Chapter 8 The First Task, Friends and Golden Egg

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Harry walked down to the tent where he knew the dragons and other champions waited for him. He had his champion uniform on and was walking down in wonder and a little worry. 'What if the plans don't work? What if I am KILLED!' he thought with fear.
Sirius growled and held Harry's hand tighter. Remus and him both glared at Dumbledore and Crouch who began to feel uncomfortable.
Harry decided he would worry about it when it came and continued to focus on keeping his magical essence from showing. The last thing he needed was Dumbledore finding out about it. Soon he reached the tent and entered. He saw Fleur Delacour sitting calmly looking as lovely as ever. However he could feel the Veela's allure and he easily shrugged it off.
Fleur and other Veela from Beauxbatons looked at Harry with wide eyes and many of them *Fleur and her little sister included* attempted to plot to get him for many Veela its nearly impossible to find a man who is resistant and it is a Veela's nature to go after the most powerful mate.
The rest of the hall was also wide eyed even tho after so many surprises many didn't really know what to expect any more.
He also saw Victor Krum in the corner scowling away at everyone and then there was Cedric who seemed WAY more nervous then the others. Soon enough in came Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch Sr. who both had fake smiles plastered on there faces.
"Welcome welcome champions to the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament!" Ludo said with great joy.
Harry stifled a laugh at how stupid Bagman looked.
Luda Bagman's never ending smile flinched every so slightly at hearing that causing many around him to giggle a bit.
"For the First Task you are required to retrieve a Golden Egg outside in the rocky arena." said Crouch and was interrupted by Cedric.
"That seems easy enough." he said.
Cedric sighed and shook his head realizing no one had told him about the dragons.
"Heres the tricky part theres a dragon guarding each egg." Crouch said.
Fleur, Victor and I all simple nodded are heads while Cedric paled significantly.
'No one told him about the dragons..interesting' Harry thought.
"Hey its obvious someone told the other two so why not Cedric?" asked a young Hufflepuff.
"Dumbledore is a stickler for certain rules so he wouldn't help Cedric just because he is his student unlike the other two Headmasters." Crouch said glaring at both Madam Maxine and Karkaroff.
"Then why did Hagrid tell Harry if Dumbledore never told him to?" a Ravenclaw asked.
"Thats what were trying to figure out." said Amelia Bones.
"Now each of you will draw a dragon in the bag the number on the back will tell you who is going first and what dragon your facing." Ludo said with his big smile.
The hall was listening carefully wanting to hear every detail.
Victor went first and put his hand in and pulled out a miniature dragon with the number three on its back.
"Ah Mr. Krum you are apparently going third and you are facing why its a Chinese Fireball good luck." said Ludo with a smile.
Cedric went second and pulled a miniature dragon with the number one on its back.
"Ah so it seems your going first Mr. Diggory and surprise surprise your facing a Swedish Short-Snout." said Ludo with a big smile.
Cedric still as pale as ever just nodded his head.
Ludo then walked over to Fleur and she reached her hand in and when she pulled out there was a number two on the back of her dragon.
"Aw we have the second champion to face the dragon and look at that is a Common Welsh Green." he said.
"So it appears that Harry is going last...I wonder what dragon he is going to face." said one Lavender Brown
Ludo walked over to Harry and Harry was surprised to see his smile so little infact if the man ever was sad this is what it would look like.
"And finally we have Mr. Potter who is going forth and his dragon is." Ludo cut off letting out a sigh which scared Harry beyond belief that this go happy man was sighing.
Very few people chuckled at this knowing full well that if Ludo Bagman was upset then what ever Harry is facing is REALLY bad.
"You Mr. Potter are facing the Hungarian Horntail the strongest breed of dragons alive." he said.
The hall gasped and Daphne paled as Hermione *who seriously was annoying Daphne* held Harry's hand. Sirius looked like he was about to faint and Remus was no better.
Harry merely nodded his head and looked calm and collected on the outside but on the inside he was freaking out.
Harry however calmed down a bit and remembered he and Daphne's plans.
"Smart move Harry." said Daphne looking at a exhausted Harry.
Harry waited and waited and soon enough it was his turn. He saw Cedric looked tired and a little burnt as did the others but no serious damage had happened.
Apparently Victor was in first with Cedric in second and Fleur in third.
