Rather Mature [Marius]

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You had seen it before on many occasions, but it still impressed you every single time without fail. Compared to his usual behaviour, it was quite the switch up, and you couldn't get over it really. Who you would normally describe as a 'mischievous little shit' was currently the most professional and eloquently spoken person in the room, really taking hold of his current position. Marius von Hagen had the floor and everyone's attention regardless of if it was positive or negative.

In the heat of a board meeting, Marius spent his time confidently persuading his business partners on his next business proposal. It was to be with a well esteemed clothing company, but despite his persuasive speech, one board member would not give it his okay. Everyone else was convinced with Marius' words but him. He would take a little extra work to crack, clearly.

"You honestly want to collaborate with such a low class company? Are you trying to bring our company value down?" The one member criticized.

"Low class eh... Well, I guess you could consider me low class then huh." Marius said confidently.


"The suit I'm wearing is made by that very company. I thought you would've known since you claim to be so well versed in these things." Marius sighed.

"Y-you? Wearing something from them?!" The man stammered, starting to backpedal

"They're an esteemed company. They provide formal wear to all groups of people at an affordable price while delivering quality construction. Everyone has a chance to get clothes for any occasion that demands formal attire. They would be an asset to us. Especially if we can help increase production. They're talked about through nearly all age groups. It would be a mistake not to accept." Marius informed him.

"He is right. Marius looks the perfect part while wearing their attire. They're popular, and we should definitely assist in production cost. The financial benefit would be generous. Not everyone needs to buy top dollar brands to look sophisticated." An already agreeing board member chimed in.

The man who was so against the idea was now thoroughly outnumbered and made a slight fool of. The embarrassment flooded over him as he realized he made a poor assumption, unaware of just how broad and popular the clothing company truly was. He grumbled in defeat and stared down at the table, mumbling out something about finally agreeing and to give the collaboration full support.

"Lovely. I'm glad you finally agree." Marius said with a victorious smile.

With a little more discussion and confirmation on any further plans with the company, Marius closed out the meeting and dismissed everyone. Everyone slowly filtered out of the room with murmurs related to how excited they were to go forward with the collaboration. You and Marius lingered behind though, collecting your thoughts and some papers as well. You nudged him a little when he stood, a tiny smirk playing on your lips.

"Congratulations, Marius."

"What for? It's not often you give me praise, Miss." He huffed.

"Talking through all of that. They're all quite stubborn, but you managed to speak professionally and persuade them on your idea. It's not often I see you do that, but I'm still impressed almost every time." You remarked.

"Eeeh~? Stroking my ego now, are we~?" Marius teased, returning your nudge as you stood up next to him.

"If that is what you wish to call my compliment, then yes." You laughed. "You're rather mature for someone who's usually a little shit on a regular basis."

Marius was actually quite shocked this time. He was not used to receiving genuine compliments from you, so he ended up getting a little flustered over hearing you give him praise. He could only stare at you blankly as he tried to process everything, unaware of the blush that had risen on his face.

"Aw, did I fluster the Mairus? Oh wow~. How the tables have turned~" You teased, amused by his wide eyed expression.

He sighed deeply, relatively unsure of what to do with you little ol' you.

"Y'know, you're quite lucky that there's no one else in here besides us. If this was in front of my colleagues... I don't know what I'd do, Miss." He mumbled.

"So it's fine then, right?" You asked.


"For me to properly congratulate you. It's fine, right?" You repeated.

"What are you referring to- mm!!"

You gave his hand a little yank and made him stumble closer to you, closing the rest of the distance with a sweet little kiss. His heart rate skyrocketed, completely caught off guard for a moment. That suave little shit you always knew soon came back to the floor the longer you held your lips to his though, adapting quickly by returning the gesture and sneaking an arm around your waist. Little pecks were left here and there, both of you grinning like idiots until you parted.

"So, was it fine?" You repeated, still lingering quite close to him.

"It was. Quite fine indeed." He hummed.

"Looks like you've matured in more areas than one. I thought for sure you would've fainted or something." You chuckled.

"Miss... There is a reason why I only ever hire you to be my lawyer..." He implied.

"And there's a reason why I always say yes." You smirked back.

"So, if I proposed that our meetings become a little more frequent and... permanent, would you still say yes?"

"I would indeed." You huffed.

Both of you took one more moment to kiss again, confirming the implications that were laid before you. You had to get at least one more in before leaving the conference room. Didn't want any prying eyes to think any more of your professional relationship. What happened behind the stacks of paper was no one else's business but yours, and you'd like to keep it that way.

It was the mature thing to do.

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