You Don't Take What's Mine

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After the incident at the grill, everyone seemed to avoid me except for Jeremy, who couldn't get a hold of Anna. At least I think that's what he was trying to say. The text I received from him was incomplete and after he missed 3 calls I was forced to track down John.


" John Gilbert." I found him in the Gilberts' kitchen.

" Kylie." He greeted me apprehensively. " Can I help you with something?"

" You know, I was happy to play the ignorant bitchy teenager without a clue, but now I'm pissed. Do you know why, John?"

" No, I can't say I do." He crossed his arms, leaning back on the counter.

" It's because," I drew out, " I have reason to believe that your psycho baby-mama," his eyes grew wide as he flinched, " kidnapped my favourite Gilbert."

" What?"

" I'll admit, it's the perfect motivation really, for Elena to get her the device. Problem is, I've come to think of Jeremy as my own baby brother, and you don't take what's mine."

" What do you want me to do?"

" You are going to take me to her, I know you know where she is. Then I'm going to kick her ass and collect my brother." I put up a finger with each point. " Following that, Jeremy and I are going to sit Jenna down and tell her the truth. " He tried to protest. " Ah, ah. Surrounded by people who know, people like you and Elena who can't stop getting involved, ignorance will only kill her faster."

John sighed heavily before giving in. " She just called me over, that means she'll have the device, not Jeremy."

" We'll see." I followed him to the car.

The ride was silent for a short moment, and then it wasn't.

" So you are a vampire."

" No, but I am someone Isobel is afraid of. Someone she clearly hoped she'd never have to look in the eye."

" How did you know...?" His question never came out but it seemed obvious enough.

" That you're Elena's biological father? I was with Elena during the initial meeting for the device, Isobel wasn't as subtle as Elena thinks." I began to ramble. " We're on the outs right now though, so it won't be me who tells her. Probably Stefan after Damon puts it together and uses it to taunt him. Weirdly enough, he is the brains of the operation."

" But you knew Isobel before you came to town."

" No I didn't, however she is why I came."

" You told Jenna you were looking for your mother..." John's face paled rapidly as he trailed off.

" And found a grave, yes. I also told you that that was between Elena and myself."

" Who's your father? Not the teacher."

" I never knew my father, he was locked up the same day I was born, doubt he even knew I was going to exist." Would he have done it if he did? Leave another kid to grow up the same way? " Isobel left me on the doorstep of his abusers."

" We're here." He parked in front of a large house. " Stay here, I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. Isobel wouldn't do this."

Did he not hear a word I said? I waited until I was sure he wouldn't look back and used the magic I stole from Isobel to cloak myself before following him.

" I see you're packing, that's a good sign." John acknowledged the luggage in the hall.

" Won't be long now." Isobel responded confidently.

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