"Mr. Potter we are waiting for you." said Ludo Bagman.
Harry steeled his nerves and walked out.
He saw the crowd and they were all booing him especially Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.
Once again both houses flinched
Harry however saw two people not booing. One was Hermione who looked so pale and looked at him with wide teary eyes and the other was Daphne who looked at him with a small nod.
Harry was brought of his trance when he noticed the Horntail entering the ring.
The hall stiffened once again.
Harry looked at the Horntail who was thrashing about like a rabid dog breathing fire everywhere. Harry dodged a blast of fire heading towards him and up in the stands Daphne's heart skipped a beat.
'Come on Potter your not THAT dumb beat the dragon' she thought.
Daphne smiled a little are her thoughts excepting that Harry had the ability to make almost anyone care about him even a cold hearted wich like herself.
Harry quickly cast a Amplifying Charm on his voice and quickly stood up with determination his magic barley being controlled and began to speak with the great beast.
§ Oh Great and Mighty Dragon may you allow me a moment to speak? §
The crowd was silent and pale and the dragon suddenly stopped being enraged and looked at Harry with curiosity.
"Oh sweet Merlin it worked." said a Ravenclaw.
§ Little human Speaker? WHY Have you come before ME and attempt to steal MY EGGS! § it roared out.
Harry flinched slightly at that but refused to show weakness in front of the dragon.
§ I have not come to steal your eggs o mighty dragon but merely recover a fake egg within your nest a egg made of solid gold that was put there by the same men who brought you here. § Harry replied.
The hall continued to hold its breath not wanting to miss a detail.
Harry watched as the dragon moved over to its nest and smelled around. Suddenly when it found the golden egg it roared out in outrage causing the crowd to flinch.
§ You were right young Speaker there IS a FAKE egg in MY nest I shall return it to YOU §
"Daphne it worked you were right." said a exhausted Harry who squeezed Daphne's hand.
Daphne smiled a small smile at Harry. "I know Harry I know." she said in a whisper her heart racing ten fold.
Once again Sirius and Cyrus looked at each other and smiled.
Much to everyone in the arena's shock the dragon suddenly picked the egg up in its mouth and move its head over to Harry and dropped it at his feet.
§ Thank you. § Harry hissed and then suddenly the dragon licked him and he laughed and pet the dragons snout.
The hall was silent staring at Harry with awe and shock.
"Well then young Harry it appears you have made a friend with that dragon." chuckled Dumbledore.
Charlie Weasley looked at Harry with awe and respect.
The judges scores were VERY high *except for Karkaroff who gave Harry a 3* and he came in first before Victor then Cedric and then Fleur.'
Harry walked back into the tent to see every champion looking at him with their mouths dropped. Harry smirked at them and walked over to Madam Pomfrey...only to be interrupted by Dumbeldore, McGonagall, Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch.
"Harry my boy what happened out there please tell me." Dumbledore said with concern.
Harry was being checked out by Madam Pomfrey and he glared at Dumbledore *making sure to keep is essence in check* replied back. "Its non of your concern Headmaster." he said.
The hall gasped at the direct disrespect while Dumbledore sighed knowing he deserved it.
Sirius, Remus and basically the whole hall glared at her.
"May I remind you its YOU who is under charge for serious crimes so I wouldn't test it otherwise it won't be just debut you will be in." said a growling Amelia Bones.
shut her mouth but glared at Harry.
Dumbledore frowned as did McGonagall. "Harry I am Headmaster of Hogwarts I would LIKE to know how you did what you did out there." he said in a little sterner tone.
Harry sighed and replied. "I merely used Parseltongue to talk to the dragon seeing at is a serpent as well you know." Harry said.
Dumbledores frown deepened. "Harry Parseltongue's usage on that dragon could be considered 'Dark' and I think both of us don't won't any more unwanted attention on you." he said.
"Well he is right about that it WOULD be considered 'Dark'." said Hermione.
Harry was about to reply but was interrupted by Madam Pomfrey gasping holding a piece of paper. "This...this is impossible.." she said pale white.
Harry quickly grabbed the sheet which had told her his rank and core strength.
"Ah so thats why she gasped I would have fainted." said Hannah Abott
Harry looked up at her. "I trust this will remain between me and you due to your medical laws." Harry said.
Pomfrey nodded.
