The Sunset

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Summary : The four swiftly escaped the Days , Albert was in a new place - he was glad he was far far far away from them.
( Warning : Mention of death , fighting )
This might be a very long chapter so if you want to finish it in a day , you'll have to like it ^^ Plus I didn't have time to check if there were any mistakes so please do tell me if I did a grammar mistakes or other mistakes.

[ The Sunrise and Sunset City - 8:45pm ]

The four teleported back to the place the three idiots live. A place is more different that the Days City.

The Days City is a gloomy and dark - but here is the place has creatures lurking at night and sometimes in the morning.

But for the Sunrise and Sunset City - it lively , has grassland and more sunlight that doesn't burn you eyes to much.

"Um.. where are we..?" The brunette asked.
"Oh , we're in the Sunset City." Pridie replied.

"" Albert sounded like he was worried.

"What do you mean?" Soldier answered.

"Um... can we talk about it later..? There is a lot to take in right now.."

"No no it's fine , but we can't stay here for two long. Lets go." Pridie said.

Albert followed the trio to the "city" - he's not sure why he trusted them in the first place but if he didn't : he wouldn't be safe anyways. He felt safe and secure - he haven't felt that feeling for awhile now because of the darkness virus spreading quickly , and the side effects it can cause.

Albert was scared that the city he's in might have the darkness virus , but to his expectations , he was totally wrong. He slightly smiles in relief but not too visible.

"Welcome to Sunrise and Sunset City , Albert! Here , you are safe from any danger!"

"That's what they said.." Albert mumble to himself.

"What?" Soldier was right next to him - confused of what Albert said.

"N-Nothing!" Albert replied while putting a fake smile.

Pridie widely smiled in amusement , she was in the front , leading the group to a building were they can interview the brunette and would walk past a huge "obvious" sign that said :
"Welcome to Sunrise and Sunset City , a safe and prefect home for the dead , protecting them at all cost , possible."

The word dead caught the brunette off-guard.

They pasted building that looked like a fancy and well-done orphanage as the building had "Sunrise Orphanage" on the entrance of the building. Then they finally reached their mansion - well it looks like one.

[ The Sunrise Building - 9:12pm ]

The tiro went into a hallway , then a elevator and then the interview room.

"Albert please sit down there , ask me if you need anything." Soldier said while Bubbletea and Pridie were busy getting some files about the brunette.

"Well.. can I get some water?" Albert's soft voice echoed the room. Soldier nodded and went to the mini-fridge at the corner of the room to get some cold water for him and for Albert.

He handed Albert the cold water , both quietly drinking their cold bottles of water. Then the door swings open quickly , leading one of them to flinch violently while the other one slightly.

"Hi." Pridie said.

"All that for a simple "hi"?" Albert blankly said.

"Lets not question that , but lets go back to the point." Pridie looked at Albert.

The Days Union but I add my character and my besties' characters [DISCONTINUE]Where stories live. Discover now