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Addison came out about an hour after school, "Finally I can leave," Terrance sighed standing up.

"I need help," She whined. He huffed and nodded for her to go on, "cheer initiation is tonight, and Bucky is driving us into Zombie town. Could you please come and get me and Bree?"

His eyes widened, "You want me to drive into Zombie town, do you know how much trouble we could get in if the Z-patrol finds us."

"Please Terry."

He groaned, not only did he hate that nickname he also hated Bucky. Driving a couple of freshmen into Zombie Town after dark. What was he thinking; they could get in so much trouble. "Fine, just never call me Terry again."


Terrance only had his learners permit so that coupled with where and when, he was going was really risking it. He didn't want Addison to get in trouble, so he didn't tell his parents what was going on and went on his own. He drove down the walkway just as Zed walked out. "Damnit," he muttered.

The Zombie noticed him immediately no one had enough money to own a car in Zombie Town. "Hey?" Zed still didn't know his name. He rolled down his window and smiled sheepishly and waved, "What are you doing here? You're gonna get in trouble." Zed's dad came off the stoop and quickly stood behind his son. Terrance saw Addison and Bree behind some scaffolding and decided to talk as to not draw attention to them.

He breathed in deep and said, "I got lost in thought while driving to Addisons to drop off her chemistry book. Made a wrong turn." He said, trying to keep the quiver and his voice down. Zed looked at him surprised he didn't really expect an answer as he knew he didn't talk much. His voice was soft and calming, "I'm gonna show myself out," he put the car in reverse, and started driving backwards looking at his review mirror. He stopped short and looked out at Zed, "and while I have the nerve to talk, my name Terrance." Zed smiled at him as he backed up and turned a corner. Terrance waited until he heard their door close and got out of his car and walked back to where Addison and Bree were still hiding, "Come on."

Zed looked out the window and saw Terrance waving over the cheerleaders he saw with him earlier. He looked like he was reprimanding the blonde one, Addison if he remembered correctly, and made her throw away the egg carton she had. Then grabbed them both by the coats and dragged them to his car.

Zed smiled to himself, maybe there were good humans.


Addison shook her head as she walked on campus with Terrance "It's horrible, I had no idea that Zombies were so harassed."

"I wouldn't normally condone talking to a boy but maybe you should set the record straight with him, maybe even apologize."

Addison nodded, but then saw her cousin and ran toward him. Terrance refused to move from his spot by the dividing gate, not daring to talk in front of Bucky. "Hey," He jumped a little and saw Zed and two of his friends. He clutched his chest and gave the zombie boy a look, "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." The girl was glaring at him, it was unnerving him, she reminded him of Moe when she was angry. "So are you gonna talk today or is it a silent day again."

He bit his lip and looked around, "It takes a lot for me to talk," he said lowly. "To anyone, I only really talk to Addison cause I've known her forever."

"It's cool I get it," he nodded gratefully.

"Addies probably gonna come and apologize later for whatever happened last night. I have to go, if I don't get to my locker, I'm gonna be late for geometry," He waved and kept his head down as he walked away.

Zed turned to Eliza, "I told you he doesn't talk."

"He's still scared of you."

Zed pointed forward and Eliza saw Addison tap him on the shoulder and he basically jumped out of his skin. Bonzo said something in Zombie that basically translated to, 'I think he's afraid of everyone.'

True to his words Addison had come down to apologize but she dragged poor Terrance along, who was uncomfortable with so many eyes on him. "There's no human students in the basement," 'The teacher' or rather janitor said.

"Someone yacked in the cafeteria." Addison told him.

"Oh, right I'm still the janitor."

Zed walked up to Addison and Terrance nudged her, "Wow this is awful."

"Yea we would have cleaned but the teacher's territorial about his mop," Eliza said and they weren't sure if she was joking or not.

The two moved out the way letting the janitor get through. "Addison, what are you doing here?" Zed asked, noticing that Terrance was uncomfortable. He placed a hand on his shoulder. The boy looked at it for a moment before calming down.

"Apologizing. I'm sorry my cousin he's a jerk about Zombies and last night was cheer initiation." Zed looked down at her, "Not that that's a good excuse. I'm so sorry." He nodded but clearly wasn't buying it, "see you at the pep rally this afternoon?"

Eliza cut in, "Zombies don't do pep rallies."

Terrance deflated seeing as he had to go for Addison, "We'll think about it," Zed said, making him smile.


Addison was in front of a mirror as Terrance brushed out her wing and tied a bow into it. "Of Course, Zeds not coming. Zombies at a pep rally would be a serious drama," she whispered to the boy.

"Addie, I hate to burst your bubble, but he doesn't really seem interested. Honestly I don't think he swings that way at least not all the way."

She huffed, "I know I know, and I don't have any strong feelings so it's not a problem. I just really like that they don't care about what people think." She looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, "How do you know what way he 'swings'."

"Please I have impeccable gaydar he's at least bi. Just like Lacey and Stacey are definitely lesbian no matter how well they hide it, and Tracey is super gay." The two laughed together, it seemed like such a stereotype the cheerleader gossiping with her gay best friend, but it was one neither was bothered by at the moment.

"There are Zombies at the Pep rally!" Bree shouted Addison smiled and ran out to see.

"They wouldn't dare," Bucky growled as they all looked out. "Stacey, Lacey, Tracey, Bust out the spirits sticks."

Terrance looked confused until he remembered that Zombies hated fire. "That's not a good idea."

Bucky looked at Terrance more surprised he talked than anything. "What did you say?"

"That's not a good idea. Someone's gonna get hurt. Besides a lot of people are afraid of fire." Terrance glared; his speaking bothered Bucky. It was like the planet was shifting on its axis, Zombies were in his school and the background character in his story was talking, what has the world come to.


The crowd cheered for Bucky as he burst out of a banner of himself making the same face, "Welcome to the Seabrook high cheer rally it is gonna be a great year, we are gonna win the state cheer championship again."

Terrance made his way through the crowd trying not to touch anyone, "Zed." The zombie looked over at the boy who stumbled and grabbed his wrist, "You've gotta go."

"What? Why?"

Bucky suddenly yelled, "get the spirit sticks."

"That's why, they're like giant sparkly candles and I don't know how you guys feel about fire anymore but I'm sure it can't be good."

Before Zed could react Bonzo stiffen at the flame. "Don't worry about it, the fire isn't going to hurt us."


"Bud, it's gonna be fine, don't worry," Bonzo knocked Zed into the stands and was calmly trying to get out. Well as calmly as he could get while panicking. Terrance went to help Zed up but saw his veins protrude showing that His Z-band was malfunctioning.

Bonzo had knocked the cheerleaders who were supposed to catch Addison out of the way, "Addie!" Zed saw Terrance freaked out and knocked the football team out to the way like rag dolls and slid on his knees and caught her.

"You, me we gotta talk," the coach said pointing to Zed. 

Published: Aug 05, 2022
Updated: Apr 24, 2023

Stacked Against Us (Z-o-m-b-i-e-s Book One)Where stories live. Discover now