"Harry if something is wrong I have to know." said Dumbledore trying to get the paper but Harry stuffed it into his pocket and looked at the Headmaster. "Once again Headmaster its not your business." Harry replied and merely got off the table and walked away passing the other champions.
Viktor nodded his head with respect, Cedric looked at him with awe and fear and Fleur was smiling seductively at him. He felt her allure at full power but he easily shrugged it off but it kept on coming focused solely on him.
All the girls there glared at Fleur *who wasn't caring* even her sister glared at her.
He easily made it away much to Fleur's complete shock and even then he felt her allure coming back even stronger now but once again he easily shrugged it off.
All the Veela sighed wishing for Harry to be theirs.
Harry soon left and walked back up to the castle as of which on his way in he heard his name being called.
"HARRY!" cried a girl's voice he knew all to well.
Harry turned and saw Hermione and Ron running towards him.
"Oh boy this is not going to be good." said Susan Bones.
Harry felt his rage burn hard at the sight of them and it took all his willpower to keep his core under control.
"Harry please wait." Hermione cried out running towards him.
Harry just kept on walking ignoring them.
"Harry mate wait up." cried Ron.
"Mate? You don't have the right to call him 'mate' you traitor." said Hannah.
Harry kept walking but suddenly he felt Ron's hand on his shoulder.
"Get off me." Harry said in a stone like voice.
Ron backed up raising his hands a bit.
"Geez mate whats up with you?" Ron asked smiling slightly.
Harry glared at Ron and kept on walking much to the two Gryffindors confusion.
"Seriously can you two take a hint that he is upset with you? That it took him fighting a DRAGON to realize that he didn't enter the Goblet thats just sad." said Ravenclaw Elena Turpin.
"Mate whats wrong with you?" asked Ron who was walking behind him.
Harry froze his temper reaching its max.
"Rest in peace Ron rest in peace." said Dean Thomas.
"Whats wrong? WHATS WRONG!" roared Harry his magic quickly flaring for a quick second before looking at Ron and Hermione with death glares.
"Harry...please were sorry...please understand that I...we...didn't know what to think please." Hermione said who sounded on the brink of tears.
Hermione sighed as glares were once again thrown her and Ron's way.
"Hermione YOU have a chance to restore are friendship but as of NOW I AM DONE WITH RONALD! HE BULLIED ME! MADE FUN OF ME AND EVEN WORE THOSE STUPID BADGES MY FRIENDSHIP WITH HIS IS OVER!" Harry roared.
He then walked away leaving a fuming Ron and a crying Hermione.
Ron was glaring at Harry even now.
'HOW DARE THAT SON OF A BITCH DO THAT AFTER ALL I DID FOR HIM!....At least now Hermione can come to me for MY shoulder to cry on.' he thought with a lustful smirk.
Harry walked away thinking about the two 'Traitors'. 'I CANT BELIVE THEM! IT TAKES A DRAGON TO SHOW THEM I DIDNT ENTER MY NAME INTO THAT GOBLET! NOT THREE YEARS OFF FRIENDSHIP!' he thought with tears growing in his eyes.
True Ron did do terrible things to Harry but he WAS Harry's third friend of all time and the first friend of his age ever. But he mostly cried for Hermione.
The hall frowned at Hermione who was holding Harry's hand tightly.
To the hall many thought Hermione would end up with Harry the two were both Gryffindors and much like his father before him he was expected to marry a Muggleborn *by those of his fathers friends children*
Daphne frowned and her heart clenched at those words for some odd reason.
Hermione was like a little sister to Harry who was there when he needed her if it wasn't for her there was no doubt that he would be dead right now. As he walked down towards the Chamber he was suddenly grabbed and pulled into a broom closet and there in front of him was Daphne looking at him with a small smile but her eyes showed her relief.
The hall chuckled at bit at how Daphne grabbed him and pulled him into the closet and Daphne gave a small smile towards Harry.
"Well Potter it looks like the plan worked." she said with a small smile.
Harry nodded noticing her ice blue eyes had a hint of care and concern in them.
Daphne blushed at that.
"Thanks Greengrass yeah I guess it did work." Harry said rubbing the back of his head.
Daphne rolled her eyes and Harry couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat at that.
"Hey Greengrass I wanted to ask you something." Harry said feeling a little embarrassed.
