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                    SHAKURR poked the side of his jaw with his tongue as he watched his long term girlfriend now turned ex, flirt in another man's face

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SHAKURR poked the side of his jaw with his tongue as he watched his long term girlfriend now turned ex, flirt in another man's face. Shakurr watched from a comfortable distance as he hovered over the bar, at a club which he frequently came to along with majority of his friends and people he got to know while attending college. Shakurr looked down at the Hennessy that was in his glass cup with no ice, he had drank a little before coming, drank some more in the car and a little on the way. He was celebrating.

He had just turned twenty-one, and saw it was the perfect time to celebrate in his favorite club.Shakurr was finally able to attend the club  no longer needing a fake I.D or one of his older friends to bribe the bouncers to let him in. He could enjoy the club all by himself.That celebration quickly came to a halt when he noticed his ex, Tanya, in another man's face.

       "Do my eyes deceive me or is that yo' girl?" Shakurr friend, Gemini told him. Shakurr sucked his teeth cutting his eyes at the sight of them and looking directly at Gemini, clenching his jaw.

" Nah, she ain't mine no mo', and the way she already in another nigga face she never was." Shakurr responded bitterly, they had only been broken up for a month but it seemed to him like just yesterday , he was bitter that only he was the heartbroken one.And it made sense, seeing as though he was the one that got dumped.

"How long y'all was together again?"

"2 years, if you even count that, the way we was on and off."

"That's a long ass time nigga, and you just gone let ha' prance ha ass around in another nigga face, with you watching?"

"The fuck imma do? She ain't my girlfriend anymore." Gemini scoffed.

"The way you clenching yo jaw and fist say other wise buddy, all i'm saying is..Me personally? I ain't letting that shit go especially on my birthday." Gemini patted Shakurr on the back as Shakurr ordered another glass of Hennessy before leaning over the counter as Gemini words repeated in his head over and over.

Shakurr tried his best to not let the scene that was unfolding in front of him phase him.He tried to pay attention to something else but it felt like everyone else was moving in slow motion and all he could see was Tanya .Shakurr tipsy off the many drinks he had stood up off the chair he was sitting at and walked over.Shakurr told himself he was just going to say hi, but something deep down told him he was about to do a lot more.

Tanya noticed Shakurr in the distance, glaring and making his way over making her curse under her breath as if she's been caught. Tanya was not doing anything wrong but seeing his face, she felt like she did.She knew how Shakurr could be and knew this was about to be a very long night.

"Hi, Shakurr." Tanya said calmly with a slight attitude holding up her hand exposing her full set of medium length french tips.

"Who's this?"

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