𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚: 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙬𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙙

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There was nothing like letting out her anger by playing Mario Kart with Groot. He brought out the inner angsty teenager in Ava. Letting her curse out when she didn't win or got hit by a blue shell in the game. Those words came out harsher as they had double intentions for slipping off her tongue.

"I am Groot!"

"You did not call me that you little tree sap!" Ava then punched his arm causing him to laugh mischievously.

"You're making his brain rot you know?"

Ava turned to see her brother leaning against the doorframe. She rolled her eyes at him. "Not like you were the same when we lived with Mom."

Peter only shook his head as he entered the room.

"What's up?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the game as she was determined to beat Groot on Rainbow Road.

Peter sat on the chair next to her and grabbed her controller. She gasped and reached for it but Peter pulled it further away.

"You okay sis?"

"I'm fine," Ava mumbled. "Now give me the controller back! You're going to make me lose." She attempted to steal the object back but Peter placed it on a high shelf behind him.

He rose an eyebrow at his younger sister unconvinced of her statement. "You're playing Mario Kart with Groot. You are not fine. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong Peter okay!" She yelled and walked towards the shelf. Causing Peter to jump while Groot was unphased.

Her hand almost caught hold of the controller but a hand snatched her wrist and brought it down. Peter wore a genuine serious expression, something that was rare for him. "Ava, you can tell me anything. You know that right? Remember our promise?"

Ava stared back at him for a moment as she remembered the day they united, they swore to watch each other's back. Do anything and everything to never be separated ever again. She finally gave in with a sigh.

"I'm just frustrated that the one time I feel certain about a distress signal, we find the biggest pain in the neck." She confessed as she rubbed her forehead with her hand with a hint of regret on her face. She shook her head as she looked down.

"I really am stupid. I shouldn't have listened to you and never dragged us into this mess."

Peter placed a hand on her shoulders and bent down to lock eyes with her.

"Hey hey hey," He said as she captured his kind and tender brotherly gaze.

"You are not stupid. Do you hear me? You are one of the most intelligent people I know. Don't ever let you think otherwise. This dude we found may be a jerk, but you were the one who saved him. Without you, he'd still be stuck on Behert. If he doesn't realize that, then he's a bigger idiot than Thanos."

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