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(new character is NEXT chapter. Sorry y'all, I misread my chapter notes ( ・ั﹏・ั)

The alpha is giving the silvernette a suspicious look-over when the three of them regroup at the back of the pack.

He's crouching when he turns human, reminding gently, "Try not to wander, Little One. Protocol is that you should stay in front of me, so I can see you."

Felix narrows his eyes, thinking of a couple different circumstances that would require Chan to actually lead them but he refrains from transforming just to mouth off.

The alpha seems to get the point he was trying to make anyway, though, because he sighs and says, "There are always special circumstances that make exceptions to rules but just... bear with me, alright? I want to keep us all safe."

Oh ten feet away; so scary.

The silvernette huffs, embittered that Chan didn't even ask why he stayed behind. But oh well; it's not like Felix wants to sound like an insubordinate and paranoid loner.

They are literally in the middle of the woods: of course there are going to be other creatures moving about. He knows how stupid he will sound.

Apparently Jeongin doesn't.

"You should tell him if something is bothering you, Lix-hyung."

The glare he sends the youngest would make even the strongest of wolves submit; Jeongin ducks his head.

Chan glances between them in uncertainty. "...Is there?"

If he says he saw something, that he felt like he was being watched or was uncomfortable in any way, then he'd probably be sent hom- back to the pack house. And then Felix's pack hunt days will be over.

He would kiss freedom, and the outdoors itself, goodbye; he knows how protective the alpha is. He knows that Chan won't take any chances.

The omega shakes his head, sitting on the ground in a suggestion that the only reason they're all still waiting here is because the two of them are still in their human forms.

The brunette sighs, and the raven-haired boy gives an awkward smile.

Jeongin turns back into a wolf and goes a few paces ahead, looking at the silvernette expectantly to join him.

"I trust you, you know," The elder says only loud enough for Felix to hear, "If you need anything, I'll be here."

If he trusted him, then he would have confessed that Felix was only brought along to be a mask for Jeongin. If he trusted him, then he wouldn't have scolded him the first chance he got. If he trusted him, then he wouldn't be eyeing him right now like Felix is keeping some secret (which... he is, like a few secrets to be exact, but that's besides the point; Chan should just believe that he isn't).

"I should... put more trust in you, I should rely on you; because that's what friends do, that's what sets friends apart from pack members, right?"

Felix sniffs indifferently, following after the raven-colored wolf without giving the alpha another glance.

Maybe pack hunts were one of those 'special circumstances' where neither of them have to do the things they agreed to work on. Maybe Felix is just tired after a sleepless night and feeling petty.

Either way, Chan releases another sigh and transforms.

The hunt continues.

(Short one but there will be more in the next day or so! Literally just need to fill in a gap on the chapter since I wrote a beginning and an end to it already lol)

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