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When you woke up you were greeted by a pair of purple eyes looking into yours. Startled, you jumped and let out a yelp as you accidentally butted heads with Mokuba. His ass fell back onto the floor. The both of you nursed your heads.

"Why would you do that??" You questioned.

"I saw it in movies and thought it'd be funny." He whined.

"Was it funny??" You asked.

"A little bit." He replied.

You both burst out in laughter after that. It was stupid but he was right, it was a bit funny. Once you both stopped laughing, you got out of bed and Mokuba got onto his feet. Your eye and head still hurt.

"Anyways, Seto wanted me to wake you." Mokuba stated.

"Really?" You asked.

"Yeah, come on." He replied as he led the way out of the room.

You followed him out of the room and into the hall. He led you down the hall past the foyer into what you presumed to be Seto's side of the upstairs. He opened a door in the hallway and motioned for you to go in. You stepped inside and Mokuba followed you in.

Inside the room was an office. It looked like a room taken out of an office building. The desk was messy with paperwork and take out coffee. Seto sat behind the desk, looking at his computer. Mokuba sat down on a chair across from him and you sat down in the chair next to him.

Seto finished what he was working on before addressing you. "How would you feel about staying here a couple days?"

"Would that be, okay? I don't want to overstay my welcome." You asked.

"Yes. I need you and Mokuba to overlook a cleaning crew I'm hiring for tomorrow and the day after." He replied.

"A cleaning crew?!" Mokuba asked.

"Yes...I don't want you to clean the house anymore." He replied.

"Thank god." Mokuba replied.

You giggled at his response. He was clearly relieved to not be forced to clean by you.

"Wait. I still have school on Monday!" You exclaimed.

"Really?" Mokuba asked.

"Yeah. I still have to get to classes and my dorm room." You replied.

"Do you feel safe going back?" Seto asked.

"He knows where I live." You said.

"Talk to your school on Monday. See if they can get you a different living situation." Seto replied.

You would probably have to tell the school what happened. If you were lucky, they would let you move. Hopefully they would understand the situation and move you to another dorm.

"Until they can move you somewhere else, you're free to stay here. If you're fine with commuting." He continued.

"I'm fine with commuting! Thank you for letting me stay here for now!" You replied.

"Good. Cleaning crew is coming later today. Don't let them get carried away." Seto stated.

"Now that all of that is taken care of...Let's have breakfast!!" Mokuba excitedly yelled.

Mokuba quickly jumped from his chair and made his way downstairs. You followed closely behind Mokuba, as Seto lagged behind you both. You were quite hungry and glad Mokuba brought up breakfast.

When you both got to the kitchen, Mokuba went straight for the fridge and pulled out the milk. You watched as her got things out for making the both of you some cereal. When Seto arrived, he went to the pantry to grab a few breakfast bars and left to go back upstairs.

"Is that all he's gonna eat?" You asked.

"Yeah, he's not a big fan of breakfast." Mokuba replied as he poured the cereal.

"Or eating." He added a few seconds later.

You stifled a chuckle. "Guess we'll have to change that." You responded.

"Ha! Good luck, He's been like that since we were younger." He said.

That would be a harder habit to break. It's probably best you just stick with getting him out of the house. You watched as he poured the milk, as you're a bit specific about how much milk you like in your cereal. Once the cereal was done you both sat down and started eating.

"How's your eye?" Mokuba asked.

"It feels like. A little pain when I blink. Does it look bad?" You replied.

"...Yeah." He said a bit hesitantly.

You pulled out your phone and looked at yourself in the selfie camera. You winced a bit looking at yourself. It looked pretty bad. It was definitely a black eye. You poked the area around it, and it was hurt to touch.

You'd have to put some ointment on it after breakfast. You had some ointment back at your room though. You also had a few other things you needed to grab from your dorm room. You didn't think you'd be here for long, but you did need more clothes and your school stuff. You both finished eating and Mokuba went to put your dishes in the sink.

"Think you can help me with something?" You asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" He replied.

"I didn't think I'd be here longer than one afternoon. I need to grab some items from my dorm." You told him.

"I don't know...It feels risky." He said.

"If I see Alex's car, we can leave." You tried to persuade him.

"Fine, but let's take my car. That way he doesn't recognize you." Mokuba said.

You both get into his car and take off to your dorm. You give him directions and the description of Alex's car. Mokuba drove through the parking lot slowly to see if he could find Alex's car but luckily it wasn't there. Mokuba parked and you both got out.

You led the way to your dorm room and quickly got you and Mokuba inside. You knew your roommate wouldn't be there since they're usually busy on Sundays. Mokuba waited in the living room while you went to your room and gathered all your stuff.

You managed to gather some of your stuff into a small suitcase. Once that was done you locked up your room and left with Mokuba. Quickly you both got back into the car and back to the mansion. You felt a bit of relief now that you have your stuff and didn't run into Alex.

Once you returned, Mokuba and you both brought your stuff into his room. Hopefully once a cleaning crew comes, they can clean another room so you didn't have to share with Mokuba anymore.

You both spent the rest of the day watching a movie and then you had to do some homework. Usually, you can get homework done easily but with Mokuba around he kept distracting you. Your own private room would be really nice.

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