A Few Good Men

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The next day I spent the morning drinking coffee and going through my grimoire, hoping to find a way to strengthen the locator spell and by pass what or who ever was cloaking Isobel. The original spell should have shown her to me, dead or alive. Perhaps mixing my blood and Elena's hair would help. I wish I knew another witch. But I didn't know who to trust. Jo told me that my father's prison was made with the help of a Bennet witch, and to be wary of any in Mystic Falls.

"Hey." Elena greeted softly, sitting on the edge on my bed.

" Elena."

" Um, the other day, when Jenna told me about Isobel? She gave me an address for one of Isobel's old friends. Apparently they were cheerleaders together. Anyway, do you want to go with me? I know she's your mother too, and I kind of don't want to go alone..." She looked up at me with 'puppy' eyes.

" Yeah, I'll go." I looked down at my grimoire and shook my head. " It's gotta be better than the absolute nothing I've come up with."

"Great, let's go!" Elena stood abruptly.

" Now?" She was already in the hallway. " Okay.. Now I guess."

It was a mostly quiet ride. I think we were both a little anxious for what we might find.

" Did Jenna tell you anything else? My aunt only met Isobel one and they didn't really talk." I tried to break the silence.

" Well- there's a chance that the new history teacher might have been her husband, but according to Jenna," Elena took a deep breath, " his wife died. The police never found her body."

" Well, shit."

I didn't so much care about Isobel, as I did about being sent back to Joshua. Even if Jo came with me, he could always find her. The one benefit of being a siphoner, I didn't have Gemini magic to trace.

" I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's not like I knew her, besides she gave us up."

" You're right." Elena nodded confidently, before the two of us returned to quiet.

" This should be it." I point to a house just ahead of us.

Walking up to the house, Elena double checked the address. Slowly we made our way to the door and stood there for a moment. Elena kept hesitating, so I was forced to knock. Just when we were turning away to give up, a blonde woman in her thirties opened the door.

"Trudie? Tru-Trudie Peterson?" Elena stuttered.

" Yes?"

" Uh, my name is Elena Gilbert and this is my... sister Kylie. We wanted to talk to you about Isobel Flemming."

" Well I haven't heard that name in years. How do you two know her?"

" I think that um, well... Do you know if she had a baby she gave up for adoption?"

We had discussed earlier that Trudie might not have known about the second child and that we shouldn't overwhelm her.

" My god. You're her daughter." Something was off with Trudie, he seemed more nervous than surprised. " I was just gonna make some tea." She pointed into the house. " Would you like some?"

" Sure." Elena answered for us both.

" Uh, the kitchen's this way." Is she afraid?

Trudie stepped back to allow us entry and some of her anxiousness seemed to ebb away as we stepped in. However it flowed back as she looked outside.

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