Chapter 15: Prelude

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I'm a part of Rhodes Island, alongside the rest of Penguin Logistics, No... alongside the rest of my closest friends.


"So you were able to get all the clauses we wanted?" Emperor asks.

"Yup." I answer, "Only trade back is that we have to give them a thirty-five percent discount and priority on our deliveries."


"Is that all? Rhodes Island didn't need anything else to agree?" Emperor asks, mildly surprised, "If you pull something like this off then I shoulda sent you out to negotiate all those years ago, damn."

Exusiai laughs at the penguin's plight.

"Don't worry boss." She gets out, "If we were able to make it here without Az's negotiating skills, imagine what we could do now!"

Her attempts at being cheerful are soured by her laughs.

"What are you laughing about!" Emperor lunges out, "All those annoying ass people who I had to talk to for hours on end just to get a better deal, you're telling me I could have just sent Az to do all of it? What bullshit is that!"

"Relax boss." Texas says, trying to calm the raging penguin, "Az only got one deal secured and you're talking like he is the god of negotiations? Az tell me, was it even that hard to do?"

I smile, "It was surprisingly easy. I think she just wanted to get it over with so took the bare minimum."

The penguin then looks over to me, but rather than saying anything, he turns around and proceeds to walk down to the back room of the safe house.

Exusiai is cackling at this point, Croissant and Sora aren't far behind.

Texas and I are smiling.


Eventually, things calm down.

The clock ticks to midnight and everyone except Texas take seats and turn on the TV.

Exusiai and Croissant plug in what seems to be a game console, and precede to go all out.

Texas just walks back to the sleeping area, using the excuse of "trying to keep her sleep schedule healthy."

Sora and I sit on the couch together, watching the two duke it out in a multitude of games.


Thirty minutes go by.


Another thirty minutes go by.


And another thirty minutes go by.

At this point, Croissant has passed out with the controller in her hand.

Sora and Exusiai are barely staying awake.

I'm doing surprisingly well, just watching over them.


"Hey... why did you stay up so long?" Sora asks Exusiai, "I only stayed up because I was with Az, and he probably only stayed up because he was watching you two."

I confirm her guess with a nod.

"Well..." Exusiai starts, "With the contract and everything, we probably only have about two weeks until our lives change for the next four years. I might as well enjoy as much of this lifestyle we have right now, at least until I can't anymore."


"So staying up as long as possible will become a regular thing for you to do now?" I ask.

"Mhmm!" Exusiai gets out, "I can sleep for the rest of my life, but I can't have the feeling of staying up until..." she checks the clock, "1:32 AM playing video games with you guys in whatever safe house we find ourselves in... You get it?"

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