Loosen Up A Little [Vyn]

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The changes that came with dating Vyn were just as sweet as you had dreamed them to be, always being showered with affections and the gentlest of touches he had once held off from doing for nearly a year. He was an absolutely divine partner to be blessed with, but you really wished he would loosen up a little.

Yes, professionalism was important with an occupation such as his, but some days you could see how weary he was; yet so unwilling to let go of all that emotion. With all his teaching, patients, and incidents with the NXX, his plate was more than just full. Depending on the severity of things, it made sense for him to be exhausted, his never ending work load surely weighing him down after enough of it. Now that you were present in his life though, you'd be having none of that anymore. No matter the stress, you would do your best to encourage him to shed away his worries, even if for a moment. Luckily, you had a surefire method in mind for your dear Adjudicator. All you had to do now was find him.

"Vyn, you in there hun?" You called out, gently knocking on his office door at the research center.

Inside it was silent, but after a brief moment a bit of rustling could be heard. The door then clicked, and gently swung open to reveal Vyn at his desk just freshly cleared of documents. You stepped inside, gently and carefully closing the door behind you so you wouldn't disturb the comfortable silence too much.

"_____, what a pleasant surprise." He spoke softly, his features relaxing upon seeing you.

"I remember you saying you had a couple appointments this evening, so I thought I'd stop by just to see how you were doing." You hummed.

"Luckily, I just finished filing away some documents, so I'm done for the day. Your timing couldn't be more perfect, my rose." He chuckled as he stood to greet you. "It's like you always know when I need you the most."

Vyn drew you into a warm embrace, craving the comfort of your warmth. You were more than happy to reciprocate, sliding your hands around him under his lab coat.

"Has the day been rough?" You asked, nuzzling against his chest.

"A little. Lighthearted matters are scarce to come by in this profession." He sighed in admittance.

"Mmm, you should stop worrying about it for now then. You're done for the day, and you've done all you can. There's always tomorrow to take care of the more difficult things." You gently encouraged him. "I know it's not easy, but you need to give yourself an emotional break, hun."

Vyn sighed, stepping back a little to look at you with a weak smile. "You're right. It's just a little hard to get out of old habits is all."

You pondered his words for a moment, then came up with an offer. "Say, if I was able to distract you from the unpleasant thoughts for a moment, would you perhaps feel better?"

"Any moment of distraction would be of aid. Even if it will only clear my mind for a moment, it will be enough to remove the tension and improve my work ethic." He nodded.

You could do it. Your original mischievous plan to bring some joy to his office could be done now. You just had to think about it for a moment and decide whether or not it would be worth it, but after considering the gravity of the situations he dealt with on a daily basis, it was a confident yes from you. He definitely needed the distraction, and a bit of laughter to help him relax.

"Hun, did you have something in mind? You're awfully quiet now." Byn spoke up, drawing you from your thoughts.

"Actually, I do. I hope you don't mind my methods though." You snickered, shooting him a mischievous glance.

"What did you have in mind- gkh!"

He made a strangled noise, having not expected your fingers to go poking at his sides. Hidden beneath the lab coat, he was unaware of your intentions until it was too late. Every poke had him holding back giggles, fighting to maintain face in his place of work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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