Chapter 5 Familiars and Founders

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When Harry woke up he felt energized and ready to roll. He never felt so...jumpy. He thinks it has to do with how everything has been going. He gets to spend time with Remus and Sirius WITHOUT getting into trouble and he also learns why he was falling behind in classes. He also learned he got his magic unblocked in the future! He would go get it unblocked if he was not so focused on reading the book.
He headed down to the Great Hall and began to eat with Sirius and Remus. When people started to pile in he gave a smile to Daphne he looked at him and gave him a small smile in return.
When the traitor Weasley's entered everyone glared at them especially the pureblood families.
After eating for a while Dumbledore stood up and began to address the hall.
"Good morning students. I know you all must be excited to continue reading this book so I will not stand in your way. Professor McGonagall you may begin reading." he said and began to sit down.
McGonagall cleared her throat and began to read.
Harry awoke to Madam Pomfrey standing over him with Dumbledore and McGonagall there too. Harry felt his anger rise at seeing Dumbledore but controlled it.
Once again Dumbledore frowned and sighed as people began to glare at him.
Harry felt a little bit better than before. He didn't feel too good however because trying to move felt sore and painful.
The hall winced.
"Harry my boy we would like to know why you are in the infirmary?" Dumbledore said. Harry thought of something quickly.
"I felt a bit sore sir thats all but I thank you for your concern." Harry said in a polite tone.
Dumbledore and McGonagall didn't look convinced but nevertheless they left.
Dumbledore and McGonagall frowned. They should have done a better job at figuring out what was a lie or not.
Harry turned to Madam Pomfrey who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I am fine now Madam Pomfrey I may just need rest." I say to her. She looks at me with another raised eyebrow but says nothing other than "Do you need anything else Mr. Potter?"
He smiled at her sheepishly.
"Uh yea maybe some energy potions like...3?" He ask.
Sirius and Remus shake there heads.
"Pup I need to teach you how to make a better bluff." Sirius said.
The teachers look nervous at the thought of Sirius teaching Harry how to bluff.
She left and brought him the potions.
"I don't want to see you back here until after the tournament Mr. Potter." she says with a small smile.
Harry grabs the potions and drinks one.
He felt energized suddenly but it came with a price.
The hall looked puzzled at that.
"What potion's don't come with a price unless there done by non professionals." said a Ravenclaw.
Harry's magical aura was being to glow out of his body in small waves.
He quickly got up and ran out of the Infirmary saying a quick thanks the Madam Pomfrey.
The hall chuckled at that.
He quickly ran into the girls bathroom and entered the chamber as fast as possible.
He ran down the hall and right before he was about to enter his room Sarota slithered in front of him.
The hall tensed not used to the basilisk still.
"Young Harry where are you off too?" he asked.
Harry looked at Sarota and gave him a small smile.
"Hello Sarota please tell Zarina I am ok. I was in the Infirmary for the night. I am now a Lord and apparently the Heir of Slytherin." he hissed.
Sarota raised his head back and gave out a snake laugh.
"I knew all along Young Master I see your now Lord Slytherin. I commend you. I feel your power flowing threw you Master." Sarota hissed back.
The hall looked a bit startled at that but never the less Harry excepted it.
"Sarota even if I am the Heir of Slytherin that dose not mean you have to call me Master. Call me Harry but if you want you can indeed call me Master." Harry hissed back.
Sarota nodded his giant head.
"Thank you Master. I believe its time you went to rest." Sarota hissed.
Harry entered his room and quickly went into his bed.
Before falling asleep he sent a note to McGonagall to tell her that he will be studying in his room for the tournament's task is coming up. Soon after Hall fell fast asleep.
The hall whispered about Harry having so much power and money and Draco got jealous.
'It should be ME they should be talking about in awe and admiration not POTTER!' he thought.
McGonagall cleared her throat and began to read again.
When Harry awoke he learned he had been asleep for two whole days.
The hall's eyes widened.
It was worth it however. Harry felt like he could take on the world. He felt such power flowing threw him. It was coming off in a magical aura that seemed to be like a emerald green mist.
The hall looked at Harry in shock.
