Cleaning Lady

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It's been a few days since you've seen the Kaiba brothers. You went to the hospital to check your head after you got home from their place. The doctors said everything was fine. The cut on your head was superficial and would heal up soon. The doctor did give you a note to excuse you from school for a few days. So, you got to enjoy that.

Over the days you got out of school you spent them with Alex and Alejandra. You all decided to spend time at each other's houses and going out to eat. Alejandra seemed very relieved that you were okay. Alex was pretty mad that you acted so stupidly. He was right though. It's your fault you fell. They both seemed excited that you met the Kaiba's though. When you were younger you were all into Duel Monsters and looked up to people like Seto Kaiba and Yugi Muto. Alex didn't like the idea of them being in touch with you and told you to ignore their number. Alejandra thought that was cool though but holding a crime over your head wasn't. You told them you'd think it over.

It'd been a week since then and no message from Mokuba. It gave to you time to recover and head back to classes. You decided that you would keep in contact with Mokuba, if he ever messaged you. You didn't want them to take the incident to the police. It could get you get you kicked out of college or worse in jail. Besides how hard could it be to pull a Billionaire out of exclusion. While walking back to your dorm, you finally got a text from Mokuba.

"Hey. How are you doing?"

You text him back. "I'm pretty good. No life altering injuries."

"Oh good! Come over to my place today." He wrote back.

"Sure" You wrote back. You were done with classes today and had no plans.

You dropped your stuff off at your dorm and got ready to head out to the Kaiba Mansion. Luckily the drive wasn't too long. You were a bit nervous, but you pushed back your nerves. Everything would be fine. When you arrived Mokuba was at the gate and opened it so you could park your car on the property. Once you parked the car in front of the place, Mokuba ran up to you.

"I'm glad you came! We have a lot to discuss and plans to make!" He said as he practically dragged you into the house.

The sun light pouring in from the windows lit the place up since you last came in. The whole area was huge! The foyer contained a grand staircase leading to a second level with a stained-glass ceiling. Looking around as Mokuba dragged straight to the living room you could see it was even bigger that what you remembered. Some furniture still had sheets on them, and others were uncovered. Mokuba sat you down on the couches without any sheets on them. As you sat some dust came up around you.

"Sorry! I tried my best to clean up!" He said between your coughs.

"It's fine!" You managed to choke out.

"I'll get you some water stay here!" Mokuba said as he scurried off to a dark hallway.

You kept coughing but settled down a bit. You sat there looking at your surroundings. The living room was huge. It had a bar in one corner and a fountain in the middle. There were large windows and doors that led to the backyard. It was like looking at a picture of an abandoned house. Lost in amazement you didn't hear Mokuba returning. He tapped your shoulder and startled you.

"I was the same when I first moved here. Except it didn't look so... decrepit." He said as he handed you the water.

"What happened?" You asked.

"Long story. Little time. Let's discuss getting Seto back into society." He said.

You sipped on your water. You had no idea how to get someone to come back out of hiding.

"Well how bad of a shut in is he?" You asked.

"Pretty bad. He doesn't leave the house or even want people over. He doesn't even know you're here. I'm not even sure he wants me here sometimes" He said that last part a bit sadly.

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