Chapter Four

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(Your Pov)

Nudge. Push. Poke. Tickle-

You shrug off each attempt to unravel you, subconsciously defending your spells.


You grunt as you hold steady, slowly becoming aware of anything other than the dreamless sleep you entered. That being the constant nagging against your magic, in this scenario.

Your magic.

A heavy sigh from your bedside causes you to finally open your eyes, looking up at quite the bothered Loki. Well, the backside of one, anyway. He faced the nightstand, hands outstretched before him.

You were confused about what he was doing, until a much larger shove came at your spell.

Oh, no- God. Loki, no- Why couldn't he just listen for once? "Loki!" You whisper hoarsely, voice dry from the late night.

He looked over his shoulder, eyes wide like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Good morning, Darling." He smiled, looking much more cheery than he most likely should have been.

"You do realise what can happen if you use more magic than you can, right?" You ask, your question sounding more like a command. A 'Stop using magic now' command.

"Yes, but I know my limits well." Nonetheless, Loki dropped his hands, surrendering the task of unlocking breakfast to you. "What I do not know is why you decided to protect breakfast so strongly."

You look over at the meal, Loki demonstrating what you've done by trying to lift a fork from the tray. Instead, the entire tray started to lift up, as if it were frozen.

"Oh." You groan, frustrated for not thinking of a better spell than the one that essentially froze the time around an item. Or in this case, a collection of items. With a wave of your hand, time resumed, the smell of freshly made french toast filling the air. "Sorry. But you could have just woken me up, you know."

"I didn't want to be a bother." Loki took a dish, as well as silverware, starting to delve in. After a moment, you realised his form never wavered, any unpredictable body movements never happening.

Your face fell. "Love," You say in a flat tone, tired of trying to impede such basic facts upon him. Loki turned to face you, expression so calm and cheery you almost thought it was real. The mouth full of food was a nice touch as well. "Are you using another illusion?"

He swallowed his bite, eyes never leaving your own. "I only want to look my best-"

Your glare shuts him up. "I swear, one more time and I'm going to put you to sleep until you heal all the way." You threaten, leaning lightly against his shoulder. While sneaking a hand to touch his bare skin, sending a flare of magic through his body.

Any magician who actually had the strength to perform an illusion, would have been strong enough to prevent such a simple shiver from breaking through their image.

Loki's shattered. He almost looked worse since last night, face sunken in, the shaking still there. If anything it had increased, even by the slightest.

But he hadn't just placed an illusion over himself- but the plate of food also. What looked before to be maybe a whole toast eaten, now featured only a few small bites. And no indication to keep eating.

"You have to stop doing this." You sigh, before gently lifting the plate from his hands.

He huffed. "I am just trying to be strong."

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