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Needless to say, Seabrook didn't win the cheer championship, now weather that was because of Bucky's abysmal team or zombie prejudice would be debated for years to come. Even if the championship went up in flames, they brought a lot of people together and the Zombies threw a block party. Everyone was invited and just about everyone in Seabrook came. Terrance's father made an appearance, but his mother was still MIA. As far as he could tell she had left Seabrook altogether. He didn't expect her to show up any time soon and frankly seeing her ever again might be too soon for him, he was happy, and her presence was a plague on that. Terrance walked through the boarder of Zombie town holding a pure white puppy.

Zed was the first to see him and beckoned him over, "Hey Zoey." The girl looked up from her place beside a doghouse with Zander inside, "look what Terrance and Moe got you."

He crouched down beside her, her face lit up, "A puppy! My very own puppy! Zander, this is puppy." Terrance leaned into Zed; before he could wrap his arms around his boyfriend Zoey threw himself at the human. Terranc was thrown back. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Terrance laughed and sat himself up right, "of course like I said. You're old enough for a dog and I don't think anyone will love him more than you." Terrance had called ahead of time he had asked Zeds father if it was okay, he hadn't just bought her a dog.


Ready for action
Yeah, we bout to blow up
Party's going down
But we bout to go up


We got your back
No need to have worries
Now we're all cool

At first it was scary
And we can do a lot
With a little


Call on your friends when
You're caught in the middle


And you should do the same
Like I do the same


You should be yourself
That's the coolest thing


I'm about to show you


I'm about to show you


Guess nobody told you


- Nobody told you.

Eliza and Addison

I'm about to put in work
Listen this is our turf


Bam! Oh, man, oh, man
You're the man
Look at you do it like I can
Bam! Oh, man, oh, man

I'm a fan
This is Zombieland

Bam! Oh, man, oh, man
You're the man
Look at you do it
Like I can

Bam! Oh, man, oh, man
You're the man
With the plan
Now we'd do our dance

Bam! You're in Zombieland
I'm in Zombieland
We're in Zombieland
Watch me do it like


You're in Zombieland
I'm in Zombieland
We're in Zombieland
Watch me do it like


You're in Zombieland
I'm in Zombieland
We're in Zombieland
Watch me do it like


The rest of the party continues the same way a bunch of the kids dancing while the adults barbecued. Terrance and Eliza jumping around together making Zed smile. He loved that Eliza of all zombies saw Terrance as the brother she never had. She thought he was amazing, and Eliza's approval meant a lot, she was great at reading people. Zed walked up to them and joined in their conversation. Zed being a good three inches taller than his boyfriend gave him the advantage of being able to wrap his arms around his waist and lean his head down on his shoulder.

"Zaina?" Eliza looked up from her conversation with Terrance and Zed, "Zaina!"

Jackson nearly knocked over his daughter trying to get to the woman, "Hey!" The little girl groaned letting Zoey balance her.

The woman turned around and placed a shocked hand over her mouth, "Hey TJ?" the boy hummed looking away from his boyfriend to his new best friend. "Why is your dad calling my mom?"

His eyes wandered over two the two adults who looked about as Awkward as he had when he first met Zed. His eyes widened, "Your moms name is Zaina?" he freaked out. It was less of a panic and more of an excited delight. He let go of Zed and smiled grabbed Eliza's hands.

"Yeah why?" She was surprised to see her mom nearly burst into tears and engulf Jackson into a longing hug. "What's going on?"

"My dad told me when he was our age, he had some sorta romance with a zombie girl named Zaina."

"Your dads the Jackson! I thought she was lying to give me hope," she looked faint.

"Apparently not," the two looked between one another as their parents almost refused to separate. "Your dad isn't in the picture," She shook her head.

She followed his lead, "Your mom left," he nodded.

Zed couldn't stop the laugh that escaped him, looks like Terrance would be Elizas brother soon. He had heard Zaina tell the stories before and if Jacksons hold on her was any indication then it was clear he still felt the same way. "It seems you two will be seeing a lot more of each other soon," both were suddenly very glad they were able to along right off the bat for the most part.

While Eliza was having some sort of internal crisis, a mix between happiness, acceptance and confusion. Zed pulled Terrance away to rejoin Addison, Bree and Bonzo dancing. "So, you're gonna be my cheerleader next year?" Zed asked. "I saw you with Addison and Bree. Don't get me wrong they're awesome but I think I would be way more hype with you cheering for me."

Terrance couldn't have gotten the smile off his face even if he tried, "the star football player and a cheerleader. Isn't that a bit cliche?"

Zed grabbed his hand pulled him into a bear hug which just made him laugh, Zed loved his laugh, "So are supernatural romances."

Terrance shrugged, "point taken." He shook out of the hug and pulled him over to where his dad was calling them so he could meet Zed for real. There was still a lot that would have to be overcome. They would end up jumping hurdles, they would meet enemies turned friends, some much more accepting than humans, and clawing at technicalities for opportunities. Sure, the odds were stacked against them, but it would work out, it always would as long as they went through it together. And as long as nothing from Terrance's past decided to make its way out of the forest.

To be continued in 

At a Crossroads

Published: Aug 05, 2022
Updated: Apr 24, 2023

Stacked Against Us (Z-o-m-b-i-e-s Book One)Where stories live. Discover now