Angry? Who's Angry?

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"Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn't change the heart of others-- it only changes yours."

Shannon Alder,

"Two years, five months and two days," Kara's angry voice snarled as a fist shattered the concrete block in front of her. Her foot flew out next, connecting with the steel base of the attack bot that Brainy had sent into the room with her, blasting the electronic creature across the room and shattering it to bits on the wall.

Nia's eyes were trained on the monitors and she failed to hear the mumbled words of her best friend. She shook her head and turned to speak quietly into the microphone. "What was that, Kar?"

"That's how long she has been gone." Anger coated Kara's words, red hot, like the power of her heat vision. "I know she decided we couldn't be together, but to find out she is getting married to that woman. Agghh!" She screamed as her vision exploded into another target.

Nia swallowed and thumbed a button on the control panel, which in turn set off a small alarm on Alex's desk in the upstairs offices of the tower.


"Why don't you get out of National City for a few days, sis?" Alex asked. "Crime is down and you could use the break. We can cover the city for a little while. Give you a chance to get..." she stopped talking as Kara lifted her hand, one finger up in warning.

"I thought I was over her," Kara responded, a hint of anger in her tone. "But to find out from a rival news organization about the wedding." Her hands formed tight fists by her sides. "Dammit!"

"Go see Kate, or Barry, or anyone other than someone that lives in Ireland," Alex coaxed.

"You want me to go to Gotham?" Kara asked with surprise. "In my current mood?"

"Crime is down here, maybe you could bring a little hope to" Alex shuddered at the thought.

"Maybe," Kara pondered.


Two Weeks Later...

Kate and Kara sat on the edge of the roof on a rundown apartment building in Gotham's east side, booted feet hanging over the edge, kicking them back and forth like small children, staring down at the street below. Kate smiled at Kara. "Thanks for the assist, Supergirl," Then she bumped the Girl of Steel's shoulder. "Still mad?"

"A little," Kara responded flatly. "I was hoping being away from National City might help, but I should have known better."

"We could hit a few bars?" Kate teased, her eyes lighting up with mischief.

"No," Kara responded with a chuckle. "Last time you and I went drinking together, I think we destroyed the ego of every toxic guy in Gotham."

"That is true," Kate acknowledged with a laugh. "If that's the case, I'm headed home. I have to be at Wayne Tower early in the morning." With a wave, she stood, fired her grappling hook and swung away.

Kara checked right, then left and then looked over her shoulder. "I can hear you, so whoever you are, just come out."

Out of the shadows, a small thin woman with pale, almost translucent skin, sashayed forward. She was dressed, head to toe, in black, red and white leather and her red painted lips were turned up into a surprisingly attractive smirk.

"What can I do for you, Harley Quinn?" Kara asked derisively.

"Sounds to me like you need someone to just... listen to ya for a little while, Supes." Harley responded in a thick Brooklyn accent. She snapped a business card forward. "Dr. Harleen Quinzel. At your service."

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