"It takes a lot of power to be able to do that let alone without even doing anything." said a Slytherin.
Daphne looked at Harry in respect which in return he gave her a small smile.
Harry got out of his bed and went out of the room after getting dressed. Outside he found Sarota and Zarina talking.
"Good morning my friends." he hissed out.
The two snakes turned and bowed a bit to Harry.
"Massster itssss good to ssseee your awake." hissed Zarina.
"Harry I have something very important to show you...I think you are ready especially since your the Heir of Hogwarts." Sarota hissed.
The hall looked awed. The Familiar of Salazar Slytherin must have all sorts of knowledge on the school and all were anxious to see what it showed Harry.
Zarina slithered away while Harry followed Sarota.
They walked and slithered down the long chamber hallway until they came to the main common room. Harry had been in here many times to relax. It was a lot more comfy and cozy than the other rooms. Sarota slithered over to a large painting of the castle of Hogwarts which was at the end of the wall. *AU ok so listen the common room is a large rectangular room. In the very back of the room is the painting.* Sarota stopped in front of it.
The hall looked confused.
"Whats so special about a painting of Hogwarts?" asked a Hufflepuff.
The whole hall was confused so to clear things up McGonagall continued to read.
"Sarota whats so special about this painting? I mean I have seen it a hundred times?" Harry asked.
Sarota turned to him.
"Young Harry this painting has a secret that I have not showed you yet. I believe it is the right time for you to learn of it. Say this to the painting in our normal tongue 'Bravery, Cunning, Knowledge and Loyalty this is what makes the grand school of Hogwarts.' and it will reveal itself." he hissed to Harry.
Harry turned towards the painting and said "Bravery, Cunning, Knowledge and Loyalty this is what makes the grand school of Hogwarts."
Suddenly the painting began to glow a bright white until it suddenly turned into a mist and behind it revealed a hidden passage.
"OH MY!" said a surprised Ravenclaw.
The hall began to whisper about what could be down there and the teachers had a hard time settling everyone down. Especially since there own curiosity was getting the best of them.
"Everyone please lower your voices and allow Professor McGonagall to read." said Dumbledore.
When everyone calmed down McGonagall began to read again.
Harry looked on in shock while Sarota hissed out a small chuckle.
"Follow me Young Harry." he hissed and they both entered the secret corridor.
When they entered Harry noticed the painting became solid again but Sarota said not to worry about it because the password works both sides.
They walked down the dimly light passage until they came to four different paths.
"Sarota where do these paths lead?" Harry asked.
"Thats what we would like to know." said a Gryffindor who was recognized as Seamus Finnigan.
Sarota turned towards Harry.
"The one on the far right leads to a hidden room. The one on the far left leads to a hidden room. The middle left one leads to a hidden room and the middle right one leads to the Great Hall." he hissed.
The hall looked shocked.
"More hidden chambers not discovered before!" said a excited Hermione. She was about to ask Harry if she could join him when she relized he was not with her or hell even talking to her. She felt her heart clench in pain. 'Thats it after this chapter I am going to apologize to Harry. Ronald hopefully will do the same and everything will go back to normal.' Hermione thought.
Sarota decided to go down the middle left one and Harry followed.
After walking down another dimly lit hall they reached a block. It appeared to be the same painting. Harry said the password and they stepped or slithered threw.
Harry was then in a brightly lit common room much like the one in the chamber but more red and gold everywhere along with lion pictures and some brighter colors.
The hall looked in amazed and confused.
"Sarota where are we its like a Gryffindor style common room like in the chamber?" Harry asked.
Sarota gave a chuckle.
"I will tell you soon follow me." he hissed.
They walked out into the main hall which had a stone floor like the chamber but had gold pillars instead of silver.
They walked into the armory. It was full of weapons, armor and certain wands and trophies and awards. Harry was looking at a sword when a loud roar was heard.
The hall tensed and Sirius gripped Harry tightly.
"Sirius...can't breath..." he choked out.
Sirius loosened his grip and Harry turned to him.
"Sarota is a basilisk and I am the Heir of Slytherin I don't think he would like me be hurt until he is either dead or...well dead." he said.
