Secrets' Out, (Not) Sorry Elena

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" Sit." I ordered John as Jenna retrieved something for his head. " We're telling her and you're helping."

The older man glared. " Don't I have a say in what happens in my family?"

" But she's not your family, she's Jeremy's. And her wants her to know."

" Elena doesn't." John responded smugly, he obviously thought he'd won.

I just crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him. " And since when do you agree with what Elena wants?"

His fell in time with Jenna slamming a bag of frozen vegetable down on the table.

" Okay. What is happening?" She demanded. " What don't I know?"

" John?" I asked expectantly.

With a heavy sigh and a withering look in my direction, he gave in. He seemed to be doing that a lot today.

" Did Miranda ever tell you stories when you were younger? About vampires?" He started.

" Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything? I mean, it's not like any of it was real."

" Well...."

" That's not helping." I berated him.

Jenna shook her head. " No. I'm not buying this. Tell me what's really going on. Now."

" Ky?" I flinched at the name and turned to see Jeremy looking at me nervously.

" First, never call me that again." I addressed him seriously. " If you have to use a nickname, call me Mal. Anna does. Secondly, candle?"

Jenna continued to look between John and I impatiently while Jeremy got what I asked for from the living room. Honestly, I was a kind of happy about the show I was about to put on. I could feel the magic I stole from Isobel buzzing under my skin, begging to be let out. Sure, I probably should have channeled it into my necklace for later, but the high of doing even the smallest spell was too tempting, too addicting.

" Here you go." Jeremy handed me a vanilla jasmine candle from the coffee table."

" I don't think now is the time to be worrying about how the house smells." Jenna said. " I want answers."

" Just watch." I begged, placing one hand over the unlit wick. " Incendia." A flame flickered to life.

" Neat trick but I'm still not convince. I want the truth."

I focused on the school work Jenna left scattered around the table, simply levitating them at first and then forming a circle spinning around her. Jenna's eyes widened and she looked at us all in fear. I hoped this wouldn't change how she saw me, that she wouldn't make me leave, that I wouldn't loose her kindness.

" Vampires?" Her voice was small when she asked.

" And witches." I gestured to myself as the papers floated back to their original places. " And technically werewolves, but they usually keep to their own kind."

" Why are you telling me this?" Even if her voice was growing stronger, it still wavered.

" Because Johnny-Boy and Elena have gotten the rest of us involved and it's no longer safe for you not to know. And it wouldn't be fair, if you were kept ignorant while involved with Alaric." I tried to explain.

" What do Elena and Alaric have to do with this?" Jenna asked frantically, " Wait. Is Alaric a vampire?"

Seeing his aunt beginning to hyperventilate, Jeremy moved her to the couch and got her a glass of wine. John and I followed them into the living room. I put the candle down and waited for Jenna to calm down. After she'd had a few sips of her wine I decided I was good to answer her questions.

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