The Fall

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Since Duel Monster became popular Seto Kaiba was known as one of the best duelers. That was until an unknown dueler, Yugi Muto entered the scene. He never seemed to win a duel against Yugi. After years of trying to defeat Yugi Muto in Duel Monsters and being unsuccessful, Seto Kaiba had locked himself up in his home after his last attempt. Tabloids speculated that he had gone into seclusion because Yugi Muto had gone to college and stopped playing card games. Conspiracy theorists say that he uploaded his subconscious to some digital world to escape the humiliation. Gossipers said he had died.

People speculated the Kaiba's moved abroad as house workers say they were fired. The well-kept mansion was soon overgrown with weeds, the plaster was cracking. School children would say they would see ghostly lights at night, or someone would peek through the windows. People would try to break in to have a look for themselves but since it was a well-off neighborhood, police and security would stop anyone from entering the property.

You've heard the rumors and the stories, but you figure that you and some friends could break into the place. It would take careful planning and some parkouring but nothing you haven't done before. You and your friends loved exploring abandoned buildings. You've explored almost every abandoned building in Domino. Even places with more security than the Kaiba Mansion. So, this was going to be a piece of cake.

You scoped out the place a few times and eventually figured out the routine of security and when would be the opportune time to break in and get out. On the day of getting in you would park the car far enough not to get towed but close enough to make a getaway if you were caught. It would take at least one person to help another get over the wall surrounding the property. Your friend group consisted of at least three people, including you, so this would be perfect. Now to convince them.

The first one were easy. His name was Alex. He was always sort of overprotective and agreed to come with you on most you urbex adventures. He is always great to hang with, but adventures would always go his way. Your other friend, Alejandra, would be harder. She never came along on harder adventures. She was scared of getting caught or getting into trouble. Eventually she gave in. The lure of the Kaiba Mansion was one no one could really pass up.

That night you gathered everyone up. The dress code was black to blend in with the darkness. Once the car was parked you all made your way to the mansion. You went more towards the back of the place just in some neighbor spotted ya'll trying to get in.

"So, who wants to go up first?" Alejandra asked.

"Me!" You exclaimed.

"No, what if you get hurt." Alex responded.

"It's dangerous not matter what. Besides this was my plan, I should get to go over first!" You argued.

"You're not strong enough to pull the next person up. Let me go first." He explained.

"Fine." You gave in.

You didn't want to start a fight over this. Even though you knew you were strong enough to lift him. You've done it before. You watched as Alejandra helped lift him up. Then you formed a plan. If he doesn't think your strong enough, you'll prove you are strong enough.

You decided to scale the wall. You made a running jump and managed to scale it successfully. It wasn't your first time scaling a wall but it was the first time doing it successfully. You sat at the top in triumph. That'll show Alex. You smiled down at him and Alejandra.

"Okay, you proved yourself capable but fancy feet work won't help me up. Get down and help me up." He said.

"No. I want to take lead this time!" You exclaimed.

"Don't be dramatic and help." He demanded and tugged on your leg to pull you down.

"Stop! You're gonna make me fall!" You shouted while trying to keep yourself from falling.

"Quit being difficult!" He said as he tugged you hard.

You pulled hard the other way when you felt a bit of the wall crumble under you. You fell at least seven feet. You landed on your back, knocking the air out of you. But you also hit your head when you landed. You fought for conciseness. You could hear your friends call your name. You saw the head of Alex peaking up over the wall, knocking a few loose pebbles around you. Soon you couldn't keep your eyes open.

You could hear someone yelling about intruders and then running. You lost your fight to keep your eyes open. You fell unconscious after that. You only awoke briefly to someone picking you up. Most likely security or maybe it had been long enough to be an EMT. This was probably a really bad concussion. You could hear the person telling you to stay awake, but you were way beyond staying awake. You fell asleep soon after groaning about being moved about.

When you woke up you were being attended to by a young man with black messy hair. The room was dimly lit as well. Probably some squatter that lived here. But that was your last concern as you felt sick. You dry heaved for maybe a second or two before you threw up. Luckily the guy had a bucket handy and you threw up in it. You felt like shit and just realized you were laying down.

"Are you alright?" The guy asked.

You threw up a bit more. "Yeah. Never been better." You managed to respond before dry heaving a bit more.

He laughed and handed you some water. You swished it around in your mouth a bit and spit it into the bucket. You did this a few more times to get the taste out of your mouth before actually drinking some water.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Just a bit. Thank you." You responded.

"That was a nasty fall you had." He said.

"You saw that?" You chuckled. "Not one of my best moments."

He laughed at your comment. "So, what brings you here?" He asked.

"I lost my uh- dog. I think I saw it on the property." You tried your best to come up with a lie but a headache was setting in.

"Oh yeah? What's the dog's name?" He asked.

Crap. He's not taking the bait. You tried to think of a name. Think fast. Fuck. You look at your hands and back to him. "Chunks." You replied.

"That's an odd name for a dog. Why'd you name him that?" He inquired.

"He's really fat." You replied quickly.

"So, your really fat dog ran away from you?" He eyed you up and down.

Fuck. Time to lie in the hole you dug yourself. "Yes. He's surprisingly fast." You responded.

"What breed is he?" He asked.

"Chihuahua." You blurted.



He kept eying you. Not so sure about this story about a lost dog you're making up. That's when it hit you.

"Why are you here?!" You nearly shouted at him.

He was taken aback. "Uh- I live here?"

"What?? No one lives here?" You replied.

"We do." He said.

"We?" You asked.

"Yeah! Me and my br-

"Mokuba!" He was interrupted by another man. The door swung open and the light pouring in from the hall nearly blinded you. You sure as hell couldn't see who was in the door.

"Seto!" You heard who you assumed was Mokuba said.

"Seto? Seto Kaiba?" You asked.


Everything felt a bit too much. You were getting tunnel vision and seeing spots. "Mr. Kaiba, I don't feel so good." was what you managed to say before going limp again.

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