Chapter 6 Mentors and First Lessons

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When Harry awoke he found himself staring into the portrait of The Founders of Hogwarts. He stood up fast and bowed to the painting. "Forgive my..lack of manners.b..but how I thought all traces of you owning paintings were lost?" he asked them.
Godric laughed and replied back "My dear heir do you not understand that we had portraits only in are hidden chambers? Waiting for our heirs to revive us? Now where are these guys heirs?"
Harry blushed and replied back "Um..I am all your heirs." he said.
"Awkward." said a random Hufflepuff which caused the hall to snicker.
All of them looked a bit shocked at this but then Godric busted out laughing.
"Of course are decedents all just so happened to marry into each others lines fates a bitch!" he laughed out.
"Sarota told me to activate you..for what purpose I don't know." said Harry.
"Sarota? He is still alive?" asked Salazar.
Harry nodded.
Salazar smiled at the thought of his beloved snake.
Some of the hall chuckled thinking of the great Salazar Slytherin treating a giant snake like a puppy.
"I can sense the magic flowing off you...your a powerful wizard young one." said Rowena.
"I am apparently a Rank M." Harry told them.
The Founders stared at there heir until Godric whistled.
"Damn kid your strong." he said.
"Strong would be a understatement." said Susan Bones.
"That must be why Sarota wanted you to talk to us so we could help train you." said Helga.
Silence before Cho decided to speak up.
"That would make sense seeing as how The Founders were some of the most powerful wizards of all time and since obviously Harry does not trust Dumbledore *Cue glares here* It would seem most logical for that to happen." she said.
"Sweet I get to train my heir HAHA must be like my great great great great something grandson!" Godric replied with a laugh.
Harry then immediately knew where his family got there jokester attitude from.
The hall laughed at that.
"Pup no doubt about it Remus and I will teach you the special art of pranking." Sirius said with a smile.
Harry smiled back and once again the teachers shudered at the thought of Sirius and Remus teaching Harry.
"Speaking of which what house are you in?" asked Helga.
"Mine obviously he is MY main heir you know." said Godric.
"He is pretty bright Godric I expect he is in MY house." said Rowena.
"Your both wrong his cunning and ambition are great also he is obviously a Parselmouth seeing as how he entered my chamber." said Salazar.
"Sorry but your all wrong..I was kicked out of Gryffindor by my own best friends one of which was faking it the whole time." Harry said.
The Gryffindors tensed and glares were thrown at both Hermione and Ron.
Harry told his ancestors what happened to him lately and when he was done there was silence from the four. Then Godric went into a rage.
Every single Gryffindor paled and some even began to cry at thinking a man they looked up to the founder of there house was disgusted with them. McGonagall looked liked she had been kicked in the gut.
"Calm yourself Godric they didn't just hurt our heir my house was responsible as well..truly a shame no matter what my houses status is among the world today they should be kind loyal people..not...not like that." said Helga.
Professor Sprout and a lot the Hufflepuffs frowned and some even let some tears dropped as the woman who was there founder was disappointed with them. The only ones who were not that upset were Cedric Diggory, Susan Bones and Hannah Abott who all three believed they deserved what came to them.
"My house is full of stuck up snobs who think that because they got into my house there better than everyone else and smarter than the others. Being in Ravenclaw was meant for you to be kind and spread knowledge around the world..not be stuck snobs or bullies to those who are not...thats not worthy of the knowledge of my house...especially bullies...I rememberer when..when I was bullied.." Rowena said before she started to cry a bit and Helga comforted her.
Professor Flitwick bowed his head in shame and the Ravenclaws either bowed there heads, cried or paled as they heard that there founder was sad at what they had done and become, all except a white blonde haired girl.
"My house is full of of... inbreeding SWINE! Thinking 'Pure-blood' is better than everyone else!? I was a orphan for Merlins sake I am no pure-blood extremist hell someone with MY own blood tried to use my dear Sarota to KILL CHILDREN! Muggle-borns are important for are race to survive! I am disgusted at these so called 'Death Eaters' and that disgrace of my house name!" Salazar stated with anger.
