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ᴊᴀᴄᴋ's ᴘᴏᴠ
It had been days since Savannah, and I hadn't spent time alone together; I had been busy helping with new music or working on the idea for a music video we were planning on making as Savannah was busy writing for her book since she had been running behind on it; she would write every day for hours and would texting or on a call with her editor.

She was sitting in the chair near the window, typing away on her computer, as I was sitting on the couch, writing some random lyrics to think of something for a song. Then, Ryan left to go somewhere. I heard Savannah groan, and I looked up from my notebook.

"What's wrong?" she looked at me with tears.

"Just..my editor can't edit...for me, and...that's adding...to my stress." she choked out.

I set my notebook down and walked to her; I took her laptop and put it on the coffee table. I pick her up, taking her place in the chair before setting her gently down on my lap. I wiped her tears as she complained to me about the past couple of days. She kept on yawning as she complained to me.

"When was the last time you had a decent amount of sleep?" I asked, and She shrugged,

"I been going to bed around 2," Savannah confessed.

"You need to get more sleep," I told her as I picked her up and carried her to our bedroom. "So do you," she argued, and I set her on the bed. "Yes, but It's not about me right now; it's about you and letting a book take over your life." I defended; she rolled her eyes and got up from the blanket.

"You let the music take over your life!" she exclaimed; I ignored her last sentence and kissed her forehead. "Get some sleep," I mumbled and started to walk out of the room. I made it back to the living room, Ryan entered with a couple of bags, and Shay was going nuts "hey," I greeted and sat back down.

"Hey, I got a call from dad, and he wants us to spend some time over there," Ryan told me.

"What about Savannah? We usually take Shay with us, and I don't feel comfortable leaving her alone in the apartment for a whole week." I confessed,

Ryan shrugged," call dad and ask; I know he doesn't mind her." he put stuff away; I nodded and picked up my phone. I opened my phone and went to my contacts; I scrolled down until I made it to dad. I clicked on it and called him. It rang a couple of times until dad picked up, "what you need, Jack?" he asked,

"Hey, Ryan told me we are staying at your place for a week. I have a question?"

"I'm listening," he said on the other end, hoping that he would agree to allow Savannah to come with us. "This is my situation right now. Savannah is staying with us, and we are taking Shay with us, and I don't feel safe leaving her alone in the apartment," I explained and breathed in, holding it.

"Let me guess; you wanted to ask can she come with?" He guessed, and I let out my breath.

"Umm..yeah," I stuttered.

"Jack, I have no problem with her coming, and I know that you guys are trying to find her an apartment." He told me, and I nodded as if he could see through the phone. "Bring her, but I don't mind having Savannah around." I smiled at his words, and we talked about the tour and how the family was doing.

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sᴀᴠᴀɴɴᴀʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ
I walked from Jack's room to the living room; Shay was the first to notice me, and she came trotting over and wagged her small tail. I lightly smiled and petted behind her ears as I discovered that was one of her favorite spots to pet. "Hi, darling." I lifted my eyes from the large dog and saw my boyfriend sitting alone on the couch.

I sniffled and ran to him. Jack stood up and quickly welcomed me into his arms. Finally wrapped up in my loved one, I let my tears flow freely after days of holding them in. his hands making their way down to my back to rub calming circles into my skin. Soon my cries calmed down; Jack gently pushed me away from him and held onto my shoulders. I gazed up at him with curious sad eyes.

"I know just the thing that will make you feel better." He softly smiled and trailed his hands down my arms to hold my hand. He pulled you from the living room to the bathroom.

He flipped the light on and opened the shower curtain. He turned the warm water on and put the plug in the tub to keep the water in. "We're taking a bath?" I quietly questioned as you rubbed your tired eyes since I was still getting used to the sudden movements. Jack smirked with a light chuckle, "not tonight, honey. You are taking a bubble bath to relieve your stress."

"I think it feels nice, but you can feel it if you'd like." He smiled as he grabbed the bubble solution from under the sink. "I trust your judgment," I chuckled; Jack poured in the bubble solution and mixed it with his hand. "Okay, sweetheart, it's ready for you." He smiled, making his way out of the room.

I grabbed onto his wrist, "you're leaving?" He smiled and shook his head, "I'm going to grab the book from your bedside table. I figured I could read it while you relax in the bath." My breath caught in my throat as I heard the sweet things he was telling me. "Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?"

I nodded, and a satisfied smile grew on my face. "I'd love that. Thank you." I let go of his wrist when he smiled. Jack left the bathroom and closed the door behind him. With a smile not leaving my face, I stripped off my clothes and sunk into the warm bath. I sighed as I felt my muscles instantly relax.

The bubbles surrounding me were relaxing, just as Jack said. "Okay, I grabbed the book," Jack smiled as he returned to the room. He sat on the ground on a bath rug right near my head. "You comfy?" I hummed and leaned out of the water a little to kiss him.

Jack smiled into the kiss and raised his hand to hold onto my cheek. When we pulled back, Jack placed his forehead on mine and brushed our noses together, which was something we would enjoy doing. "I love you; you know that, right?"

I hummed and softly nodded my head; "Whenever you have a bad day, I want you to know I'll be here for you." I leaned back to look into his eyes. They held nothing but sincerity. I smiled and dragged my lips to his forehead for a soft kiss. "I love you. I feel so lucky to be your girlfriend." Jack blushed with a smile.

"I'm the lucky one. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, darling." I giggled as I leaned back in the bath, the bubbles coming right under my chin. Jack smiled when he saw the bubbles surrounding me. Then, as he began to read from where I left off, I couldn't help but think of how fortunate I was to have Jack as my boyfriend. I couldn't think of anyone else who would do something this thoughtful to cheer me up after a rough day.

Thanks to Jack, my miserable morning was transformed into quite a lovely evening, and I was happier than I had wished.

Big white bed ~J.M.Where stories live. Discover now