Addicted to Love

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This story next year I am trying to write so I can turn it in for a writing class. Please vote for this. If I get 20 votes I will publish my story on wattpad. Please please share.

Addicted to love

Having someone say they love you or show they love you, especially a boy, makes you feel so special. The thing is I can't date until I'm sixteen and I have more than 6 months away. Ever since I was little I would always say I am going to wait until I'm sixteen to date. And that stuck true. Then High school came. Freshman year came and flew right past me. And now being a sophomore in High School I can't possibly wait to turn sixteen. So I went ahead and broke the rule. I had a boyfriend. And being me, I thought I could handle being in a relationship and also love it. Going on dates, hanging out with your boyfriend, holding hands, kissing. And that is exactly what happened. But what I didn't know until that day came, the day after I got asked out, I really wasn't ready.

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