origins: raiden makoto

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• inazuma, 600 years ago. •

zepar grunted as she dug her heels into the dusty floor of the arena, holding her sword out to block her sparring partner's attack.

electrified wind swirled fiercely around the two women's feet as makoto's eyes flashed mischievously, a wide grin sliding onto her face as she pushed harder on the cool steel of the sword with her own.

the winds around them swirled and roared as it billowed zepar's white locks ferociously around her face, and with a crackling, aggressive explosion of air, makoto's weapon slipped and she went soaring across the empty arena, crashing into the stone wall behind her.

instead of crumbling as you might have expected from a fall as hard as the one she took, the bricks merely formed around the woman like putty and returned to normal as she slid down to the ground in defeat.

"you alive?" zepar joked, still stood in the middle of the arena. her eyes flashed an unnaturally bright shade of green momentarily and the walls of the arena crumbled, turning to dust as they reached the floor, joining the sawdust of the floor, and then even that dispersed to the winds, leaving a healthy, green area of grass, fluttering in the wind without a trace of the enormous arena that had been situated on top of it not moments earlier.

"barely." makoto replied smoothly, getting briskly to her feet and brushing her clothes off.

"at least give me a little more credit than that." zepar complained lightheartedly. "i do try, and besides, this has always been your idea."

makoto giggled, fixing the sleeves of her kimono. "yes, i do appreciate the help. one day, i hope i will be able to beat you with a sword. perhaps ei would be able to rest if i were as skilled in combat as she is."

"i don't think she would see it as a 'rest', makoto," zepar replied pointedly, "but more of an insult if you told her you no longer had any use for her."

"no, of course i'm joking," makoto said wistfully, gazing over at the peaks and dips of the next island across from where the two women were, "i think we make the perfect team, her and i."

"you're right," zepar nodded. "she is skilled with a weapon, but she worries. about erosion. time passing. change. but although you cannot win your battle against me, you have the most wonderful outlook on this world. you are kind, generous and gentle, and you know that all good things must come to an end eventually, which is why you mustn't worry away the time you have, else it will leave much faster than you can enjoy it. in short, she is strong, and you are wise."

makoto gazed at the woman for a while as she looked away from her, her green eyes tracing the silhouettes of the inazuman islands in the distance, watching her white hair billow slightly in the light breeze. a gentle smile painted itself on makoto's lips subconsciously as her purple eyes followed the slope of her nose, the curve of her lips and her strong jawline.

in this state of tranquility, nobody would guess that just moments before, she had been ruthlessly battling with the electro archon herself, and had won. nobody would be able to predict the defined muscles in the arms that appeared to be slim and gentle under her robes, the toned abdominal muscles on her slim waist, the sharp, sarcastic tongue in her plump, pink lips.

that was what makoto loved about her closest friend.

she was unpredictable, sharp, strong, and wise. she was her and her sister put together. despite being a minor god, she could easily spar with archons, and many saw her to be on the same level as them.

most gods were humble, but that didn't mean that their sentiments were meaningless. the goddess of reality was no title to be underestimated.

"mora for your thoughts?" zepar asked, not looking away from the inazuman landscapes. "i can feel your gaze. as beautiful as your eyes are, the feeling of them upon me is rather unsettling."

"sorry." makoto said, sitting crosslegged in the grass. "i am just considering how lucky i am to be considered your friend."

zepar scoffed. "you're an archon. i think the sentiment ought to be reversed."

"you are a better god than i will ever be." makoto sighed. "as much as you value my wisdom, you manage the abilities of both my sister and i with ease, and you know it. you understand more about this world than i ever will, and your skill with any weapon placed in your hand can far surpass any strike i make with a sword. and above all, it seems you truly do not realise just how valuable you are. i wonder whether this is something that will benefit you or whether it will be your downfall. it is too soon to tell. covet your mind and body, for there are many that would kill and be killed for just a fraction of your power. i fear this envy doesn't end in tevyat, either; i dont doubt there is some other underlying reason for celestia's adamant resistance against your very existence."

zepar lowered herself to the ground to be beside makoto, bringing her face close to the purple haired woman's. her green eyes were alight with emotion as they met with makoto's purple.

"i will exist for you."

zepar tucked a stray strand of purple hair behind makoto's ear as she drew her face closer, and their noses touched. zepar jumped away as she felt a strong electric shock on the tip of her nose, and she rubbed it feverishly.

makoto giggled as zepar's nose turned a soft pink colour, overshadowing the sprinkling of freckles on her face.

"that's what you get, z!" makoto put a hand over her mouth to cover her flustered cheeks.

zepar didn't laugh, her eyes flickering over her friend with a soft smile on her face.

"worth it."

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