♯ drunk in love

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"HEY," you walk in, opening the door to katsuki's bedroom. he was sitting alone, wiping his face. after your rather heated conversation with aizawa, despite the confession, you wanted some space to sort out your thoughts rather than just talking in the moment.

you wanted to know if you truly did love him and if he meant what he said and he wasn't just spouting drinks thoughts that he thought would convince you to stay with him.

katsuki's dark eyes wandered to you and he scoffed.

"what do you want?"

"to talk," you sigh, "what's wrong? why'd you punch him?"

"nothing," he frowns, "don't worry about it."

you approach him, his eyes stared at you, watching as reached out to him, but just like shouta he pushed you away, "don't fuckin' push me," you shove him back, "i'm so tired of both you doing that to me."

"why do you have to make everything about him?" he grumbles, frustratingly clawing at his hair, "ever since you've been with him all you do is talk about him."

"he's my boyfriend."

"and?" he scoffs, "all your friends and all my friends are dating someone but you don't see them whinin' about their significant others twenty four seven."

"i'm not my friends, katsuki," you point out, "and i'm not your friends either. we're all different in the way we talk about our significant others. you shouldn't be upset about that nor care if i do talk about him."

"well i do care," he spoke, voice reaching the volume of a whisper, "i care who you speak about. i fucking care if you speak about him. it matters to me."

"why? he loves me, katsuki," you explain, "i should be able to speak about someone i'm with without you getting mad. i should be able to speak about someone who loves me."

"i love you!" he shouts, standing up, "i've known you way longer than him. you chose me, not him! so of course i fuckin' care about you telling me he loves you."

"how can you say that?" you push him, "you love me? that's bullshit, katsuki! i chose him because you didn't want me. no matter how many times i showed how much i liked you, you felt different." you laugh, shaking your head at his words, "you don't love me, katsuki and i'm starting to believe he doesn't either."

"be with me," he sighs, holding your hands "i'm telling you now that i want to be with you. i didn't want to ruin your relationship by telling you but i don't care anymore. i want to be with you, y/n.

"you're drunk!" you sniffle, fed up with how they were just throwing around such an important phrase at a vulnerable time. it was confusing and you didn't know whose words to trust, "i don't believe you."

with nothing else left to say, katsuki did the only thing he could imagine to convince you of his feelings. a kiss. he brought you closer to him, hands cupping your face but within seconds you shoved him away, more tears coming down.

you were angry. it seemed like they both were taking advantage of how you felt, only wanting you to stay with them and forget their own mistake.

"fuck you."

it was the last words katsuki had heard from you before watching you walk out the door.

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