The hall over heard and some relaxed while other's wondered what the hell could be in the room.
Harry turned his head and by the main entrance to the room they were in was a giant beastly looking lion thing. It was a male and had long sharp teeth about the size of small swords and giant muscular legs and paws with long claws on the end of them. Its tail was thin but flexible looking and its mane was dark red. Its eyes were sky blue and its fur was golden. The only thing that didn't make it a over sized lion was the fact that it had some feathers on its back and legs a bit and had giant eagle wings. It was about 30 feet tall. Harry was up to its chin however its width was larger than him big time and it looked like it could swallow half of Harry in one gulp. Harry knew what this creature was. It was a Griffon and it looked like it was ready to kill.
Silence is what followed for a brief five seconds before a panic arose.
"SILENCE!" roared Dumbledore.
The hall settled down a bit but Amelia was already ranting at Dumbledore.
Sirius sighed lovingly.
"I love it when she dose that." he said in a dreamy voice which caused Remus to look amused and Harry to looked shocked.
McGonagall decided to keep reading.
Harry was about to run when Sarota slithered in front of him and heard it call out to the Griffon. Harry was not paying attention to his surroundings for he was in shock. He was taken out of his shock when he realized the Griffon was right in front of him. Looking down at him a bit dead in the eyes.
The hall tensed and Sirius began to breath faster.
Daphne felt her heart stop a bit but she didn't know why.
Harry closed his eyes waiting for the worst but suddenly he was on the floor being licked to death by the giant cat and bird.
"HAHA...s..s...stop...p..HAHA...plea...HAHAHA..please...HAHA..." Harry cried out.
The hall relaxed while many looked puzzled as to why a Griffon was licking Harry and why Sarota was not doing anything.
Harry got up and looked at the Griffon.
Suddenly he heard the Griffon speak.
"So your Godric's Heir? HA your powerful kid I can't believe I almost ate you!" he growled out.
The hall stopped and looked at Harry.
"You can understand him?" people asked him.
Unlike snakes no one had the ability to talk to Griffons or other animals unless your bonded or a master at mind reading.
"Because Harry is the Heir of Gryffindor he may be able to understand the Griffon I want to know why tho." said Dumbledore.
" can I understand you?" Harry asked.
"Because Young Harry he is Godric Gryffindor's familiar as I am Salazar Slytherin's familiar." Sarota hissed out.
"Sarota its been a while. I hope you have not been hogging the Heir of Hogwarts here." the Griffon said.
Sarota gave a chuckle.
"Anyways I am Gondor at your service Sir." the Griffon said and gave a bow.
"You and Sarota know each other?" Harry asked.
"Yes we are old friends me and Sarota have been here for a long long time. Since the school was built as you know." said Gondor.
Once again the hall listened with awe and amazement.
"Welcome to The Hall of Honor Godric Gryffindor's special room." said Gondor.
"So like The Chamber of Secrets, The Hall of Honor is Gryffindor's chamber." said Dumbledore.
The Gryffindor's listened with rapt attention.
"Like The Chamber of Secrets right?" Harry asked.
"Indeed Young Harry this is Godric's chambers. You can explore it later. Lets go see the other halls. Gondor your welcome to join us." Sarota hissed out.
Gondor nodded his head and growled out "I have not left the hall in a while unless its to go hunting." said Gondor.
The three then went back to the common room and entered the painting once again the they began walk back down until they reached the pathways.
"Now Harry see the one next to the far right?" said Sarota.
"Yes I see it is that the way back to the chamber?" Harry asked.
Sarota nodded.
"Oh I see there all connected so they can all leave one and easily go to the next without having to go threw the main hall ways." said a Ravenclaw.
The trio decided to go down the hall next to the way to the chamber.
When they reached the same exact painting they entered the room.
Like before it was the same kind of common room but instead of Green and Silver or Red and Gold there was Blue and Bronze colors and a lot more book shelves and chairs.
No sign of a creature so Harry, Sarota and Gondor walked down out of the room.
They entered a neat library looking room much like the chamber's main hall this one was like that except had wood floors and beams intend of stone and silver.
