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୨⎯ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ ⎯୧
The brothers sat in the sunroom bored and didn't feel like working today; they felt like they had been working everyday none stop.

"You want to go live?" Ryan asked,

"Sure, why not," Jack shrugged and picked up his guitar. Ryan got his computer ready and piano as Adam told everyone they were going live in the sunroom and shut the door. He walked over and started it; Jack and Ryan began to the little song they made for their live streams.

"AJR Livestream," they both sang repeatedly; Jack would put some pieces of their songs in the little tune as they waited for fans to join. It wasn't a long wait for them to have people participate since they hadn't done a Livestream in months since the tour and working had taken over their schedule.

"How many people are on the thing," Jack sang and looked at Adam, who was holding the phone. "Come and have a seat; it kinda like a meet and greet except it not at all," Jack sang; Ryan looked at him and laughed "and it free," he added; they smiled and giggled and continued playing "it's going to be super free, so come on into the AJR Livestream,"

They slowly finished the song, "welcome everybody!" Ryan greeted,

"you know where that came from," Jack cut his older brother off and made a random loud tune on his guitar.

"ladies and gentlemen, um..we are uh..we are here," Jack stuttered,

"It's been a while; you don't even know," Ryan teased,

"Adam was talking to me behind the camera; I just lose any ability to be any entertainer," Jack explained, and the other two cracked up from his excuse. "I-I-I kind of forget what job I'm in," Jack added, and Adam laughed from behind the camera. "Um, yeah, we realized like we haven't had uh contact with you guys in a while, um we just been working on our stuff, I haven't had contact to start-" Ryan confessed, playing a random key on his keyboard.

Jack cut him off again. "I haven't had contact to start it off negatively?"

"yeah," Ryan agreed, and they played their instruments and tried to think of something to talk about. They talked about how Jack had a sore throat. "Um, this is probably the most I can talk and sing; I can't do any belting notes yet,"

"I can just punch in the belting notes," Ryan told him, and Jack looked at him confused, "Okay, give us an example," Ryan started to play around once again on his piano,

"Like I can the Way in way less sad,"

"So do it like, don't you love it, don't you love it, no I ain't happy yet, but I'm-"

"WAY" Ryan shouted,

"Less sad, okay, so we keep that in our pocket for later when it's the jam session portion; I'm sure that will get good use," Jack explained,

"but yeah, we wanted to get a little connection with you guys, uh, fill you in about what we've been up to hearing your questions. Adam said there was a list of demands," Ryan explained.

"We will start song requests soon and make them good!" Jack exclaimed as Adam placed the phone down on Ryan's keyboard. Jack already sat in his chair; they pulled up for the live stream, and Ryan was getting himself and Adam one. "I'm just going to tell some of the demands by memory, okay," Adam said, and Jack nodded.

"So, demand number one is was play AJR Livestream at the beginning of the Livestream," Adam told them, and Ryan made a check mark with his finger while saying, "check,"

"Demand number two-"

"Wait, no sound?" Ryan questioned, which got them all confused.

"no sound," Jack smiled and laughed.

"wait, what do we do?" Ryan asked as Adam grabbed the phone.

"oh wait, is it crashing?" Jack casually asked and played his guitar, unlike his older brothers, who were confused and trying to fix the problem. "What, no," Adam replied to the youngest as Ryan read the chat to see if someone could help them.

"A lot of people are saying it's glitchy," Ryan clarified; after a couple of seconds of waiting for it to stop, "it's back!" Ryan was looking around the room to find what was causing the glitches, "maybe the microphone is being covered," he said to himself as the two were looking at the chat instead of listening to Ryan.

"Okay, cool," Jack said and continued his guitar again, "oh wait, can you hear us now?" Jack asked the chat, and people started to respond with different answers, "let's give us a-it's back, it's back," Jack cheered, and Ryan appeared on the side of the screen "we'll fill you in," he announced, "Okay the first demand was to play the AJR live stream and the second demand is an hour-long Ryan production Livestream right now on the Livestream," Adam explained, and they started to laugh.

"Okay, let me set the record straight-" Ryan started, only Jack interrupted him, "why don't you? Because we've gotten a lot of hate over the last year, and there's a lot of blood on Ryan's hands, " Jack confessed.

Which caused Ryan to huff, "There's a lot of blood on my hands, so I promise I would do a Livestream a production breakdown and my computer broke, and it is not a lie, my laptop broke, and it was too slow, and then uh, I said."

"I said a couple of blocks downtown, but I got it," Jack teased Ryan in the middle of his explanation. "It is a couple, a quick scooter right away, but I got kinda lazy, and before I knew it, a year went by, and I never updated my computer." Ryan explained, held a finger,r and continued, "but the good news is that this is not a joke. Literally, what was it two days ago? I finally updated my computer." Ryan grinned about it.

"And are you gonna do it?" Jack asked, pointing a finger at him.


"You're gonna do it," Jack finalized, and Ryan looked at him "no, no, no, you can expect me actually to do it soon now," Ryan said, "yep, there you go,"

"That was all the demands," Adam blurted out, and Jack looked at him weirdly, "well, all I could remember," he added, and Ryan laughed lightly, and they started to play a melody that could be for any music; Adam would whisper to Jack was a song to sing. In the middle of the jamming, Adam told Jack that Austin was on the stream. "Austin, get off the stream," Jack sang. They continued to sing for a bit and answered fans' questions;

"Ummm...shit," Jack mumbled as Austin joined the stream,

"What did you do?" Ryan asked and looked at Jack,

"I didn't touch nothing,"

"You invited me, Ryan; I'll leave for you guys to continue it," Austin said as he looked at the screen, then at the road, as he was in his car going somewhere. "Wait, are you driving?" Jack asked; Austin looked at the screen for a moment "umm, no," he answered sheepishly,

"you lair, you're driving," Ryan caught him.

"I'm leaving; bye," Austin said and left the stream,

"how do we report someone after they leave?" Jack asked, and they all laughed.

•.¸¸.•*'¨'* •.¸¸.•*'¨'*•.¸¸.•*'¨'*
I didn't want to write the whole Livestream in one chapter since it would be too much for me; also, it was hard to know who was talking since they were talking over each other and cutting each other off.

Big white bed ~J.M.Where stories live. Discover now