wanted someone with that fire and enthusiasm and not someone in need of the experience. He always made sure he chose trainees who would later add on to the asset of Noon Fashions. And this is what he believed kept his Fashion enterprise at the top.

"Nisha, tell me if you find atleast one resume that actually qualifies for the job. I don't want to go through this torture again. If we have no eligible applicants just cancel the vacancy for now." Ritwik gave strict instructions to his PA. "Sir, actually there is one Ms Khanna. And according to her resume she does seem to fit for our post. But.."
"But?" " She lacks experience" "Hmm"

"Ms Khanna, Mr Noon has called you in for the interview" announce Nisha to the group of candidates.

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