"Where are they now?" asked a random student.
"I don't know." replied another.
The trio entered the right hall and entered a HUGE library. Books were everywhere and many many scrolls and other items that held knowledge. It was bigger than the main library in the school.
Madam Pince, Hermione and all of Ravenclaw drooled.
They were about to leave before a large caw sound echoed threw out the room.
Suddenly a large black bird flew down towards Harry. Harry got a good look at the bird.
It's wingspan was about the size of Gondor's body and its body was pretty thing. It was black with silver tints on its feathers. It was a female and had grey eyes and a sharp beak. It looked like a overgrown Raven but it had the talons of a eagle and the speed of a hawk. It looked majestic as hell and it landed right in front of him. He was only 1 inch smaller than it. The creature Harry knew was called a Birvan a large mixture of several speices of birds.
"Hello Heir of Rowena I welcome you." the bird spoke.
"That must be Ravenclaw's familiar. So that means that there in Ravenclaw's special chamber." said Hermione.
The Ravenclaw's listen with rapt attention.
"You must be Rowena Ravenclaw's familiar am I right?" asked Harry.
The bird nodded.
"Yes your correct sire I am Ravana." the bird said.
"Ravana you have not changed a bit have you." Gondor said.
Ravana looked and saw the other too familiars.
"Gondor and Sarota how good to see you again." she said.
"I am showing Young Harry here the hidden rooms would you be so kind and tell him the name of this chamber?" Sarota asked her.
"Of course this is The Study of Wisdom Rowena Ravenclaw's secret chamber." Ravana said.
"So we have The Chamber of Secrets, The Hall of Honor and The Study of Wisdom. All were missing is Hufflepuff's chamber." said Dumbledore.
"Now on to the last room. Ravana would you like to follow us?" Sarota asked.
"Indeed it would be pleasant." Ravana replied.
The group returned to the painting and walked in.
After heading down the hall they went down to the room next to the hall that leads to The Hall of Honor.
They walked down until they reached the painting.
They stepped threw and much like all the others it was painted a different color. Its colors where yellow and black and the room was the most cozy looking of all. In the center if the room was a large badger looking creature that was sleeping.
It looked like a oversized honey badger but yellow and black fur and large long body. It was a female and as shorter than Harry when walking on all fours but was 1 inch taller when standing on two legs.
The Hufflepuff's smiled.
The badger woke up and walked over to Harry. It looked up at him and spoke to him.
"Hello Heir of Helga its great to meet you." she said to him.
"Hello you must be Helga Hufflepuff's familiar whats your name?" asked Harry.
"My name is Halen dear." she said in a kind tone.
Halen then noticed the other familiars.
"Ravana, Sarota and Gondor how lovely to see you all again." she said.
After they caught up a bit Sarota told Halen to tell Harry the name of the chamber.
"This is The Dorm of Kindness." she said.
"So thats the names of all the hidden chambers. The Chamber of Secrets, The Hall of Honor, The Study of Wisdom and The Dorm of Kindness." said Dumbledore.
The hall was excited and wished to explore the rooms but alas they knew only one person could allow them to enter and that person was someone they insulted and shunned for a long time.
After heading back to the chamber with Sarota and the other familiar's returned to there chambers Harry returned to his room but not before Sarota told him this.
"When you enter your room Young Harry go to the blank portrait by the desk. Go to it and say this 'I seek the Founders' you will see what happens after."
The hall looked confused at that.
"What do you think he means?" asked a random Gryffindor.
"I don't know lets let McGonagall finish reading." said another Gryffindor.
Harry walked over to the blank portrait and said the words "I seek the Founders."
At first nothing happened but suddenly a picture started to appear and it was a picture of two men sitting at a table playing cards with two woman talking on a couch next to them.
"DAMN IT SAL! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS BEAT ME!" cried the man with a short white beard and wore a king's clothing. The man known as Sal wore a dark robe with snake's on it and had a long white beard that was only on his chin and a white mustache as well. He was bald unlike the man in front of him.
Suddenly Harry saw a woman gasp.
