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Her tears merged with the raindrops as she wailed in agony. In the middle of the road, she stood broken by love drenching under the heavy downpour. She pulled out her diamond engagement ring from her fingers intending to throw it away only to break down unable to part with it.

 Anyone would be envious of Mishti Khanna, the lone heir to the Khanna empire. She was all a woman could hope to be: a rich, beautiful, and extremely gifted fashion designer. Engaged with her childhood friend and first love she had believed in happily ever afters.
In place of that gorgeous and bold enigma stood a woman betrayed and broken in love.

As raindrops from the open Jeep window brushed his face, he blissfully closed his eyes. He cherished the rain as much as he cherished LOVE. Yes, his heart had been broken, but Ritwik Noon was far from accepting defeat. He had healed and evolved. A man with a broken heart in pursuit of love. His favorite catchphrase was "What is life without love." He had not found her yet but he was sure that she was out there waiting for him. Until then, he would happily juggle his roles as a businessman and an off-road traveler. Off-road has always been his second love, the first being his passion and profession. He was returning from his most recent expedition and was still ecstatic about the hidden waterfall he had discovered in the woods.

Engrossed in the rain, his gaze caught on a woman's shattered form in the middle of the road. Ritwik Noon, the man of empathy, could not leave her alone as her demeanor screamed her pain. Taking out his umbrella, he walked into the rain towards the broken figure.

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