12. All that Glitters

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Mehek toyed with her handset. She was still indecisive whether make the call or not. She sighed in dismay, wondering why it was so difficult to make a choice on a trivial matter. Partly she was to be blamed too.

Over the years, Mehek deliberately distanced herself from her mother. It was a defensive act to save herself being hurt. Eventually space amidst them have grown so much that she rarely cared. But now when she dwells in Ahlawat house under love & care of an affectionate Ma, she yearns to have atleast a decent relationship with her mother. Mayhap, a slight effort from her side is all that is needed. She finally gathered enough courage to call her mother. She held the handset closer to ear while the call went ahead. After a couple of rings, it was answered. Mehek thanked her stars as it was not her mother's secretary who attended the call.

"Mrs. Nandita Maan speaking", Mehek heard stern voice of mother. As usual brimming with pride of a successful entrepreneur while lacking any warmth of motherhood. Undoubtedly, her mother has her number stored, leading her fully aware that it is Mehek on the other side. Yet she chose to address her formally as if it is a formal call. Mehek painfully realised that they had little amidst them to save. 

The word Mom hung at the tip on her tongue but Mehek gulped it painfully. "This is Mehek", she replied coldly. "Hmmm", Nandita acknowledged carelessly, "what do you want?". Tears brimmed in Mehek's eyes while she stood speechless. Apart from transactional dialogues, her mother didn't even enquire about her well-being. "Have you landed yourself in trouble again?", Nandita enquired sensing her distressful silence, "What is it this time, Mehek? Is your new so called husband troubling you? Or is it his family?", Nandita was in dismay even without listening to her daughter, "When will I have some peace of mind?", her mother sneered. "No, I am fine", Mehek denied her questions vehemently, "Shaurya and family are good people. They are treating me well".

"Oh! Really?", Nandita mocked her daughter, "I wonder how long will it last until they show their true colours?". "Not everyone is selfish and greedy", Mehek retorted,"There are still good people out there". She didn't know why but she had an immense want to defend Shaurya and his family. Nandita laughed, taunting her. "You are too naïve, Mehek. Every individual in this world have their own motive. It may not be always money, perhaps fame or power or something more sinister", Nandita preached her, "eventually they will shed their masks. It can't be avoided. I am just trying to ensure that you are not shocked when it happens". 

Mehek scoffed as she was sure Shaurya will not be part of her mother's generalisation. "When are you coming back after your fake-honeymoon-slash-vacation-with-in-laws? Don't forget that you have a business to run. You need it to survive when the entire charade is over", Nandita reminded her. "We will be back in a week or so. I will bring Shaurya to meet you as you have instructed", she spoke formally. "Not that I want to meet him", Nandita was exasperated, " but appearances need to be kept to confirm that your marriage is real. You have pulled me into this mess, along with name of Maan family", Nandita sighed as she was never in favour of the fake marriage fiasco.

"I will ask Sonal to fix a meeting after checking your schedule with your secretary. I am sure you are busy", Mehek couldn't extend their call, "Bye, Mrs. Maan", she disconnected the call. She held her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from wailing. She wished atleast for once her mother could behave more humane to her. Her life had turned upside down in past few weeks but her mother never even once called to check on her. Often she wondered whether Nandita Maan is her real mother. But she knew the truth that her own mother despised her. 

When Mehek turned, she was shocked that Shaurya stood few steps behind. From his strained expression, it was clear that he had heard it all. She couldn't hold herself more and broke into tears. He was quick to hug her, providing solace for her shattered mind. "She hates me. My mom hates me", she whimpered. "Not she doesn't ", he consoled her, "I am sure she loves you. Perhaps she may not be expressive". "You don't understand, Shauyra", she sobbed, "she never took care of me the way Ma does. I was never a priority for her. Just a burdening responsibility". He shook his head, "People are never the same, Mehek. Your mother is extremely different. Her ways of showing love may be crude. But I am sure she does care for you". "You don't know her", Mehek rebuked him in sadness. "But I know you", he touched her nose, "and none can remain angry at you for long, let alone dislike".

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