"Sal, Godric we have a visitor." said a woman who looked beautiful. She had long black hair and a gown that was blue and bronze.
The two men turned and looked at Harry.
"Well now we were wondering when you would show up." said Godric.
"Hello dear you must be are heir." said the other woman.
Harry had to take several breaths before asking a question.
"Who are you?" he asked.
The men looked shocked for a bit but then chuckled and stood up.
"Salazar Slytherin."
"Godric Gryffindor."
"Rowena Ravenclaw."
"Helga Hufflepuff."
Harry then fainted right on the spot.
"Thats the end of the chapter." said McGonagall closing the book.
The hall started the yell.
This continued before the hall was calmed down by Dumbledore.
As Dumbledore began to calm the hall Harry looked over at Daphne and gave her a small wink.
Daphne blushed a bit but then scowled at Harry.
Harry chuckled and turned to the hall ready to read the next chapter.
After reading the end of the last chapter the whole school was buzzing with excitement to read about THE Founders of Hogwarts and there interactions with Harry.
During the commotion of the students Hermione walked over to where Harry was sitting. When she got there she was met with a glare from Sirius and a sad frown from Remus and Harry wouldn't even look at her. "Harry...I...I...I am sorry ok? Please please I don't want to lose my best friend I am sorry ok?" Hermione said while tears began to flow down from her face.
Harry looked at Hermione and gave her a small smile however he merely shook his head. "I thank you for being brave enough to apologize to me Hermione but sadly are friendship will never be the same. I hope tho that you and I can reconnect are friendship a bit." Harry said to her.
"Harry..please I am sorry..and Ronald...surly you can find it in yourself to forgive him? He is just..just a teenager like us he makes bad choices but..but he can learn from them..please I want things to be the way they were." Hermione said unknowingly getting the attention of the Weasley family.
"Hermione Ron did something I could never forgive him for. I hope you understand nothing will ever be the same again because of both of your actions. I do still want to be friends with you Hermione but you got to earn back the trust from me." Harry replied back.
Hermione had a heart broken expression on her face for a quick second before she looked back and forth between Ron and Harry. Deciding to start earning his trust back Hermione sat right down next to Remus and gave Harry a small smile.
"I will try to work on that Harry...starting now." she said to him.
Harry gave her a small smile while Sirius and Remus patted his back.
Unknown to them one Daphne Greengrass watched the moment between the former friends and frowned slightly at the muggle-born.
McGonagall cleared her throat loud enough for the whole hall to hear. She then began to read the next chapter.After reading the end of the last chapter the whole school was buzzing with excitement to read about THE Founders of Hogwarts and there interactions with Harry.
During the commotion of the students Hermione walked over to where Harry was sitting. When she got there she was met with a glare from Sirius and a sad frown from Remus and Harry wouldn't even look at her. "Harry...I...I...I am sorry ok? Please please I don't want to lose my best friend I am sorry ok?" Hermione said while tears began to flow down from her face.
Harry looked at Hermione and gave her a small smile however he merely shook his head. "I thank you for being brave enough to apologize to me Hermione but sadly are friendship will never be the same. I hope tho that you and I can reconnect are friendship a bit." Harry said to her.
"Harry..please I am sorry..and Ronald...surly you can find it in yourself to forgive him? He is just..just a teenager like us he makes bad choices but..but he can learn from them..please I want things to be the way they were." Hermione said unknowingly getting the attention of the Weasley family.
"Hermione Ron did something I could never forgive him for. I hope you understand nothing will ever be the same again because of both of your actions. I do still want to be friends with you Hermione but you got to earn back the trust from me." Harry replied back.
Hermione had a heart broken expression on her face for a quick second before she looked back and forth between Ron and Harry. Deciding to start earning his trust back Hermione sat right down next to Remus and gave Harry a small smile.
"I will try to work on that Harry...starting now." she said to him.
Harry gave her a small smile while Sirius and Remus patted his back.
Unknown to them one Daphne Greengrass watched the moment between the former friends and frowned slightly at the muggle-born.
McGonagall cleared her throat loud enough for the whole hall to hear. She then began to read the next chapter.

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