16. Their Tryst

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"I am so scared", Mehek whimpered while looking outside and gasped, "Why is it so dark outside?". Shaurya had turned off the screen and tried his best to detangle her from him, "Mehek, relax. It's just late evening. While watching movies, we didn't realise how many hours passed". Her innocent touches were arousing him. It was becoming embarrassingly evident that he was susceptible to her proximity. He desperately tried to keep distance from her. "You must be hungry. Perhaps an early dinner will be best. Shall we reheat dishes from fridge?", while waiting for her reply, he looked down his hardened member. Soon he gave up the options to be with her,  "Forget it.  Let's order dinner. What would you like to order? Let me grab my phone", he tried to escape. "Shaurya, no", she quickly held onto him, "don't leave me. I am so scared".

"I am not hungry", Mehek spoke hastily in fear, "let's stay here". "No I can't", Shaurya refused, earning reproachful glares from her. "Can't hold your hunger?", she sneered at him. "Not when you are triggering me", he replied haughtily. "What do you mean?", he pulled his collar, challenging him. "I mean this", he snapped, pulled her neck to slam his lips on her. His raw attempt to punish her soon became passionate when she responded ardently. 

Mehek didn't know when but she was already straddling Shaurya's hips. Her warm core could feel his hardness. "I want you, Mehek", he told her hoarsely, "I know you want me too". She didn't deny but couldn't accent. Her silence made him anxious. Perhaps, he is rushing so he awaited to hear from her. "I do", she replied letting few moments pass, "but...". But. A single word from her was enough to dampen his spirits. He gulped hard devising ways to consoling his raging member. "But not here", she spoke shyly looking around. He tried hard not to raise his expectation but failed. He couldn't stop grinning when she gestured to their bedroom.

Mehek held his wrist and led them to their room. Patience is a virtue. His mind chanted but he forcefully silenced it. As soon she secured their bedroom room, he pounced on her. Lust, hunger, impatience...he didn't know which emotion ruled him. He just wanted to satiate his desire. Slow down. Pleasure her. Bring her to the edge. He knew it was right way. Yet he couldn't, not when her matching vigour is fanning his excitement. 

He pushed her to bed, while she was catching her breath, he swiftly discarded his cloths. Her shyness didn't affect him so he freed her from barrier of clothing as well. In moments they were skin to skin while still battling with tongues. Protection. He knew they have to be careful. Somewhere in his luggage, he has a pack of cond*ms which Vivaan had tossed in humorously while they started their journey. But he couldn't spare a moment away from the tempting woman beneath him. 

She cried out when he thrusted into her. He wanted to slow down but his body wasn't compliant. He went on in steady rhythm until she started to moan sinfully. She was gathering him closer as if it wasn't enough. They both wanted to devour one another while blinded in passion. Soon she shuddered around him, milking his member. By then he gained enough sense to pull out, spilling himself on her stomach.

Passion burned down. Leaving lingering effect of satisfaction. They cuddled while enjoying warmth of their bodies. He used his discarded shirt to wipe her clean and covered their naked bodies with duvet. Once comfortable beneath the sheets, he asked her softly, "Did I hurt you?". She slowly shook his head. With a shy smile, she replied, "I enjoyed it". He smiled, evidently her reply boosted his pride. He rubbed his stubble on her shoulder. "Perhaps, I will like sweet lovemaking more", she giggled as if mocking him, "maybe next time". "I am ready for second round", he whispered into her hear ear, tickling her. She laughed softly, "I would like that". Sensing her playfulness, he moved himself closer to her. When his hardness poked her b*tt, she gasped in surprise. "I wasn't joking, Wifey", he dared her while rubbing himself again on her soft skin. She took a deep breath, "Neither was I".

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