15. The Grey Patch

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Shaurya was gazing at the star studded sky when Mehek arrived with hot cocoa. They were enjoying their time in terrace. She noticed that he appeared to be calm & happy.

It's been few days since Pranati visited them. Now known to entire neighbourhood that Pranati is settled with Manav. Their parents did a small ceremony to wed them amidst close family members. Shaurya stayed away but managed to work through it keeping his head high. He knew many are talking behind his back, few even laughing at him. But he didn't care, not anymore.

"You are doing great. I know it is difficult", Mehek appreciated. "It is", Shaurya agreed, "it would have been tougher if I was alone", he intertwined their fingers, "I am happy that you are with me". She looked away shyly meanwhile wind played with her hair. He caressed her hair. Soon his finger traced her face and held her chin. When he placed chaste kiss on her lips, she blushed yet soon her face contorted with confusion. "What are we, Shaurya?", she asked him. 

Shaurya exhaled, "I am not sure but I really like whatever we are, Mehek". "Are you sure, Shaurya?", she asked again, "I don't want to be a bandage over your wounded heart or bruised ego". "I can ask the same to you", he was not pleased, "even you are on rebound". "Me and Reyansh were not in a romantic relationship", she chided, "you don't know anything about us or even me". She tried to walk away angrily but he stopped her, "then tell me. I want to know". She paused being thoughtful before nodding.

"All my childhood, I craved for mother's love and care", Mehek said sadly, "so naturally I always desperately sought her approval". She held onto the cup as if anchoring herself, "It never worked. I failed to be her perfect daughter. Soon I became a rebel teenager just to tick her. With time, our relationship turned sour", she inhaled sharply, "she always taunted that I will naively end up with some gold digger. She bluntly put it out that no man from a respectable family will be take my hand without any ill intention. Perhaps her bitter words hurt me a lot. I maintained a high status for Mr. Right and chased away all men who wanted to date me. Perhaps few of them would have been genuinely interested in me but I didn't want to risk it. I was waiting for the best". She laughed mocking herself, "then out of blue, my childhood crush Mr. Reyansh Khurana proposed me. In my eyes was perfect with all boxes ticked. Rich, handsome, reputed family background,  educated...so why not? More than him, I was in love with idea of marrying him. I wanted to show the world, especially my mother that finally I bagged the best fish".

"All for nothing. It all turned out just the way my mother predicted", Mehek cried in frustration, "I was looking forward for a perfect life with Reyansh. He made me believe in the fairy tale only to shatter it brutally", she laughed at her folly, "He was after my wealth, my shares", she covered her face and wept. Shaurya quickly got beside her and helped her to nearby seat. He rubbed her sides to pacify her. "If he wanted those shares, he would have just told me. I would have gladly given him in turn of keeping my fairy tale wedding intact". He shook his head. "Just to keep up a fake status, you would have destroyed your whole life. Why Mehek?", he was aghast, "you deserve much better. Never ever think of compromising for lesser". 

Mehek looked at him adorably while Shaurya wiped away her tears. "I already hate this Reyansh guy. But I appreciate him a bit since before it was too late, his conscience snitched him to tell you the truth", he spoke vehemently. "Do you really mean it?", she asked him. "Yeah, I don't like him but he did one good deed", Shaurya explained but she shook her head. "Not about Reyansh", she laughed silly, "When you mentioned I deserve better", she asked anxiously. "Ofcourse.  100% You are special and precious. If one can't see it then they are probably retarded or simply ignorant or plan jealous", he assured her. She hugged his tightly.

"Mehek, I don't know what we are", Shaurya revealed his mind, "but whatever we are, I wish to nurture it and let it blossom. I want us to work it out". She released her hold on his to look into his eyes. Except for sincerity, she didn't find any malice in them. "Forget our twisted past and useless fiances. Chuck the stupid contract. Damn with this fake marriage", he hissed the words with disgust, "would you like to start afresh? Let's try to make it out of this grey patch. Can we give an honest attempt to make us work?", he asked her earnestly.

"I would love to", her reply gave him the world. He cupped her face and kissed her softly. She responded tenderly with love. Before they could deepen their expression of love, they heard Resmi calling out for Mehek. "She will be there in a moment, Ma", Shaurya told loudly, then tried to resume their make out. But Mehek pushed him playfully and ran away giggling.

"I am so confused what to wear", Resmi exclaimed while spreading collection of designer sarees on the bed. "Anything will look good on you, Ma", Mehek praised her, "but I think this one is a good choice". Resmi also agreed. They tried to find matching accessories and handbag for her. Once everything was settled and packed, Resmi sighed.  "I don't want to leave my kids alone", Resmi revealed her turmoil, "but this get together was planned long back. Many of my friends are coming from afar. It will look if I back out". "It's okay, Ma", Mehek smiled at her, "you go and enjoy". "Tomorrow maid and cook will also not come as it is their weekly off", Resmi was worried, "I have made dishes today and kept it in fridge. You can reheat and eat". "Ma, don't worry", Shaurya too joined them, "we will manage". "Perhaps, you can take Mehek out for lunch or dinner. Some good restaurants deliver here too", Resmi suggested. "We will work out something", Shauyra held his mother before the mirror, "go my rockstar. Show your friends you are still the glamour queen". Resmi blushed while both Shaurya & Mehek laughed at her shyness.

Next morning, Mehek helped Resmi to get ready for the reunion. After breakfast, Resmi left to attend the function. The couple waved at her until she disappeared from their line of sight. "Now what shall we do for the day?", Mehek asked Shaurya. "Movie marathon", his suggestion made her joyous. "First let's make some snacks", he held her hands, rushing them inside the home. Next few hours, they spend exploring the kitchen for supplies and preparing yummy snacks. Mehek was amazed by Shaurya talent in cooking and admired the food he prepared. She helped him to serve them into vessels. Finally they had enough snacks to sustain for many hours. They huddled infront of the television while Shaurya played an action packed movie. They didn't realise when they both leaned to one another enjoying the movie.

Action movie was followed by a thriller and then a comedy. It was almost noon and Mehek felt tired. "Let's move and watch next in our bedroom", Shaurya quickly turned off the tv. She was happy to take his cue. "What are we going to watch now?", she asked him. "Something that will ward off your sleep", he told after thinking for a moment. "Horror?", she was taken aback. He laughed and pushed her into their bedroom. They made themselves comfortable on bed after Shaurya had pulled down the curtains. Despite being noon, the room became dark and cold. He then pulled out his laptop. 

Shaurya smiled viciously, looking at Mehek who was already anticipating scares. When he settled his device for them to watch, her eyes widened, "Shaurya this is an Adults only certified movie". "Aren't you an adult?", he feigned surprise, "did I wed an underaged kid?". She slapped his arm playfully while he chuckled. "I meant it will be really scary and gore", she moved closer to him. Realising that his motive is achieved, he murmured to himself, "More fun".

Once the movie started, Mehek clung to Shaurya. With every scare, she hid her face against his chest and fisted her hand into his shirt. He was enjoying every moment of it while pretending to comfort her. But soon he realised, he got more than he had bargained. 

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