Flirt Back [Marius]

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Marius was always flirty. Every day he saw you without missing a beat, he'd have something witty, flirty, or inherently teasing to say to you, always playing it off in the end like some silly little joke. Personally, you had grown tired of his flirty little antics, but not because it was annoying. You knew deep down he meant every word he said to you, and only had a problem admitting to it. This time, you'd flirt back, and see how far he'd go with you before he would have to confess. You were tired of waiting for him to admit it anyway, and desired something more with him yourself. Since the goofball won't make the first move, it would have to be you.

He never failed to video call you after work on Fridays, so you patiently waited with your phone in hand at your kitchen counter for his image to pop up on screen. It was almost routine now, and you had grown to love your calls with him. This time you'd be guiding the conversation though, and the thought of doing so made you giddy. As much as you hated to admit it yourself, it was exciting to think that you were going to make moves on him for once since this game of tag had gone on long enough. It was time to catch him.

Right on cue, after only a few more minutes of waiting, Marius' name popped up on your phone. You grinned like a fool knowing full well what you were about to do. There was a high chance he was going to ask you out to dinner again as he did every other week, but this time you had some witty lines under your belt. You answered while maintaining that smirk, pleased to see his face take up your screen.

"Marius! Right on time as always~" You greeted him.

"Ah, was my lady expecting me then?" He joked.

"Always am~. Now, what sort of request will you be making today, hmm? You always have a good reason for calling, so let me hear!"

"My, you know me too well! Nothing gets by you, does it Miss ______?" He chuckled. "I was wondering if perhaps you'd be willing to go out to dinner with me tonight again~? That same place we visited last week has some new menu items that I'm sure you'd love to try."

"Dinner? With you again? Of course! I thought you'd never ask~" You agreed instantly. "If that's the case, then would you mind helping me pick out what to wear to our date then?"

This was the first time you had phrased one of your outings together as a date, and it caught him off guard. His eyes widened and he nearly dropped his phone, fumbling to get it back in his grasp while bringing it up close to his eyes.


"Yeah! That's what this is, isn't it?" You spoke innocently. "C'mon, loosen up~! Help me pick an outfit!"

You ran upstairs with your phone in hand and propped it up on your dresser just next to your closet so you could get your whole body in view. He still stared at his screen with a dumbfounded expression, but you paid it no mind. You were already having a great time and you hadn't even gotten in his car yet. With a chuckle, you grabbed some of your finest looking dresses from your closet and held them up against your body, encouraging him to help you out with your outfit choice.

"Well? Don't just stare at your phone! Help a girl out, would ya?" You snorted.

"I, uh... I mean, the first dress wasn't bad looking." He slowly started to suggest, backing up from his phone so he wasn't just a pair of eyes on the screen.

"Great! So something in range of this style then. I have a couple more to show you~"

You happily carried on showing him outfit after outfit, pretending this was normal and not different at all. He was shocked by how giddy and upbeat you were, not used to you being so excited. Normally he'd have you a flustered mess by the first five minutes of suggesting to take you out, yet here you were with an iron grip on him while you casually flirted back. That was the kicker. You never flirted back up until now, let alone suggest that it would be a date.

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