This is my type

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Merida absolutely loved to write. She felt she was born to write and she wanted more than anything be able to do something in her life that involved writing. Finally, in high school her junior year she found a creative writing class and she created writing club in school her sophomore year. She was truly dedicated to writing. She couldn't imagine her life without writing. She started her writing in third grade and had her teacher published her book. The book was amazing and got put in as a children's book. Later on in high school there have been some let downs and up sides to being able to know how to have really good writing. But being in high school everyone had a boyfriend and girlfriend. Except her. And her friends always push her to give up writing for a little bit. after much hesitation, she finally tries it out and goes on dates realizing there is more to life than just writing. She found someone that matches a character in her book that she once wrote. The further the relationship goes the more the character and story of her life matches the book. Is she living the life of her book or is it just coincidence?

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