Chapter 8: Unexpected Reunion

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With small glances of neon lights peering through the gaps in the blinds, I fall asleep to the sound of light strumming through my headphones.



Is the time shown on the clock as I get up from my bed.

I don't know what time I went to bed yesterday, so I'll just consider that a healthy time to wake up.

I check the calendar while walking into the bathroom, the Sauin festival is in 3 days, so I should have enough time to plan out what to do after Code of Brawl ends.

I should also probably figure out what to do these next couple of days, today I'm meeting up with Croissant at the bar, but I have nothing else planned.


Two things come to mind.

Either I could meet up with all the gang members and have a couple days out, or I can just say screw it and learn to play the drums or something along those lines.

I'll see who's available while at the bar with Croissant, if no one is there, I can plan out for what happens after Code of Brawl ends and teach myself a new instrument.

I mean, maybe one day I could be a famous musician in Terra. I can just copy all the songs from a band on Earth, and no one would be none the wiser...

But that's for a future date, breakfast takes priority right now.


"A toasted bagel and cinnamon roll please." I tell the waitress.

If a Terra version of Starbucks exists, I'm currently at the Terra version of your local coffee shop. A small, dainty place with friendly staff and a good atmosphere.

Just the type of place I like.

"Coming right up, take a seat wherever and we'll get it to you." She replies taking my card.


Taking a seat next to the window, I get a chance to appreciate Lungmen for something other than the skyline.

...The city itself is just plain beautiful, no easier way to put it.

The pristine sidewalks, the perfect shade of green found on the trees, and the reflection of the skyscraper onto the roads.

Looking into the crowd, no semblance of anything ugly can be found. Everybody here looks nice in one way or another.

The other-world characteristics only somehow improve the feeling the city gives off.

I can see hair colors ranging a full spectrum, from dark red to blue.

Animal ears dot most of the people in the streets.

Even horns can be found on a couple of passersby, the person with blue hair has some of their own.

...And closer at them...

They also seem to have 2 swords with them, one black...

And one red.


She turns around, confirming that she is in fact, Chen. Just casually walking the streets of Lungmen, not even bothering to wear her police outfit.

She spots the cafe and glances through the glass, seemingly looking for something.

...Then she lays her eyes on me, seemingly reminiscent of my first interaction with Swire.

But unlike Swire rather than drunkenly stumbling over to the barstool next to me, Chen rather subtly smiles and begins a casual stroll towards the door.

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