The hall gasped at that one and the Slytherins paled and some even began to cry in a rare act of emotion. Daphne, Cyrus, Astoria, Draco and Lucius and Umbridge all paled and Snape *Who was already so pale* frowned and some even began to hug themselves. Salazar Slytherin thought of muggle-borns as important to the Wizarding World the whole Slytherin rumor was a lie...a big fat lie.
Harry processed this information with wide eyes.
"Your...your not a muggle-born hater?" asked Harry.
Salazar scowled. "Of course not muggle-borns are delightful sure they can be a bit annoying but most don't cause much trouble." he replied.
The Slytherins were still in shock at that and most were gapping at the book.
"But why did you leave Hogwarts and build The Chamber of Secrets? It was said you didn't want muggle-borns in the school!" Harry replied.
Salazar growled and glared at the Hair. "I didn't want NOT to teach muggle-borns I wanted too believe me HOWEVER think about when I was around still. Magic was frowned upon and we were hunted down for it. I thought that too many students would give us away. I never meant for just pure-bloods to be allowed heck I even kicked some of them out. As to why I left was to study more magic...I did end up returning however." he said.
The Slytherin way was being shut down and it was crumbling. Everything they thought they knew was a lie.
Harry was a bit shocked at this revelation but accepted it deciding to like this new look on Salazar Slytherin.
After talking for a bit Harry decided to go to sleep while The Founders decided to plan there training ideas and how they would be able to move around.
"I say Harry takes several of the other portraits so we can move to the main areas of are rooms." said Helga.
Salazar nodded at that.
"Indeed that would be wise however we must decide where and who will teach him what." he said.
The hall was listening with rapt attention not wanting to miss a single detail of how The Founders talked to each other.
"Il teach my boy the art of sword fighting and other melee form of combat as well as get him into some good old blacksmithing and maybe some riding lessons as well...just from inside of course." said Godric with a grin.
The Gryffindors looked a bit upset that Harry was going to be trained by non other than Godric Gryffindor himself.
"Good idea seeing as how out of us four your the best at those types of things you can train him in The Hall of Honor." said Helga.
Ron Weasly sneered at the thought of 'Potter' who obviously was now a no good Dark Lord in training disgracing the room of Godric Gryffindor himself. 'I am the only worthy one allowed in that room! I am a true Gryffindor unlike Potter...' Ron thought.
"I will teach the young man all about knowledge and many types of history and magic ohhh and certain charms and special rituals...and—"
"We get it Rowena you be basically his main teacher when it comes to school work." Salazar said.
The Ravenclaws sighed at how lucky Harry was.
"I can teach the boy all about healing arts and other kind useful things to help others and himself. OH I know I should also teach him how to act around children OHHH this will be FUN!" said a excited Helga.
The Hufflepuffs gave a small smile at how there Founder acted.
"I will teach young Harry all about Parseltounge as well as proper forms and pure-blood much as I hate it and I will also teach him how to be more cunning...and some of my own special magic." Salazar said.
Once again the Slytherins frowned.
Once The Founders decided there plan they decided to rest for a while.
The next morning Harry awoke and got up. After eating breakfast *With some help from Dobby*
"Huh?" said many in the hall while Harry smiled.
"Who is Dobby?" asked Hannah Abott.
"Dobby is my house elf friend." said Harry.
"Ohhh!" said those who understood.
Harry left out into the main hall way only to be called back by Salazar Slytherin.
"Young Harry we understand your current situation and would be honored to help are heir control his magic." he said to Harry.
Harry smiled but frowned when he noticed it was only Salazar in the portrait.
"The others must have already went to there special ones." said Cedric Diggory.
"Where are the others Salazar?" Harry asked.
"They went on ahead to there other portraits because you see young Harry we are going to train you." he said.
Harry blinked once..then again until he shook his head and focused on Salazar.
"Hold on a minute your not joking?" Harry asked.
"Are you an idiot Potter of course he is not joking." said a random Slytherin.
Glares were thrown towards the voices direction.
"Of course not young Harry we are apparently the only strong wizards you can trust right now besides I highly doubt anyone above ground could train you the way we could." said Salazar.
Harry nodded his head but couldn't help but feel excitement rolling off him. Unfortunately for him Salazar laughed slightly when he saw Harry's magical essence rolling off in joyful waves.