The hall looked at the book wondering what Harry was going to ask.
Daphne tilted her head and raised her eyebrow.
"Are we friends now? I mean we HAVE been spending time together getting to know each other and no offense or anything but the last name thing is getting a bit old for someone I consider a close ally." Harry said with a smile.
Many of the students *mostly girls but some boys* let out a breath of relief happy that he wasn't asking her THAT question.
Daphne looked at Harry for a bit and she then grew a small smile.
"Well then I guess we are and if we ARE friends you should call me Daphne." she said.
"Then you should call me Harry." Harry replied with a big smile one that made Daphne's stomach flip flop.
"Daphne since you were a good help with The First Task would you mind helping me out with The Second Task?" Harry asked her.
"Sure Harry I would be glad to." she said with her own smile and THAT made Harry's heart beat faster tenfold.
Isabel looked at her eldest daughter and gave a small smile for she knew what her baby was going threw.
Harry left a little later heading to the chamber and when he entered he saw a peculiar sight.
"Please tell me it has something to do with Zarina PLEASE!" said Sirius with a look of pure joy on his face.
Harry let out a little laugh.
On the floor in weird paint was some sort of words
Harry was confused before suddenly not to long Hedwig flew into the chambers main hall flying around with streamers on her legs that looked like they were put on wrong. Then out came Zarina who was COVERED in paint.
The hall burst into laughter.
"The snake made you a party HAHAHAH!" laughed out Sirius.
After cleaning up the chamber *Much to Zarina and Hedwigs dismay* Harry walked in and found the Founder's Portrait full of them again.
"Well done my boy glad to see you got the old Gryffindor courage!" Godric laughed.
"I heard you used Parseltounge to speak to the dragon very clever my heir very clever indeed." said Salazar.
"Good job dear." said Helga.
"I wish to gain knowledge from that dragon but never the less well done dear." said Rowena.
The hall sighed at how lucky Harry was at getting praise from THE Founders.
Harry smiled at them and nodded his head. He then showed them the Golden Egg.
"Should I open it?" Harry asked.
"Of course you should open it Potter." said Draco who got instant glares.
The Founders all nodded there heads and Harry reached up to the top of the egg and opened it.
Harry will NEVER forget what came out of that Egg.
"Huh?" said most in the hall.
A loud screeching voice that basically broke Harry's ear drums burst threw the egg and even The Founders started to scream at him to "CLOSE IT CLOSE IT!"
Harry quickly shut it and was panting.
"Well now..that was unexpected." said Salazar.
"What the bloody hell was that sound?" asked Godric.
Helga was in deep thought and Rowena was pacing back in forth.
"Its alright guys I have had enough excitement for one day I will focus on this tomorrow I am going to rest." Harry said.
The Founders said there goodbyes and Harry went to bed easily falling asleep dreaming about his newest friend with blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Thats the chapter." said Professor Flitwick who was once again looking at the pair of blushing teens.
"Well that certainly was exciting wasn't it? Well you all must be tired so I will allow one more chapter before off to bed." said Dumbledore.
The hall groaned a bit but Harry gave a slight cheer. More sleep means faster strength returning.
As Professor Flitwick once again opened the book Harry squeezed Daphne's hand and gave her a small smile.
Daphne looked at him and when she saw that smile her stomach flip flopped. It was then and there that she understood now why she acted the way she had and why she acted friendly to him in the book.
Daphne Isabel Greengrass was helplessly crushing on Harry James Potter.
The hall was getting tired as this was shown by the yawns and tired looking faces of the people in the hall. Daphne's eyes were heavy but she focused and stayed awake eager to hear the next chapter before going to sleep. Daphne *after coming to the realization that she had a crush on Harry* was staring at him more and more taking in his appearance. He was rather handsome she had to admit with her emerald green eyes and messy black hair that practically called for her to run her hand through.
Harry himself had noticed Daphne's now obvious staring but he found himself not minding and in fact took the time to look at her as well. Daphne was really beautiful with her long blonde hair and amazing sapphire blue eyes. She was a very very smart witch and was competition for Hermione and her brain. Harry felt her hand brush against his laying on the bed and he felt a jolt of emotion from the touch.
However the young wizard and witch's attention was soon brought to the front when Professor Flitwick soon began to read once again.

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