Chapter 3

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How is everyone doing? i hope all of you are doing well and healthy, enjoying your summer. I truly want to thank every single person for reading and rating the previous chapters. It truly means alot to me that people are actually reading and gave me their attention. Thank you so much and hope you like the new chapter. Lately i've watched jujutsu Kaisen and this anime is like a flashback to the naruto show. So familiar yet different in a unique way. If you had watched it tell me did you like it?


Snowflakes fell down covering the prison once green leafy garden. It was filled with this beautiful white color of the snowflakes, somehow it gives comfort. The white color seemed to make prisoners stare in amazement maybe even happiness. The only comfort they feel is in the change of seasons, like it gives them hope. the prison was built around a garden but it was built in a way that even sunlight hardly light up the place as if they were literally living in the shadows. Mai looked around the walls covering the garden almost suffocating it, the white snow flakes covered most of it like an ivy plant, it extends along the tall prison walls. 

'One hour,30 minutes and 5 seconds left' Mai though as she walked around the garden looking at the inmates, she was forced to meet.

Her eyes skipped from the one who lost himself to his bloodlust, forgot any taste of food except for the blood, their rage was blinding them numbing their senses, and the ones who found peace and security here, their beliefs changed from ones willing to fight and kill to ones willing to save sacrifice their lives for others, how they got there? it's something beyond Mai's mind. Then here comes the ones Mai feared the most, the quiet ones, they entered quietly and got out quietly, all they did was look around scan the place, their minds work more than anyone else, imagine living in a closed cell quietly for years and all you could do is think. It is the most deadly thing anyone could do. And that was Mai. She entered quietly and walked out quietly. 

"You know what I want?" Asked Sanjo interrupting Mai's train of thoughts. Her dark silky brown hair was pinned into a low messy bun, a few strands of hair covered her face, hiding a small scar near her check bone that result from being an orphan in the ninja world. Her red eyes scanned the area. A habit both females couldn't get rid of, they were always cautious. And that's what life is for them.

"I always wanted vengeance, you see this scar is from the ninja world and my parents mistakes. Of course nobody would understand this but sometimes younger people sadly had to pay the mistakes of the elder ones." She said kneeling down drawing on the snow with a random wooden stick.

"When I got caught.... I was a ball of rage that would explode anytime.... slowly I lost my desire to vengeance . I realized that revenge is endless. Someone has to stop and accept to it just to end this endless cycle."

She said standing up, abanding the stick as she wrapped her hands against her pants getting rid of the tiny snowflakes.

"Why are you telling me this?" Mai asked tucking a strand of her golden hair behind her ears. a small smirk made it's way on her face.

"Don't worry not to advice you..." said Sanjo smiling.

"I know you want are just angry, sad and hurt. But deep down you want peace. So when you are tired and had enough you know where to find me." Said Sanjo smiling softly at Mai.

"Mai Senji" her name was called out loud disturbing the loud voices of the inmates. She looked at the armed ninjas waiting for her at the gate.

Mai stood up straight, she looked back at her prison mate.

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