"Oh yes we have much work to do indeed." Salazar said.
The hall chuckled a bit at that but were still impressed with Harry's power.
Harry smiled sheepishly at him but was surprised to see Helga there with Salazar now.
"Hello dear Harry I just came to tell Salazar and you that the others are still preparing so Sal you can go first." she said.
"Thank you Helga tell Godric and Rowena that I will teach him for a hour before we switch." he replied back.
Helga then walked off the portrait probably heading back to either her own or another.
"Most likely one of the other Founders." said Rodger Davis.
Harry turned to Salazar. "What will I be doing today Salazar?" Harry asked his new teacher.
Salazar turned to Harry. "First off you will call me Master Slytherin." he said to Harry in a now stern tone that commanded respect.
"Yes Master Slytherin." Harry replied on instinct.
The hall was listening once again however they were excited to hear about Salazar Slytherins teaching methods.
"Now to begin I want you to meditate in the center of the room. Think about calming thoughts let your mind rest." he said to Harry.
Harry did as he was told and began to meditate thinking about the good times he had with Ron and Hermione.
Hermione smiled a bit at that but frowned as the next line was read.
However thoughts of there betrayal entered his mind and he began to get upset and angry. Flashes of Ron being a jerk flashed by and Hermione just standing there flashed by as well. Harry barely could hear the sound of Salazar yelling at him.
The hall once again glared at Hermione *Who was saying sorry to Harry over and over again* and Ron *Who was trying REALLY hard to become invisible.*
"HARRY!" Salazar roared at Harry who's magic were coming off in emerald green waves of pure anger and sadness which was causing things around the room to move around wildly.
"Wow that is strong." said Susan Bones.
Harry awoke and then took notice around the room and frowned at himself. "I am sorry Master Slytherin I failed what you asked for." he said to him.
Salazar looked back at Harry with a gaze that was stern but cheerful. "Young Harry there is nothing to be sorry about you merely went farther ahead with a different approach to what I asked you to do. We will get to how to control your anger later but we need to learn how your magical aura reacts to certain emotions." Salazar said to him.
The hall agreed with that statement.
"Now try again to think about calmer things happy moments that won't lead to anger." Salazar said to him.
Harry once again went into a meditation stance and closed his eyes and began to think about other things.
Flashes of Sirius and him hugging and talking along with flashes of Remus and him. Flashes of his parents pictures came by along with flashes of when he first got his wand and how he caught his first snitch.
The hall smiled at these thoughts. Remus and Sirius were smiling at Harry and the hall looked at him with small smiles remembering when he got his first snitch. Hermione was sad however he couldn't think of any moments with her that didn't get him angry.
But the thing that surprised him most of all was when flashes of him with Daphne came by. Her smile and her hitting him in the head at his 'Gryffindor' acts.
The hall looked at a wide eyed Daphne and a blushing Harry. Daphne's parents smiled at there wide eyed daughter and Astoria smirked at her sister. Ginny Weasley however was not happy...not one bit.
Harry then opened to a smiling Salazar.
"Well done Harry that was much better. However something was off with the final moments of your magical essence. The others seemed to be of happiness but something else was in the other one." Salazar said.
The older wizards gave a small smile at the blushing Harry and the now confused Daphne.
Harry was puzzled at this but decided to explore it later. "Master Slytherin whats next?" Harry asked.
Salazar was about to reply when he noticed the time.
"I am afraid Young Harry that is all we have time for today seeing as how The First Task is going to start in 30 minutes." said Salazar.
The hall gasped and looked at the worried looking Harry and the extremely worried Sirius and Remus.
Harry nodded and ran to head out of the chamber he had a dragon to fight.
"Thats the chapter." said McGonagall.
The hall began to whisper excitedly however Amelia Bones stood up and began to speak.
"Students would you all please leave the hall for a while, all except the Weasley family." she said.
Harry and the others began to leave but not before Sirius handed Harry a port key.
"Here Harry go and get those blocks of yours removed while me and Remus deal with the 'Traitors' ok?" Sirius asked him.
Harry nodded and walked away.
Just as he was about to use the port key a blonde haired blue eyed Slytherin grabbed on to him and went with him.

Harry Potter The Dark PhoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora