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" I can't believe you turned down Anastasia Novikov for her little sister." Matteo snorts while scrolling through his phone.

" Cioé, what was going through your head? Anastasia is probably the hottest available woman you could've had and you chose to be with her little sister?" He says again after I didn't answer him the first time he unfortunately spoke. ( I mean)

I already had enough to think about yet he had to come here complaining about who I chose to marry. Its not like I cared enough about the marriage but If I had to pick anyone, I didn't want to get engaged to some stuck up bitch who would annoy me all day. Sofia seemed to be the most tolerable of the two.

Although she seemed scared of everything all the time she was fine for me, and in some weird fucking way better looking then her older sister in my opinion.

" She's my fiancé now. If I hear more shit coming out of your mouth about her I'll make sure you get a taste of it yourself." I mutter, trying to focus on all the work in front of me.

" Damn, didn't know you were already so whipped for her." Matteo laughs and I look up at him with my jaw clenched.

" Vaffanculo a chi t'è morto" I scowl, sighing when my phone starts ringing again. Matteo was gasping in shock as if he'd never said that before. (Go fuck your dead family members.)

"Che." I say through the call. ( What)

" Sir, your father has requested to move Miss Novikov into the estate this afternoon and wants you to-" Before he speaks anymore I end the call and throw my phone on my desk.

" Who was it? Is your wife coming hom-"

" Shut the fuck up." I mutter, walking out of my office and outside to get in the car waiting for me.

" Sir, we're going to pick up Miss Nov-"

" I know."

Once the car finally gets there we wait another ten minutes until she comes out. I lean my head back in the seat, annoyed at how long she was taking.

I try finishing up some work on my phone while I wait, trying to ignore all the text messages from my father asking how it was going.

I hear the door open after a while but no one comes in the car. Was she going to wait another 20 minutes standing outside the fucking car?

" Are you going to stand there all day?" I say, still looking down at my phone. There were now 32 unread messages from my father.

"" She says in a quiet voice. I could barely even hear her.

I tried to look over at her but she had squished herself as far as she could sit, into the window. She had a softer face compared to her sisters and much bigger eyes, almost like a puppy's.

I look away and go back on my phone but after a while turn back around to check if she had her engagement ring on, which she didn't. I didn't really care much about it but wanted to see her reaction to me asking about it.

"Where's the ring?" I ask, and notice her freeze in the spot she's in, a terrified look covering her face.

" I..I just forgot to put it on, its in my bag." She says, looking down at her lap and biting her lip. My eyes voluntarily move down to her full lips and back up at her body that was still pushed up against the window.

Was she going to sit in that position the whole ride?

" Do you have some sort of attraction to that window?" I say, annoyed at her.

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